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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread. - January 20, 2020

    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread. - January 20, 2020

    [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread. - January 20, 2020

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Do you need help selecting your main character? Are you new to the game and don't know where to start? Are you hesitating between two classes or what will be your next character link skill/character card?

    Feel free to ask any questions regarding the class selection and our community will try their best to answer them for you.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I have a dream...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    That in 2020, Nexon will implement some player-suggested changes to the game.

    I'm making a list of positive changes that would improve game play and quality of life on Maple and I want some suggestions from you all. This list will include changes that only Nexon as a whole would be able to do anything about as well as some things Nexon America could work on. I won't be mentioning the new Phantom Forest on here as that deserves a whole post dedicated to it.

    I'm gonna submit this to Nexon by the end of the week and I'll continually edit this with your comments and credit them with your Reddit name unless you ask to be anonymous.

    Community Favorites

    • Bring back a way to earn pottable badges or at least make the ones we have transferable within your own account
    • Fix the memory leak issue
    • Fix Jett


    • Switch buffs that have a 100% up-time to toggle skills. ex: Maple Warrior, Weapon Booster
    • Reduce the cast time of 5th job decent skills
    • Add the ability to macro 5th job decent skills
    • Increase the amount of link skills you can use at once, even if just by two


    • De-bug Hard Lotus and Hard Damien
    • Change Hard Lotus' ground lightning to a map attack instead of a boss attack so binds don't delay the lightning
    • Add the option to choose which phase you want to practice on in practice mode - AxelChannel
    • Remove the clear count from bosses like Chaos Root Abyss where your party clears after you have died out/disconnected - AxelChannel

    Cash Shop

    • Make MVP rewards selectable day to day. If you're paying $300 a month to keep a rank, you should be able to choose your rewards.
    • Make the cash shop accessible to all characters on an account regardless of class. Why should you be cut off from your own cash items?


    • Make all untradeable collectible items such as medals and chairs transferable within your own account
    • Make all same items stackable
    • Revert the buff freezer, safety charm, and respawn tokens bought from Matilda to permanent items until used
    • Make Arcane Symbols and Droplets drop past Esfera


    • Update the chat filter to ignore censored words made up of two separate words. ex: if you type "symbols in" you get "sym**** *n" I don't even know what a bolsi is
    • Expand how many items your pets can ignore
    • Add a way to remove unwanted quests from the Maple Mailbox lightbulb
    • Reopen the Tespia Server and add incentive to find bugs
    • Make all cut scenes skippable
    • Change the burning field mechanic to reset the burning fall off timer when a FireStarter Ring is used. ex: Currently if you have a field at 90 burning with 5 minutes until it drops to 80 and a FSR is casted, the field will drop from 100 to 90 after 5 minutes rather than 15
    • Have all Game Masters actually play the game
    • Make the captcha when activating runes/herbs/minerals more visible. They're almost impossible to see sometimes especially if you're colorblind
    • Remove the need to input your PIC while working on nodes
    • Add a way to switch between characters faster than logging in and out
    • Add incentives to actually do party quests - dress-to-depress, bdo7boi
    • Remove Gloom's attacks in moonbridge maps - AxelChannel
    • Add a toggle/slider for window transparency while in combat - Fthku
    • Remove teleport delay on Explorer mage classes - Fthku
    • Add a medal holder similar to chair and soul bags - semperhijack
    • Make Zero available in Reboot - Gamer63200
    • Keep MVP buffs after disconnecting like exp coupons do - 1000Dragon
    • Add more chat functions such as letters from other regions. ex: åäö - E1336
    • Ability to toggle on and off on windows that pop up when logging on as well as add a save state to those windows. ex: Reward Points, Guide, News - E1336
    • While enhancing items, have safeguard be checked by default and only unchecked manually - IrresistablePizza
    • Remove the meso gain penalty when above a certain level - BanksterWolf
    • Nerf the Messenger of Darkness - HarbingerConquest
    submitted by /u/Wardine
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    Kanna hard lucid solo in 19 minutes

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:00 AM PST

    State of the game in 2020 for newer players?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Hello, I've been loosely following the state of Maplestory ever since I quit around the time kthxbye was fired, whenever that was. From what I read, with the removal of potable badges and the significant reduction in meso farming in reboot for non-endgame players, people getting into the game seem to have a huge disadvantage, so I haven't had any interest in getting back into the game. Add on to that random wrongful bans, support banning you if you request tickets on your wrongful ban, and overall bad experience with Nexon America during my time playing with low quality assurance and updates.

    However, my friend plays reboot and encouraged me and others to join, saying there was a burning event, so we could catch up. He says it's pretty fun and he didn't have to grind that much to get to 1 million range. I'd love to get back into the game since I used to love the game and the community, but I'm wary because when I left, the game looked to be in dire straits.

    Basically, what are the current weaknesses of the game, what are the strengths, why are you playing, and what's the current outlook?

    Smaller questions are, is the game still super buggy/laggy/prone to crashing, do I have to grind a lot to have fun/do a lot of the content, and is it hard to get into the game as a new player.

    I greatly appreciate any help on this matter.



    submitted by /u/mzchen
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    I was farming at byebye, then got 30 days ban, then appeal, then changed to perma ban

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:18 AM PST

    I suicided every 5 seconds.

    Unfortunately this was my last byebye farm because I was gonna make arcana kanna soon 😂

    byebye sengoku badge, 8k legion, adventurer pets and 3 perma pets.

    submitted by /u/fixkishin
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    Question about starforce

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:02 PM PST

    After getting 17 stars on all equips, do you guys usually aim for 21 stars or 22 stars with spare equip?

    From the starforce event, I was able to get my hat to 21 stars but boomed right away as it was going from 21 to 22 and I have heard that the chance of item destruction is basically like 50% going from 21 to 22. So I was wondering if you guys aim for 21 all first, then pursue 22? Or do you guys aim for 22 from the get go?

    submitted by /u/Yunhwayteriyaki
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    How to play blaster on controller?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Just got a controller and i'm not sure how to set it up to do blaster combos. Anybody with experience want to share their set up?

    submitted by /u/tuanthai4444
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    I can’t seem to pick a main

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I'm generally new to maple story I would say as I only have one level 200 pathfinder but that was with tera burning event and I could not stay with it. I know Pathfinder is about the best in ranking but I can't stay interested, I've tried a few classes to 4th job but lose interest... so I'm turning to reddit to look for advice. (Sorry if this wasn't a great question I'm quite new to all this...)

    submitted by /u/lunasenior
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    Why do ho young and kanna have different weapons

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:57 AM PST

    And why do mechanics even use a gun as their primary?

    Why does only Mihile exist but not the others?

    Pole arms don't really fit dark knights very well anymore

    Paladins should only use one or two handed maces, too many classes use swords

    Demon slayer should have been a mage and demon avenger the warrior that way they could finish the demon class line.. would love to see a devil hunter type demon archer using crossbows or Mercedes weapons And then dude maybe t he demon pirate could use dual pistols similar to dual blades?

    Path finder should have been a nova archer

    I really wish they would work more on finishing all the class lines like sengpku and nova instead of continuing to create weird outfetcjsd classes like zero or Miguel

    submitted by /u/onlyanger
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    Husky pet's cause me to get a weird igloo animation behind my character

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:55 PM PST

    Husky pet's cause me to get a weird igloo animation behind my character

    I have 3 husky pets and when I have 2 out it doesnt happen. But when I take out my 3rd, an igloo shows up behind my character.

    2 Pets - no igloo

    3 pets - igloo

    I dont know how to make it stop. I play a kanna on reboot and all the shit happening on the screen already annoys my eyes and half the time I cant see whats going on and now I have this dumb igloo showing up behind me when I meso farm. it fades in and out behind my character.

    submitted by /u/Epicstaar
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    Will utahs farm or anything like it be returning to GMS soon?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:34 PM PST

    Just wondering, to level mules for links/legion

    submitted by /u/HxHOnly
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    Guide to cubing?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST


    I'd like to know a few things about cubing items. There are a lot of different cubes and a lot of different ranks and potentials. If I would like to get really good gear, how should I approach this?

    From what I already understood, rare potentials have a +3% max on a stat. Epic has +6% max.

    What is the exact process of upgrading my gear? Add bonuses with stamps, or go for higher rarity?

    Can I have a "+3% INT, +3% INT, +3%INT as a rare stamped bonus? Or do double stat percentages only happen on Epic? And triple only on... Unique? Legendary?

    Should I aim for double %STAT first by getting my gear to Epic potentials? I assume it is harder to get +6%, +6% on a single item than a +3%, +3%. Am I right?

    submitted by /u/Jostabeere
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    Looking for a Reboot guild to join

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    Am an unfunded scrubnoob who is trying MS again after 4 years

    trying to get my NL to 200 before January ends to get the free fafnir claw

    Also i just saw kms getting Adele (she looks fun af) so i plan on staying active until she comes to gms

    also reallllly need ppl to help me run dragon rider for leafre set ;-;

    ign: zicomico

    submitted by /u/dmoccasins
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    Market/Auction House

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Hey everyone !

    So I came back to Maple after about 10 years or so off and everything changed.

    I see there's an auction house now but it seems like those are really top of the line items which are heavily upgraded. Is there a place to buy just like average stuff ? And not for $400mil per item? Haha. I'm pretty much un-funded so just wondering if there was a place to buy people's gear from like 100-200 without it being super expensive !

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/LudaaaaKris
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    Thinking of switching to regular server.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Title. I've been playing reboot on and off for a few years now. At first, the idea that I could be f2p and still progress made me choose reboot over regular servers. However, as I began to progress, the idea of spending hours meso farming made me want to switch over to regular servers(probably Bera). I don't plan to spend any money, but I also want to reach mid to endgame content. Thoughts on the switch? And does anyone have a regular server guide or would like to provide me with some guidelines? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Kynoyk
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    Monad xp

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I heard Monad gives pretty decent xp, I was wondering if the xp is consistent if you redo certain acts? Or are there more efficient ways of getting xp lol.

    submitted by /u/uw__failure
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    Root Abyss Moonlight Draught

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:30 PM PST

    I just got it recently from opening ra boxes, how rare is it really?

    submitted by /u/EidolonLux
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    level 170ish and failed my Tera Burning (ran outta time), but still want to keep my character. How should I proceed?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:24 PM PST


    Probably a stupid question, but I'm a massive noob and my personal research isn't getting me anywhere. Sorry in advance

    The weapons are gonna expire, I like the class (Hayato), I have a lot of really nice stuff on the character (cosmetics/pets). Haven't done any prequests/PQs or anything, and its kinda hard to kill stuff now. How should I improve my gear/character? What should I actually be doing?

    submitted by /u/Ouroboro_san
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    Help! Launcher doesn't detect game?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Nodestone droprate

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:41 AM PST

    Anyone else noticing a higher nodestone drop rate lately?

    I've gotten 7 nodestones today just from doing dailies (VJ - Arcana) with a level 9 DHS and big spider.

    submitted by /u/Tobi_Is_Tenten
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    Australian/oceanic guilds

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm a 240 WA looking for a good Aussie guild. I don't play to hardcore anymore. I'm part of spring now. But our time diff makes it too hard to participate in most things.

    submitted by /u/carcarn
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    [Reboot] Dea Sidus Earring?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:58 PM PST

    So, i'm like 2 weeks dry on Dea Sidus Earrings, are they really rare from HT? Doing Normal HT btw

    submitted by /u/Slyfee
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    Where do I get arcane symbols for leveling up burning character?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I got my burning char over 200, now at 205. I saw that for each level of 200-210 for a burning char, i get 10 arcane symbols, but where do i get them?

    submitted by /u/rayzzzzzz1
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