• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    MapleStory Found this (personal) gem, It's over ten years old at his point. For art class we had to make a dvd case cover, so I told my teacher Maplestory was a movie and drew this.

    MapleStory Found this (personal) gem, It's over ten years old at his point. For art class we had to make a dvd case cover, so I told my teacher Maplestory was a movie and drew this.

    Found this (personal) gem, It's over ten years old at his point. For art class we had to make a dvd case cover, so I told my teacher Maplestory was a movie and drew this.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Kanna will no longer be able to jump teleport after Awake patch

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:32 PM PST

    some of the improved maps after AWAKE

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:24 PM PST

    That's how a pure hp noblesse deals things...

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Pixel Lucid

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:12 AM PST

    au where demon slayer spent too much time in that egg

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Reminder for Nexon to include Maple Tour VIP Passes in Events

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    According to various Pink Bean Brigade member streams for the upcoming AWAKE blockbuster update, we'll have yet another event shop without the inclusion of "Maple Tour VIP Pass".

    Just for context sake, the first, last, and the only time that "Maple Tour VIP Pass" was included in the game for F2P exchange via event coins was during the Full Moon Goblin Night Market.

    Anna, our producer, even explicitly stated that "We're also planning to make the map entry ticket obtainable through other events". I've held out for v213, v214, v215, v216, and v217. It's been 5 updates, soon to be 6 updates, and we still have not had it included in any coin shop/event exchanges since the debut of the dungeon.

    Note that I'm not even talking about adding the "Maple Tour VIP Pass" into the Reward Point shop, even though it literally should because it behaves pretty much exactly like Monster Park. I'm not even complaining about how it is slightly P2W in Reboot for people with NX to convert to Maple Points just to run the extra dungeons. I just want Nexon to fulfill the promise that they have stated themselves, nothing more.

    I feel like issue like this has to be constantly brought up in front of Nexon's eyes to even matter anymore, otherwise they will simply sweep in under the rug and shrug it off.

    submitted by /u/MainlandHero
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    GOLLUX CHANGES: Aligning to KMS or New Revenue Targets?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Per the latest Maplestory memo, I assume majority of people is across the upcoming Gollux changes. What I fail to understand and if someone could please explain to me, is that the key message of the memo is "keeping the balance between Korea MapleStory (KMS) content and our exclusive Global MapleStory (GMS) content." However with these upcoming changes we're still going to have Gollux set effects in GMS – so how does this help with balancing? The issue seems to lie in having two of the same items equipped and counted towards a set effect (I need to reiterate that Gollux effect is to stay in GMS). If that's the case why not just retitle one of the Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants to something like :" Empowered Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant" so that both pendants can be unique equipped. At least this way we are following the KMS rule that you cannot equip two of the same items for the set bonus. This way we don't even have to go through exchange options and the impact to players is minimal and fair.

    I see that majority of the community is unhappy with these upcoming changes based on just a small portion of reddit posts.





    What Nexon should have done is released their intentions much earlier and asked what the community wants and solve this problem together. Anna stated "we have been deliberating about this problem for many years with the internal teams, including our Developer" but not once did they reach out to the player base and ask for our opinions. Ultimately the game is driven by us and we should be their focus. Please consider other options for our players.

    Honestly I'm not buying the whole "closing gap to KMS", especially if this has been a problem that the Nexon team has been deliberating for many years based on the following:

    1. We VERY recently introduced a familiar system that KMS does not have which actually widened the gap.
    2. We keep introducing items that KMS do not have. Using the most recent Marvel as an example we have Lucid Earrings, FSR, Outlaws, Breath of Divinity.
    3. If alignment is the key focus why keep the Gollux set effect at all since KMS does not have this?
    4. Goodbye Sengoku classes
    5. Two words – Frenzy Totems

    Anna claims " If the gap between the KMS content and our exclusive GMS content is too wide, meaning the basic balance is too different, it will be challenging to continue to provide our players with exciting content" but recent actions from Nexon just seem to widen the gap even more. As long as there is more revenue flowing through it seems to be okay. If we're not focusing on fixing the above then why are we so caught up on fixing Gollux? Technically we're not even fixing Gollux because the set effect is staying. Is this just an attempt to make copying and pasting of codes easier in the future? Or is this another way for Nexon to make players spend more money because they're falling behind revenue targets?

    submitted by /u/SuperGoku88
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    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:40 PM PST

    hello i was just wondering if it was possible to reach the malaysia/singapore maps? i have quests available but cant find how to get there, is it level locked or shut down? I'm currently lvl 124, thank you!

    submitted by /u/sniaye
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    Nightlord summon duration/buff

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Are either of these important on nightlord? If so what skills are affected by summon or buff or both? Thank you for any input.

    submitted by /u/masonsdaddi
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    What to do after Gollux set-effect change

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:15 AM PST

    In my previous post, I went over how no one should be settling on exchanging their second Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant for an equivalent Superior Engraved Gollux Belt. Needless to say, after the Awake v.218 is live, no one should be accepting this exchange at all. However, losing out on the Superior Gollux 4-set is a significant reduction in power for many players who will be affected by the change. In order to help people properly transition off their double Pendant set up, I have thought up of another way to retain (or at least somewhat retain) the 30% Boss Damage and 30% IED that the Superior Gollux 4-set effect gave to players.

    After the patch goes live:

    • Do NOT exchange or discard your second Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant. There are a few reasons for this:
      • Regardless if your second Pendant is finished or not, it's useful as Meso/Drop gear in the future
      • It can act as a Transfer Hammer option to either a transposed Sweetwater Pendant or a Source of Suffering, both of which are endgame items
      • It can be used to get your main Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant up in Starforce. You would be able alternate starring each one at a time until one booms.
    • KEEP your current setup for the time being. Despite the changes being made to the Superior Gollux 4-set effect, there are a few things to keep in mind:
      • If you're training, the 4-set effect won't matter to you
      • If you're bossing, you have two options you can go for:
        • You can make do with any Superior Engraved Gollux Belt (or Superior Gollux Earring for transposed Sweetwater Earring users) you have at the moment (provided you don't need the damage from switching off your current setup to clear the boss). Feel free to cube that belt and star it as high as you'd like as well.
        • You can acquire the [Agile and Agitated] title from completing Week 1 and Week 2 of Haste Plus. This title will give you 20 Weapon Attack, 50 All Stat, 2500 Max HP/MP, and most importantly 30% Boss Damage and 30% IED. Equipping this title will mitigate if not nullify the damage you would lose from losing the Superior Gollux 4-set effect. This will allow you to keep your current setup for bossing. It should be noted that this title lasts only until 12/17 at midnight UTC, so if you go for this option, you will need to look for a suitable replacement or stock up on Meso and other resources to construct a replacement in the meantime.

    I know that many players who relied on the double Pendant setup are very frustrated with the coming changes and even more so on Nexon's refusal to properly compensate players for their many hours and dollars invested on their double Pendant setups (especially to Dreamy Belt and Tyrant Belt users). Regardless, we all need to know where to move on from here in order to make the most out of Awake and future content changes that may come.

    submitted by /u/fannieplays
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    Getting back into Reboot

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:08 AM PST

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been back on and I saw that I had leftover NX. What items are worth getting aside from pets to help loot? I also see that hyper tp rocks are only able to be bought via mesos. Are they not available to be bought with NX?

    submitted by /u/Firmly_Grasp_lt
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    Hi guys! This is probably a very dumb question but I'm actually considering It.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Would it be viable to skip absolab gear and just go right for arcane gear from the AH so you don't waste money on having to upgrade anything blow it. I think I could get at least one item every 3 months so I am definitely considering it, if you have any thoughts I would be glad to hear them 🙂

    submitted by /u/Dzrkwinter
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    Hello!! I could use some more Buddies :) add me IcyNel in Aurora

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Where is the fairyroid heart?????????

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Where is the fairyroid heart?????????????

    submitted by /u/Temp6969696996
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    Style Stamp Exhange

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:31 PM PST

    How often do the items rotate? Are the stamps shared across characters?

    submitted by /u/stareli
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    Base ied n emblem lines for nightlords

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:25 PM PST

    Whats the optimal ied% for nl ied before casting frailty curse/purge area? I have 89% with a 6.5k legion currently with a emblem ied of 30% My intention for future cubing is to roll only 1line of ied on my emblem with 2 other lines on att% while weapon n secondary on BD n att% or i shud i try to roll 3lines of att% on emblem?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Sky_11
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    Blaster's muzzle flash should be toggleable cuz as it stands it makes blaster much weaker as a class

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:15 PM PST

    there are a couple main reasons why muzzle flash is bad for blaster. here they are:

    1. muzzle flash seems to make you unable to start charging your next weave during your current weave, making the weave no reload infinitely harder, at least for me. i am able to hit like 3 combos a second on average on bobbing cuz of this, and can barely cancel at all on weaving when i have muzzle flash cuz nexon thinks i want to activate muzzle flash when I'm trying to charge my weave.
    2. muzzle flash can active at terrible times, like when there is a deadly attack in front of the enemy, like pierres hat that falls on you cuz muzzle flash shot u forward, or like magnus' giant meteor things that you would've dodged but muzzle flash said nah bruh.

    the thing is, muzzle flash gives you a fat +160% magnum punch passive boost, which is hard to neglect so i cant just NOT put points into muzzle flash.

    but all this could go away if the passive stayed, and you could toggle if you wanted muzzle flash to activate when you hit weave again.

    submitted by /u/--Pathfinder--
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    Does spirit barrage share spirit claw buffs? Eunwol question.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:48 PM PST

    If i add +20% dmg to spirit claw in my hyper skill passives, does spirit claw barrage share that buff? Or is it considered a separate skill therefore not?

    submitted by /u/zetopher94
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    Do these items still drop?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Hi reboot player here.

    Looking for certain items to anvil but have no idea what websites are current with monster drops. Was hoping to get people who would know or seen these items drop in reboot first hand. This is the list.

    Blue Arnah shoes

    Aqua Brace gloves

    Blue Seraph cape

    Blue Maro hat

    Golden Neschere crossbow

    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/Sinister-Lefty
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    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    I haven't played in years (never on steam as far as I recall). Log-in is banned and idk why. How do I start afresh?

    submitted by /u/rjploops
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