• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    MapleStory Guild commission I just completed with 46 members (including myself!) ❤️ NIGHT ON REBOOT ❤️

    MapleStory Guild commission I just completed with 46 members (including myself!) ❤️ NIGHT ON REBOOT ❤️

    Guild commission I just completed with 46 members (including myself!) ❤️ NIGHT ON REBOOT ❤️

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:31 PM PST

    Grinding all classes to 250, makes you a little crazy.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:47 PM PST

    Teraburned Dawn Warrior - 10 days to 3 doors, solo progression!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:16 PM PST

    I know it ain't much, but I'm proud - Jett nm lotus solo.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:28 PM PST

    I made a post refuting most arguments from old school players who constantly trash on current Maplestory.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:46 AM PST

    1) "Maplestory is too easy now. You can get to level 200 in less than a day now. There's no sense of achievement."

    -Did you know level 275 exists? 8k legion? Maxing out Arcane Symbols? Soloing all Hard Bosses? They all are absolutely difficult to accomplish, and you will definitely feel a huge sense of achievement if you're able to do so.

    2) "Okay, but anyone can do that if they sell their kidneys right? Maplestory now is too P2W."


    3) "Fine, but the social aspect is gone now right? Maplestory is a solo game now."

    -A reasonable argument. There isn't a lot of party play in the game. You can technically solo the entire game if you put a lot of time in. However, that does NOT mean the social aspect is dead. You can't make friends if you're not willing to talk. There are plenty of guilds looking for new members that have finished earlygame (which is basically level 1-200). You'd be absolutely surprised by how much people are still interacting with one another, even if they're from different guilds. There are even guilds who do struggle bossing together, which is absolutely fun. And some even occasionally play other games together besides Maplestory. Hell, even KS wars still exist ya know. Can't be bothered to join a guild? There are plenty of people chatting in Maplestory Discords if you just want to talk.

    4) "Eh, but there are so many classes now. I liked it when there were only 4 classes and they all had their own identity. Like thieves were the only one who could flash jump. Every class can now move the same and blow up the entire map. Every new class feels like a reskin of the previous one."

    -Have you even bothered to play any of the new classes? Probably not because you're assumption is most likely coming from watching videos of every class blowing up the map. Every class, including the new ones, have their own playstyle which you would never notice unless you played it until 5th job, or watched a detailed class guide. I could make an entire seperate reddit post explaining every classes playstyle and how they differ from one another.

    5) "But, why do the skills have to be so flashy? Why can't I just spam triple throw while my bishop just spams heal in bossing now?"

    -Because pressing down on 1 key for 30 minutes just to kill Horntail's right head sounds boring to anybody who doesn't have nostalgia goggles on. Now we have binds, iframes, party buff skills, hp% reduction skills, skills where you can literally float in the air, and more. This way, we now have to actually use the right skills in right moment depending on what the boss does, and what everyone else in your party does. Basically, we have to get better mechanically in bossing now. This point also strengthens my refute for your 4th argument, where these skills will shine each classes playstyle. Also, the majority of the playerbase now goes absolutely bonkers when a class gets revamped, or when a new 5th job skill is announced.

    6) "Alright enough about bossing, what about exploration huh? I missed those days exploring on foot discovering new areas. Now you can teleport to any map right?"

    -But no one's forcing you to teleport? Go ahead and take your time to explore all of Maple World, or even Grandis, which is literally a seperate dimension that every classic player has probably never heard of. There are also a lot of new areas that you probably haven't seen before below level 200. They are actually pretty and well designed, of course, some accompanied with a nice BGM.

    7) "This all seems too complicated, there are too many new systems now that I don't understand and too much information to digest. The game was way much simpler and easy back then."

    -YOU'RE FIRST ARGUMENT WAS LITERALLY SAYING HOW EASY MAPLESTORY IS NOW AND NOW YOU COMPLAIN THAT MAPLESTORY IS TOO HARD NOW? MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND. Seriously though, take your time and slowly learn, step by step. Every top player had to digest every single new information as well.

    8) So uhh, since you took 2 hours to write this post, you must be pretty addicted to Maplestory huh?

    -I've been playing this routinely for 14 years now, what do you think? Please send help.

    submitted by /u/KaedeSenshi
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    All of us can relate to that ��

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:02 AM PST

    i drew my character :D

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    TMS Zero Solo Black Mage Pre-Awake Update (Without 4th V)!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Black on Black Kaiser

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Maplestory Merch Store - Plushies

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Well, it's basically December at this point and they haven't restocked it for over half a year. Safe to say it's dead.


    submitted by /u/focusyou
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    GMS nodestone crafting quality of life suggestion.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:38 PM PST

    GMS nodestone crafting quality of life suggestion.

    ^ poopy function ^

    It's to my understanding that GMS, TMS and MSea are all versions of maplestory where Nodestones that are farmed directly from monsters are deemed untradeable as a form of preventative bot measure. Every other server, outside of these three, of Maplestory can immediately trade Nodestones found in this fashion. NOW.....upon spending an immense amount of time disassembling these untradeable Nodestones...you now have to craft a fresh hot TRADEABLE Nodestone one single lonely Node at a time. This is an extremely unpleasant feature and a huge consumption of time that bares a burden on players who spend hours farming to generate income for funding. The way I see it....bots have been given a run for their money and are much less widely spread throughout GMS. So considering our recent goal of "realigning to a KMS standard" Nodestones found from monsters should be made to be tradeable again directly from the source. OTHERWISE a simple function added to the Nodestone crafting feature for users to craft multiples, much like you can craft 50 specific skill Nodes, at one time would be a dramatic quality of life improvement. Thank you, Chef of Bera.


    submitted by /u/Chefdesu
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    Wait...so which anniversary is this Maple Leaf supposed to be from?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Can I reduce the chance for memory leaks somehow?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:31 PM PST

    Everytime I farm my game memory climbing and after 2-3 hours it's 3K and then I crash.

    I'm farming as zero at LCUP with frenzy spawn.

    I just wanna make it a bit better so I can farm for consistent 4hours...

    submitted by /u/Eight111
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    Memories of MapleStorySEA

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:52 AM PST

    Memories of MapleStorySEA

    'Deletion of Inactive Characters' - when I came across this fb post some time back, my first reaction was like HUH OMG NOOO. It's been so long since I actually logged in to my MapleSEA account. Just like many of the 90s kids, I was one of the avid Maplers back then when we were still in pri/sec school. Those days when I would rush back home just to chiong Maple with my classmates, grinding mobs and simply slacking around to chit chat. Ahh those were the good old days~

    So back to the main point of this post. Lots went through my mind as I clicked into the announcement post, thinking to myself - is MapleSEA finally getting rid of inactive accounts? Are my characters finally going to be dead, for real? Yes I might not play the game anymore but those are my precious babiesss, like they were my legacy characters that I trained so long and so hard for and I don't want to see them disappear just like that. So I was prepared to face the worst case scenario...

    "Accounts which will be affected/ marked for deletion: Characters which are level 61 and below and have not been logged into since 1st of January 2017, 0000 hours (GMT +8)."

    SINCE 2017 LOL YUP DEFO ME. I guess the fortunate thing is that my main is over lv 61, but I do have side characters which are as precious to me as my main, so without further ado, I went to download the game and logged into my account...for the first time since...idek tbh probably more than 10 years? Welp. I have even forgotten my Mapleid and password and had to check it out via the passport site, which of course I've also forgotten my login credentials to LOL so I had to reset that as well...and man I remember the site was a pain last time. I'm glad the new site is much more user friendly now. Good thing I'm still using the email address I used to register for the account, so the pw reset was kinda fuss free too.

    The login page and bgm were no longer the same ones I was used to and I actually felt a bit sad ngl ): ok so according to the instructions given, I just need to log in to the character selection screen and all my characters will be marked 'safe' from the deletion, and that's all I have to do. But hey I've been through the whole download and pw reset thing..time for me to check out how Maple has changed over the years. The whole UI of the game has changed so much, yes there are still familiar elements around but there are so many more features now, quite interesting I must say. What's this and what's that? I found myself questioning here and there as I clicked around. SO CONFUSING MAN HAHAHAH.

    Anyway after roaming around for some time, I logged out of my main character and proceeded to log into all my side characters just to see what kind of epic gems I have in there. As I was scrolling through all my characters, I couldn't help but cringe at all the childish and embarrassing names ahahahah. It was a thing back then to include all the 'xX / zZ / vV' surrounding your 'main name', because your desired name might have already been taken or you simply want to look cool with those fancy naming cos everybody else was doing it, also not to forget mixing double alphabets and using numbers to replace certain alphabets. And true enough, I have a character which actually fulfilled all of the above HAHAHA


    - Common and cringey - ✓
    - xX - ✓
    - Double alphabets - ✓
    - Number replacing alphabet - ✓

    OMG THE MEMORIES MAN. Maple has been a HUGE part of my child/teenagehood and it's a game that will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm glad the game is giving us a chance to save our childhood heroes before they decide to wipe them out. Logging back in to the game after so long has brought back so many memories and a part of me actually wants to pick up the game again… So anyway, I just wanted to share this long forgotten memory of mine, and I believe many of you here would have played or might even still be playing the game now. Do you still remember the name of your maple character(s)? What's the most cringey name you've come up with? Are there any special reasons behind the names? XD Let's take a trip down memory lane and share them embarrassing stories \o/

    submitted by /u/tryagainsmileagain
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    Night Lord Tera Burning Advice

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    I am considering on creating a Night Lord via Tera Burning Event, for the Critical Rate Legion Skill. I have never used a Night Lord, or a Night Walker before, so I was wondering if anyone has any tips/suggestion; such as training locations, what to spend, etc.

    In the past I used to grind on evil eyes, wrath, drakes, hidden street in Arian (monsters name or location name I forgot), Korean Folk Town (sometimes I do quest there too), Kerning Mall. For bosses, I used to go to Zakum and Horntail, the level varied according to the class I was using; especially on the later. I am in Aurora Server

    submitted by /u/CesarEXE
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    Reboot Kanna solo Von Bon stats.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Reboot Kanna solo Von Bon stats.

    Should I be able to solo chaos von bon with these stats on kanna? Fully buffed just shy of 2m.

    Mechanics aside, I got him to about 20% health but I died. Just wondering if I should practice my mechanics or pump up the range a little more before trying again.


    submitted by /u/dyjw
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    Ahhh, so this is what Nexon HQ actually looks like, everything makes sense now.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:13 AM PST

    Whale of a couple questions

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:52 AM PST

    Imagjne if you had 300k nx to play with right now on a new acc with no legion/links what ever else.

    Your main goal would be initially get a few burning characters going with the burning world. And make youre main a normal character on your main server. Or make the main a burning to abuse the burning world exp buffs ect?

    How would you spend your time or progress

    How would you spend your nx? 200k into maple points? To get mesos? What would you do?

    submitted by /u/HeroVonZero
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    it is possible to make a rainbow kaiser color?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:48 PM PST

    really curious about that

    submitted by /u/0Yggdrasil0
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    Did Anyone get the Saturday Lucky box?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:10 AM PST

    I went in cash shop right at EST 3AM and found no lucky box shown. Did it run out that fast? Anyone got it?

    submitted by /u/rayzzzzzz1
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    They say 3rd time is the charm (2 resets at 15+)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:04 AM PST

    Nexon please

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Why would the cash shop give me the option to charge NX through Steam when I don't have enough for Philosopher's Books when I have to use prepaid NX and just wasted $30

    submitted by /u/SnooFoxes2815
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    How do I get pescas dagger and katara to fusion anvil over my db's weapons? (Reboot)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:24 PM PST

    Does it usually take more hits to Kill @ lvl 100+ ??

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    I started a Kanna, easily killing monster in the beginning, but once I got to level 100 even with the most updated equips it takes me several its to kill. I'm super new to this so just wondering if it was normal, and if not what I can do. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/psy10868
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