• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    MapleStory 15+ years of on and off playing, 1660 days with this character, I've finally hit 250

    MapleStory 15+ years of on and off playing, 1660 days with this character, I've finally hit 250

    15+ years of on and off playing, 1660 days with this character, I've finally hit 250

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:07 PM PST

    When the maintenance gets extended before it even starts.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:12 PM PST

    The new meso nerf doesn't make sense..

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:55 PM PST

    The new meso nerf doesn't make sense..

    This is the upcoming patch

    Maple tour was one of our ways to make extra meso that we need so much especially in reboot.

    With this patch, players below level 200 will get significantly lower meso gain from Maple tour, down to half around level 100 and around 70~89% lower from level 200 to 250, and 250+ will get 90% of what we used to get.

    The amount we get right now is 27 mil per run, which means for lv 100 to 160, they'll get 13.5 mil per run, for 160 to 200, 19 mil per run and for 200 to 250, you'll get from 19 mil to 24 mil per run depending on your level, this means when you cash out your maple tour gains at the end of the week, you'll get 189 mil, 266 mil, and 336 mil respectively

    Now the usual sum of meso we get per week was 380 mil, if you ran the two free runs per day seven days for the week.

    This seems off.. because for players lv 250+, this nerf doesn't mean much, they can make up the difference by farming for less than 5 minutes or so but for players still in the early game who need that income from maple tour, will get so much less thus making it harder for them to progress. Honestly I'm starting to get quite disgusted with how things are in gms, they always say that they're trying to follow kms' footsteps but there are so many things that are being done entirely differently like this one.

    I don't know what their plan is and I can't know, but everyone I know that enjoyed this game up till now is quitting left and right, and I probably will soon too... with the scam wagon and the recent server booms we've had to experience, with little to no compensation for it. This doesn't make sense :/

    Just thinking out loud here, what are your guys' thoughts

    submitted by /u/Extravaganti
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    Spinel out here doing some real business

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:49 PM PST

    "Free Stuff" Wednesdays

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:56 PM PST

    Props to Nexon for the quick bugfix!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:26 PM PST

    v.220 - Moonlight Magic Patch Notes

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:06 PM PST

    Fairy bros

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:11 PM PST

    Why did MSEA have the same rewards as KMS and we get this garbage?

    Fuck you nexon, I was really looking forward to the soft petal skin coupon.

    Edit: So much for trying to be in line with KMS. Only when it's convenient eh.

    submitted by /u/NexonKindaSus
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    Cash Shop Update for February 3

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:30 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:46 PM PST

    Wealth acquisition potions have different descriptions depending on whether they're tradeable or not

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:55 PM PST

    fastest x scroll in the west

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:03 PM PST

    (v.220) Moonlight Magic Event Calendar

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:35 AM PST

    does anybody know if 17* scrolls will work on items that have a max of less than 17*?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Title. also sorry the wording is kind of confusing. I am basically asking if anybody knows if I can get 15* on my solid ring using the 17* karma scroll (I forgot it was karma and accepted it on my main that already has all 17* gear).

    edit: lol awks I didn't realize solid was 20* as I was looking at the wrong ring. anyways, the question still remains out of curiosity if anybody has experience with this for some odd reason

    submitted by /u/cassenusrex
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    Zero Post-Genesis Hard Will solo

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:07 AM PST

    Where/How Do I get BLULE KATINAS? (Thief overall For cosplay)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    Where/How Do I get BLULE KATINAS? (Thief overall For cosplay)

    Hello I'm trying to get the lvl 100 thief overall BLUE KATINAS. Google search has not been helping. Beforebig bang and other sites says nest golems drop. Hidden street says Mutant Tiru's and Advanced knight A drop it.But i've farmed nest golems on a lvl 150 cadena, and the mutant tiru's on a lvl 180 Thunderbreaker and I can't get ANY equips to drop from them at all. Did the way equips drop change? can any mob drop ANY gear so long as you're the correct level? does this mean I have to farm mobs while I'm lvl ~100 to get it? Does the BLUE Katinas even exist in the game anymore. It must right? the dark, green, and red one all exist still and I have them. I'm just missing this last darn blue one rawwrr.Does anyone know how to get?

    and of course if you also know of good alternative for the costume outfit, totally let me know thank you. :)



    submitted by /u/pyguy7
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    Why does GMS (and other servers that this applies to) have totems whereas KMS doesn't?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:49 PM PST

    I always hear how totems are a pain because they lead to 2hr locked farming sessions because that's just how totems are, and how the 15-17 you get a month are too limiting for some players. On the other hand tho, kms seems to have the same (?) spawn rate as gms. I don't read or go through korean maplestory threads so I don't know how they feel about their spawn rates, but it seems to be a problem here for some that there aren't enough totems. At least in Reboot.

    I don't really know many of the differences between KMS and GMS. What I know is certain classes like Kanna don't exist in kms, their atk speed cap is different, certain bosses and maps don't exist... but that's about it. Are there any outlying or significant differences between the two regions that creates the need for totems for us? If not, why do we have totems? not complaining about them, just curious

    submitted by /u/vintageaircon
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    Are event outfits ever brought back?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    So I missed out on buying the tranquil sage outfit from the Awake store, and I'm pretty sad about it. Not blaming nexon, though—it was my own fault for forgetting to log in sometimes to buy the coupons. But is there a chance that the outfit will be brought back in another event, or even in the cash shop?

    On a side note, I kind of wish nexon had an option where they let you buy the item all at once instead of dividing it into ten coupons. If it's the same amount of coins in the end, I think it's fair. But oh well. Congrats to everyone who bought it in time! It looks really nice and you guys look great ☺

    submitted by /u/YogurtStraight5367
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    Moon Event

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    With the upcoming moon event, I was wondering if you're allowed to get 1 of each event ring per character. I read in the KMS patch that it's 1 per character, but GMS patch notes are a bit vague (some items are per world, others just say 1). Does this mean I can get 1 of each event ring per character? (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME).

    submitted by /u/prettyasianswag
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    Did Nexon accidentally list Cape Uniform (F) in the Maplehood Watch Avatar Box but then didn't actually put it in the drop table?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:23 PM PST

    Dude seriously I have opened over 160 of these boxes and STILL don't have one of those despite getting like 2-9 copies of everything else

    edit: just opened another 27 boxes and got it. holy fuck

    submitted by /u/bast963
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    What are the new meta builds?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Hello everyone, potential returning player here. I haven't played the past couple years and was wondering how the meta has shifted. What are the endgame sets to chase now for gear and accessories? I'm a wild hunter on Mardia (which I believe is part of auroral now).

    submitted by /u/Gucci_Pebbles
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