• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    MapleStory just got this survey on youtube

    MapleStory just got this survey on youtube

    just got this survey on youtube

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:12 AM PST

    First Black Mage clear in Luna. Buccaneer POV

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Divine Intelligence and Wondroid Events - Past Guides and Tips

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Divine Intelligence Cheat Sheet (credits to /u/ElvenBeak) (not sure if this event will be updated with even more monsters because each time this event returned, the cheat sheet had to be updated)

    Guide to unlocking other Wondroids (besides the initial one) (credits to /u/sink123 for compiling this information)

    The Wondroid guide is useful if you want to unlock other Wondroids to give them to your other characters. While you can only purchase 1 Wondroid Heart per character, you can buy hearts of different types of Wondroids (which can only be purchased once per one) if your mule isn't good for mobbing in the Wondroid farming map. I suggest checking the comments of the link above to see useful discussions of the event.

    Fast Run of the Wondroid Jump Quest (credits to YouTuber John .Ta) (I highly recommend checking this video out to know ahead of time what you're getting into)

    It's useful to note that there are minor differences for the initial Wondroid JQ and the later ones you have to do for the other Wondroids. These changes make the later ones slightly harder to do.

    I also recommend having HP healing Familiars such as Mutant Snail (most expensive), Mano (cheapest option to purchase), or Castle Golem (in-between) for the last section of the Jump Quest (13:48 for the video above) because there is a possibility that if you don't input the needed keys in time, the monsters chasing you (which you can kill) might whittle you down to 0 HP since you can't heal yourself with potions during this final section.

    One last thing: when you die, you have to start from the beginning of the floor where you died on. In addition, you can't exit the dungeon and come back later to finish the later sections because it doesn't save the point where you left. So, if you aren't one of the experienced players of this event, I recommend setting some time aside to tackle this Jump Quest because it's quite harder than the Jump Quests in Sleepywood, Kerning City, and Ellinia. One person has reported that s/he took 14 hours to finish all 4 stages. Although most people I saw took about 2-5 hours.

    submitted by /u/LPhantomH
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    Cash Shop Update for January 29 | Official News

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Shad 2ndary

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:03 AM PST

    What do shads use in reboot?

    I heard it was a shield but no idea how to get it.

    Also pros/cons of shad in it's current state?

    How is training to 200 and post 200 up until end game?

    submitted by /u/Avoidable8
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    Drop rate of surperior Gollux gear and sweet water character-class weapon buffed?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I got a superior belt and my own class sweet water weapon on my first run today after 1month afk. Just to check if it is just me luck or drop rate increase? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Ryanmapler
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    Question about drop rates

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST

    When searching on Google about farming items, I always see people say be within 10 levels of the mob. But when I kill mobs that are vastly lower level than my character, the text at the top only says "EXP and mesos greatly reduced if hunting monsters beyond your level range."

    It talks about mesos and EXP but nothing about actual item drops. Maybe the stuff I've read is outdated. I came back from a 2 year hiatus, but can anyone please confirm if level range actually reduces the change for items to drop?

    submitted by /u/-Enzie
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    Question about the Mechanical Utopia event - must buy stuff

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST

    So now that we know whats coming to the coin and chips shops i wanted to know if there are any must have items except the Bis android heart.

    submitted by /u/DespreWolf
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    Orchid Related Quests

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:39 PM PST

    Hi! My guild is looking to run Lotus as a guild but they want me to join since I am the only support we have (I play a Beast Tamer primarily in Cat form). Because of this they want me to complete Black Heaven.

    However! I don't want to skip story anymore! I have started to gain an interest in character backstories, especially after the Glory Event and having finished the Lachelain story and Lucid Memories. Black Heaven drops you off right where the Cygnus Knights get started with the Resistance I think, and right away your introduced to Orchid being unconscious in bed. I've read the WIKI page on her so I have a general idea of her backstory but... I WANT MORE!

    If anyone knows what quests relate to Orchid and her brother Lotus, please let me know! I am currently doing Grand Athenium right now because another post that was kind of similar to my question stated that this is one of the "pre-quests" to Black Heaven.


    submitted by /u/JordynSoundsLikeMe
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    [NA REBOOT] Dragon rider PQ

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Looking for people to do the dragon rider PQ with.

    In game name is Kluria

    Edit: Just waiting on one more

    submitted by /u/Sickthrow321
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    Disconnecting from HoYoung skill

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Are any other HoYoungs getting disconnected when using Dream of Shangri-La (iframe)? Wanna make sure it's not just me

    submitted by /u/Wardine
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    Newish MS player looking for guild :) (reboot)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    i want a active and semi populated to populated guild that uses discord and mics to chat , looking for friends to show me de way!

    submitted by /u/frankieflowaz
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    How bad has this game gotten?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:51 PM PST

    I finally left completely when Nexon made the kaiser's main class mechanic literally non-functional. I dug around and can see that the lazy bastards haven't done anything positive for the class since then, and I'm left wondering if anything has improved in the past few years overall. I used to pop in ever year or so and play for awhile. The only time I really played after the first huge game update (big bang) was when the Kaiser came out, and that was mainly because it functioned in a way that made maplestory actually comfortable to play. Unlike any of the other classes, you could bind all your skills to different combos of attack + two direction keys. This made it unbelievably smooth, and it felt like nothing else in the game. Now its some useless garbage where you have to press two fucking keybinds for a skill, as if one wasn't enough. To add insult to murder, your overall dps goes down drastically when using this clunky system because it doesn't function on a basic level.

    Now to get to the point: did any of you start more than 3 years ago, and if so what do you think about the current state of the game? Also If anyone knows of a class that is atleast comparable in terms of comfort and relative complexity I would be happy to hear about it.

    submitted by /u/PriciaIsLife
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    Bye bye station question

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 02:05 PM PST

    How long should I space out my suicides and how fast should I be leveling up? I'm almost leveling up like every 30 minutes, not sure if this is normal.

    submitted by /u/tuanthai4444
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    What are your favorite Maple Series?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    So I spent the last few days rewatching a whole lot of Maple Series by many talented animators. And I was wondering about which ones you guys liked.

    For me, my personal favorites are Heroes of Windia and Maple Elements by Shahaf321. I really enjoyed them despite the animation not being as great as others, that and the many grammatical errors (Then again, they were 2008-2009 and 2009-2012 animations so I guess that's no problem). The last episodes for both series still give me goosebumps. And also, both of them had concluded and had a satisfying ending (Unlike most Maple Series).

    Another series that I like is Hybrid by exbladeslayer or drifterindenial. The plot might be VERY confusing at the beginning, but once you catch up to latest episode, most of the things in the series will make sense. Great series with a kickass opening.

    Then there's Our Legacy by Sogetsin1 which in my opinion was WAY ahead of it's time in terms of fighting scenes and animation (Episode 5 which was made in mid 2009 for example). And I loved that it basically ripped off many famous franchises. (Who could ever forget Anikon SkyCrawler).

    There's also Turtlebear Origins by Turtlebear which is probably the most anime-like Maple Series for me. Great series also with a kickass opening.

    Also, does anybody remember FightTheWar by Dunkelfier? I remember it had a lot of views on Youtube but now the channel and the series aren't there anymore, which is such a shame because that was a Maple Series that I also enjoyed.

    And then Maple Kombat by dray86, the Maple Series which I bet everybody in this subreddit has heard of (If not, go watch it right now). And it's latest episode is undoubtedly the best Maple Series episode of all time. Legendary series.

    And please reupload Mapling Times 6 spritefan2.

    What are your favorite Maple Series?

    submitted by /u/KaedeSenshi
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    It's a feature.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    It's a feature.

    Gotta love unusable runes in Maple. One of my little pet peeves I run into every so often when I'm leveling alts.

    What are the small things that really grind your gears in maple? (not huge bugs just small annoyances)


    Now they are just trolling me


    submitted by /u/RebootIL
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    Last Minute Glory shop purchases Tips for alts.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:04 AM PST

    Glory is almost over, However there is still some purchases that can be advantageous last minute to save you some time and mesos or even earn you some meso.

    I will list some of these choices here with brief explanations. It should go without saying that most these purchases will be PER CHARACTER. As such i will likely not include. limited per world items.

    Sentinel Rank. 1. Power exliers (5) - save on pots 2. Mastery book 20 (10) save meso 3. mastery book 30 (20) save meso 4. Infinite revitalizer (10) QoL 5. Epic potential (100) E.pot 6. Bonus potential (150) B.pot 7. Icog (100) can sell service or use.

    Guardian rank. 8. Prepared spirit pendant.(300). Exp

    Master. 9. Appraisal Magnifying glass. (100) Removes cost of revealing potential and saves cost of rerolling potential. Ie. 10. Perfect potential stamp. (30) Getting that extra line on mule gear if you deem neccessary 10.5 (Optional). Damage skins.(300) Who doesnt like pretty numbers. All the skins in this rank are pretty nice looking.

    Commander Rank. 11-13.(Optional) Havoc Nx Set for Other job categories.(500-1500) +1500 for weapon if have enough.

    Take a day to get some extra pieces if you want to make some alts look nice. For example I plan on getting at least one set on each of my seperate job categories that i mostly play. Ex. KOC. LEF. Explorer. Resistance. which means id need 5 sets. And i just transfer when i play that character so its not completly ugly.

    Justicar. most of these are too expensive to afford. This guide is assuming you have 0 coins and starting today and wed (right after reset) before the patch drops.

    Hopefully this will shed some light on some quick purchases to milk the shop out a bit more :)

    For The GLORY of Kaiser! (I had to)

    submitted by /u/thisoneguyoverhere
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    One Day Left To Get My Glory Rank Up

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    At this point my perm box is done for I'm at 184, I've been doing dimensional mirror quests, been to the omega sector, etc.


    (P.S I'm on the third rank)

    submitted by /u/yunganxiete
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    Progression tips: Reboot

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    I just started with my Kaiser a few days ago and just barely squeaked by 200 before the Tera Burning event ended so I fortunately have perm CRA gear. I have around 250k-300k (can't remember off the top of my head) and I want to get stronger. I have some questions:

    1. I read in a guide that you should save the Reboot Gift Box for your meso farmer for the potential scrolls to make your farmer stronger more quickly. However, I'm only doing dailies and boss runs for now since there's a lot of things to do irl and I don't have much time to spare. I feel like I'd rather use those pot scrolls on my main. Should I just use it on my main and get a damage boost right away, using it on a secondary weapon or something?

    2. At what range can I comfortably get started on the arcane river quests? That quest to get the Burning Flame title was painful to do. It took me nearly 5 minutes to kill 10 Happy Erdas at my range at final form with all buffs active. I hear that you need to do the Arcane River dailies to get stronger however. Should I even attempt to do it at this point?

    3. What is the priority for curbing/flaming? I'm trying to work on my perm CRA weapon right now hoping to get +att or something equally valuable.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Opening_Matter
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    Maple merch in Korea?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    A colleague of mine (export area manager) is going to Japan and Korea, and he's gonna stay 3 days in Seoul. Do you know of any physical store selling Maple merchandise?

    I'm not even sure maplemerch is the same in the land of KMS (I bet they have more than 4 pillows, actually), but I was hoping to get a PB pillow. Lol

    No action figures, tho. I'm not into that (yet)

    submitted by /u/MorningAfterSeven
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    Guide for Mechanical Hearts

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:50 AM PST

    As someone who has never participated in the mechanical hearts event, is there some sort of guide out there?

    The patch notes aren't very specific about how to retrieve the items to purchase the items in the shop. So, I don't want to go into this event completely blind considering how important it is to get the BiS heart.

    Also what else is worth purchasing in the shop? I have no idea what most of the items are and what they do.

    submitted by /u/MapleDanny24
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