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    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    MapleStory The Story Thus Far: The first bits (spoilers for everything)

    MapleStory The Story Thus Far: The first bits (spoilers for everything)

    The Story Thus Far: The first bits (spoilers for everything)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    So ever since the glory patch, I've been working on a big summary of the whole story thusfar. I hit a snag near the maingame bits so here's everything we know from the creation myth all the way until the sealing of the Black Mage.

    Keep in mind that this story has been patched together over the course of 13-15 years from many different writers and developers, so many holes exist that I had to fill by use of Occam's Razor.

    I hope this is helpful for those wanting to learn just what the fuck is going on here. Share your own thoughts slash different views on the details in the comments.

    Part 1: In the Beginning

    "In the beginning, all things were animate. The stones, the trees and the wind; the sun and the moon; the rivers and oceans. There existed 365 gods, inhabiting 365 creations, and they each lived according to their own 365 laws."

    (Info from Heroes of Maple: Act 2 as well as Glory: Cernium)

    Our maple story begins much like they all do, with a primordial chaos or void. In our case the primordial chaos was composed of a myriad of different spirits and gods, creating and destroying entire worlds at a whim using the Erda that flowed through it all.

    Of course these gods fought each other, over their conflicting laws and worlds, bringing further chaos and untold suffering for the races they created. Things remained in this state for untold ages, until the universe could no longer hold the burden.

    Things are slightly blurry at this point but some force, either the Overseers or the actual universe itself, stepped in. The force demanded order, and began rigging everything in favour of that goal.

    Thus were born the Transcendents of Light, Life, and Time: they were both guardians of order and jailers to the old gods, using artifacts such as the Seal Stones to drain them of their power until they dissipated from the multiverse.

    (It should be noted that it is stated multiple times that the Seal Stones were both created by Freud the Dragon Master and also at the moment the old gods vanished, leading some to theorize that Freud was in fact a Transcendent, namely Chronica, the Grandis Transcendent of Time. -Theory Here- This could also just be a massive retcon.)

    Only lesser spirits remained, such as the goddesses that embody the different lands of Grandis, Maple World, and Tynerum. Along with one remaining god: Abraxas.

    Its really unknown if Abraxas is an actual sentient being/god or just a kind of administrative AI, but either way his job was to 'watch over the graves of the gods' and alert the Transcendents or the Overseers if anything changed in the dead gods.

    The final act of the Universe/Overseers was to separate the largest remaining world into two: Maple World and Grandis, creating another trio of Transcendents to cement the rule of order.

    Thus the chaos was no more and the world finally knew peace.

    Part 2: The White Mage

    "There once was a mage that dreamed of saving the world with light. But, once he realized the truth, his light was no more and all that was left was darkness."

    (Info from Grand Athenaeum, Arcane River, and the official Black Mage: Origins webcomic)

    Many hundreds of years before the events of the game, a young boy was born to a couple in Edelstein, this strange child had hair of whitest snow and an unnatural aura that sent shivers down spines. There is a blank spot in the story from his birth until he is found by a mages guild of El Nath, but one could assume that his rather unusual appearance and threatening aura caused his family to abandon him out of fear.

    Nonetheless, the mages of El Nath raised the child as their own, teaching him the ways of magic. But the boy's aptitude for magic was unlike anything they had ever seen, and he quickly outpaced them all in terms of both mastery and power. The building concern among the mages came to a head on the day of his coming of age, when he performed powerful light magic before the mages council.

    Light magic had been banned among mages out of understanding that light and dark were to halves of a whole, (The Transcendent of Light) and fear that those who walked the path of light would eventually slip and fall into darkness. Fearing for the future, the mages looked through time, along the path their pupil was treading and found their nightmares realized.

    Light would envelop the world in Darkness.

    And so, with terror in their hearts, they silently marched together to his chambers, willing to do what had to be done to ensure the safety of the world. End one life to save millions.

    But they failed, for the light had already become blinding.

    Many years later, amidst a backdrop of war, famine, and ruin by the hands of monstrous beasts; the boy, now a man, appeared before them. A savior with hair of blinding white and powerful light magic to burn away evil. They called him:

    The White Mage.

    For decades he traveled around the world, saving the people from evil, educating those who were willing in the art of light magic, healing the sick and lame.

    But it wasn't enough; there was always more war, always more evil and sickness. He had always dreamt of saving the world, but he was a single man: a single man with great powers yes, but still just a man.

    Secluding himself from the world in a dark forest, he dove into his research, alongside those who followed him and his vision. (The Aurora) With time and manic ambition his light became stronger and stronger, until at last he devised a great ritual that would allow him to see the whole of creation and the ultimate light which he craved.

    And he succeeded. With his mastery over magic, The White Mage peered past the veil and saw the universe for what it truly was. He saw the Transcendents and the gods in their slumber, he saw the Erda flowing through it all, He saw the chains that connected them to the sky like the strings of puppets.

    He saw the chains surrounding his own body and the otherworldly being that held the other end.

    All that suffering, all the chaos and violence was not chaos at all. It had all been preordained millennia beforehand. The whole of time was one straight line, a perfect and ordered stream of destiny decided by the divine and enforced by the Trancendents.

    "Go back White Mage, Transcendent of Light." The Overseer demanded from its place high above, the chains of billions held in its hands. "This world has no need of further perfection. Your fate lies elsewhere."

    There was never an ultimate light, for where there is light, there are shadows.

    Enraged, the White Mage cast aside his light, (Which becomes Luminous) and dives fully into the ultimate darkness he found. With this the White Mage was no more, and in his place was born something else.

    "I reject the fate you made me."

    Part 3: The Black Mage & The Commanders

    "I reject the fate you made me."

    The newly awoken Transcendent of Light rampaged across the world, creating and recruiting armies of monsters and demons, as well as seven(eight?) commanders to lead those armies against the world of the Overseers.

    Orchid and Lotus, the Wing Masters:

    • Dark spirits discovered by the White Mage in the forests near the Aurora temple, in exchange for crafting the two bodies, they follow the Black Mage in his quest to defy the order of the world. While dedicated to the cause, the twins mostly do what they're told for fun in causing mischief and chaos.

    Guwaru, the Great Spirit of the Forests:

    • As his title suggests, Guwaru was the head spirit guarding the world's forests. He was corrupted by the Black Mage's darkness and forced into servitude before being back-stabbed and killed by another Commander, Magnus. This frees Guwaru and allows him to reincarnate as his previous self.

    Hilla, the Red Witch:

    • She was once a high ranking Shamaness in the Kingdom of Azwan, revered for her beauty, but as aged her beauty began to wane, and though still quite beautiful she was desperate to remain that way. This allowed the Black Mage to manipulate her by dangling power and eternal youth in front of her in exchange for her everlasting loyalty. She readily accepted and used her power of necromancy to raise the dead of Azwan for the Black Mage.

    Von Leon, the Lion King:

    • The lost king of El Nath who sold his soul to the Black Mage for the power to avenge his wife's death. In reality it was the Black Mage who killed her, framing the knights of Ereve and then offering the chance at revenge. Two birds, one stone.

    Arkarium, Guardian of Time:

    • Once a devout servant of the Transcendent of Time, Rhinne, he betrayed her and all the Temple Keepers to the Black Mage for unknown reasons. Whatever the case he went on to be one of the Black Mage's most loyal alongside Hilla.

    The Demon:

    • Born to a human mother and demon father in Tynerum, the Demon and his family left the hellish land for greener pastures in Leafre. His swore fealty to the Black Mage after he took over the world in exchange for his family's safety. Rival to Arkarium according to Arkarium.

    Magnus, the Tyrant:

    • A Nova from Grandis and close friend of the former Kaiser, Magnus betrayed his own to Grandis' Transcendent of Life, Gerand Darmoor in exchange for power. After being wounded in battle, Magnus fled to Maple World where he swore fealty to the Black Mage for even more power. A chronic backstabber, Magnus betrays the Black Mage the moment his loyalty is no longer advantageous.

    Will, King of Spiders:

    • Seemingly a practitioner of magics involving the creation/manipulation of pocket dimensions, Will is a commander with a lot of unknowns. When did he join the Black Mage? Why did he join the Black Mage? Where is his spider kingdom? Why did he make himself hot? We just don't know. My vote for time he joined is before the sealing of the Black Mage because of his involvement with the sealing of Rhinne and the subsequent splitting and containment of her child.
    • Other than that Will is a big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    With his armies and greatest champions gathered, the next step of the grand plan could begin.

    The Black Mage appeared before both of his fellow Transcendents: Rhinne of Time and Alicia of Life and told them of the Overseers' plot and betrayal, asking them to join him in breaking the chains that bound them all.

    They both refused.

    Alicia was attacked by the Black Mage in an attempt to kill her and take her powers for himself; she survived gravely wounded, and hid beneath the roots of her World Tree in the Root Abyss where she could recoup her strength.

    When Rhinne refused, the Black Mage, with assistance from her former priest Arkarium and the powerful Demon, Rhinne was sealed in ice and her power was successfully absorbed by the Black Mage giving him dominion over two of the three spheres. In a desperate attempt to stop him Rhinne birthed a child from her tears, Zero. But the commanders had been ready, and Will, King of Spiders trapped the newborn godling in a world of his master's making, where they would remain for centuries.

    Meanwhile in a kingdom known as Kritias, the king Hekaton had been attempting to become immortal using the power of a girl named Tana. The Black Mage sensed the great power of this girl and knew her to be a Transcendent. With his newfound powers over time, he sealed both the kingdom and Tana in time for a later date when she would be of use to his grand plan.

    The Black Mage continued to find those of great power and ask them to join his conquest. Afrien the king of the Onyx Dragons, Aria, Empress of the Maple Empire and host to the holy power of Shinsoo. When they both refused, like the Transcendents before them, the Black Mage sent his commanders to destroy them.

    Afrien's kin were slaughtered to the last, leaving only the elderly king and a single egg (Mir) remaining.

    Empress Aria was assassinated by the twins, Lotus and Orchid after they had lowered her guard with promise of a peace conference.

    As his conquest of the continent was realized, the Black Mage commanded the forests of Leafre, where dragons resided, to be burned. Seeing the command as an opportunity to spite his rival, Arkarium destroyed all of Leafre, including the home of the Demon's family, which the Black Mage had previously promised to protect.

    Enraged, betrayed, and heartbroken, the Demon sent his servant Mastema with a letter for the Heroes who stood against the darkness, and left to confront his former master.

    It was a vicious fight, with the Demon managing to shatter many of the barriers protecting the Black mage, before being overwhelmed by the Transcendent's sheer power.

    When the letter from the Demon arrived, the Heroes took his betrayal as a sign that they should assault the Temple of Time and the Black Mage.

    Aran, strongest of warriors, assaulted the dark armies one on millions, leading them away from the temple's heart and then blocking them from aiding their master when the final battle began.

    Freud, master magician and spirit bond to Afrien, alongside Mercedes, queen of the elves, were the first to reach the throne room, but were unprepared for the terrifying might of the Black Mage and were cast aside like leaves in the wind.

    The master thief, Phantom, lover to the late Empress, hunted the twin commanders Lotus and Orchid with bloody vengeance, killing Lotus and gravely injuring Orchid before returning to the temple to assist in fighting the remaining commanders.

    Shade, the great pirate brawler, and mage of light Luminous are the last to the fight, witnessing the destruction of Guwaru by Magnus before the betrayer returns to his own world.

    In the throne room of the Black Mage, the two confront the Transcendent but like the two before them, find him far too powerful for mortals to face. Freud speaks with them telepathically and informs them of his contingency plan: to use the power of Rhinne stolen by the Black Mage along with the ancient Seal Stones to trap the Black Mage in time like he had done to Kritias.

    The spell required a sacrifice however. The time of another.

    And so, Shade offered his own time, disappearing from all times and all memory to activate the spell. Luminous engaged the Black Mage, using his own light magic he had cast aside, in a ploy to bait the Transcendent into using his powers so the spell may siphon Rhinne's out of him to complete the seal.

    The plan seemed to have worked, but almost immediately, the Black Mage smashed through the seal, tearing it apart from the inside before it had fully ensnared him. In a last desperate move, Luminous rushed forward and punched the Transcendent of Light in the face, allowing the spell enough time to finish and sealing both himself and the Black Mage in time.

    With his last thought, the Black Mage cursed the heroes, sealing them in ice as they had sealed him in time. Phantom succumbed to the ice aboard his ship, surrounded by his loyal servants, Mercedes succumbed among her people, who shared her curse and long sleep. Freud was saved the long sleep by his Dragon friend, who succumbed by his master's side. Aran succumbed alone, lost to the seas as a cold and lonely berg of ice.

    But the Black Mage was gone. His designs for naught.

    Thus the chaos was no more and the world finally knew peace.

    • To be continued when my brain starts working again
    submitted by /u/Kaponos
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    After 10 years, I finally did it! (Level 200 Beginner)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    In my 14 years of playing MS, the game (reboot specifically) has never been felt populated and lively because of the virus, However...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    The number of times I'm getting KS'd by someone who says nothing and just starts man-handling the map non stop until I CC has gone up 7000%.

    Never seen it this bad before..... even during real x2 EXP events in the past.

    Had to CC 6 times over the span of 2 hours in the last x 1.5 EXP event and every time I clicked a new channel, it was empty, like these players are not even checking to see if other channels are free? None of them even responded asking why they chose the map I was in to start training.

    I wanted new players but someone has to teach these folks what KSing is and how it fucks both people...

    Anyone else notice this or nah?

    If you are a new player and reading this, there is absolutely zero benefit to KS, especially when every other map on the channel is open.

    End rant.

    submitted by /u/FlipflopFantasy
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    [Reboot] R> Burn !

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    [Reboot] R> Burn !

    Hey yall !

    Burn is recruiting once again ! We're looking for active, fun and friendly people to join our family :D
    We are currently accepting mains only, and we require you to be 200+ and cap three times a week !

    We offer :

    • boss carries weekly, up to lomien
    • game progression advice
    • midgame boss parties (Lucid + Will)
    • and we host regular guild events !
    • mule guild for regular/long time members

    Apply in game, or shoot me a DM (lucidi#4195/Rosed#0001) on discord if there's anything else you'd like to know c:

    See yall around !

    my cutiepies :3

    submitted by /u/lucidiii
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    When your friend who plays KMS complains about trying to find a good Dominator Pendant for sale.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Aurora Black Mage Speedrun (12:30)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    List of Useful Familiars before Revamp

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Just trying to make a list of useful and cosmetic familiars to farm before the revamp comes.

    Healing Familiars:

    Mutant Snail - Recovers HP and MP by a large amount for party members

    Castle Golem - Recovers HP and MP by a large amount for party members

    Mr. Ali - Recovers HP and MP by a large amount

    Platoon Chronos - Recovers HP and MP of party

    Jr. Boogie - Recovers MP by a large amount

    Mano - Recovers HP by a large amount

    Drop Rate Familiars:

    Big Spider - Increases drop rate of mesos and items by a large amount

    Mutant Ribbon Pig - Increases drop rate of mesos and items by a large amount

    Meso Familiars:

    Eye of Time - Increases Meso drop rate by a large amount

    Cosmetic Familiars:

    Jr. Wraith - Makes your character a luminous shadow (makes you kinda look like the "Jane Doe" npc in Kerning Hospital)

    Surgeon Eye - Makes your character shadowy

    Dark Stone Golem - Makes your character shadowy

    Night - Makes your character shadowy

    Mutant Tiru - Makes your character a luminous crimson shadow (Jr. wraith but red)

    Blaze - Makes your character a crimson shadow

    If there are any that I missed, please let me know. (Excluded Wolf Familiar because it can't be farmed)

    Edit: Leprechaun - Increases Meso drop rate by a large amount (Unobtainable since Phantom Forest rework)

    submitted by /u/megablue8
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    Link skill guide

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Hi, ive been looking for a guide to the optimal Link skills... But i found some outdated onces, and a spreadsheet that is now closed? Does any1 have an up to date guide for this? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/itztig3r
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    Almost in Lachelein! My Kanna's Progress on the Reboot Server (Episode 2)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    GMS has no burning world. Will it get Pink bean world?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    So GMS never got burning world that KMS had.

    Will it get the new Pink bean world event that KMS has right now?

    Is it not possible to add a temporary world server in GMS?

    submitted by /u/silverletters
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    Demon Avenger set.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:17 AM PDT


    I've playing MS too many years ago, but I logged in again due to the coronavirus. I'm working right now in a lvl 210 demon avenger, I want hit 10m range.

    Need some advise from you about items, etc.


    submitted by /u/Claphy
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    Cosmos and vengeful rings worth going for during goblin night market event?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Hello, level 200 kinesis here.

    As the title says, are the cosmos and vengeful rings worth getting (for someone like me)? I currently have a sup gollux ring, solid gollux ring, synergy ring and a master ss ring (both from the event). Is it worth it for me to go for either ring? I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered or if I'm just being stupid, just got back into maplestory last month.

    submitted by /u/xLjay
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    Which skills should I steal as a Phantom?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Currently playing a Phantom and I have hs and coc, what are other skills that I should steal?

    Also, heard coc has been nerfed for phantoms so maybe another option?

    submitted by /u/sweek96
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    Fastest class to reach lvl 30

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    Whats the fastest class to reach lvl 30? Maybe its storyline, quests....etc Thanks,

    submitted by /u/ahmed321123
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    Looking for Guild in Scania.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT


    I am a fairly new player returning, I am a level 177 Pathfinder needing help to run bosses as I am extremely unfunded. Any guild that would be able to help me do daily bosses would be amazing :).

    submitted by /u/Kralj7171
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    Question - character less than 3 days old?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    [Question] Someone I am playing with is trying to trade a tradeable item they got out of the gacha with me. It says I cannot trade because my character is less than 3 days old. How long do I have to wait to be able to trade?

    submitted by /u/Tittsune
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    Maple Story - Mechanical Grave ( Haven Theme ) Remake

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Old Male Kanna Hairstyle

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where I can get the old Kanna hairstyle? I think it's called "Charisma hair." It's the one where his hair is long and tied back. I've tried looking it up and could not find anything. Thank you for the replies.

    submitted by /u/thenumber1hater
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    My Kishin mule keeps getting “banned” dced although I’m practically playing it alongside my own character at the exact same time

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Sooo my cousin and I are back into maple with the whole quarantine and I'm building up my legion while he builds up his links so I decided to pull up my old trusty Kishin mule from a while back.

    I never actually used this mule for Kishining as it was originally just for the link a couple years ago on that account. It was level 61 when we started and I leveled it up to 72 really quick just so it could scale with us as I might as well party it up and play with it so it kishins with us for the first character we wanna level.

    Last night it got "banned" for "suspicious activity" tho when I would attempt to log back in it would just say your account has been deactivated due to suspicious attempts to login. And it guides me through reactivating which is just sending a verify code to my email and changing the password.

    The account would be able to login after and would play fine for a couple mins before it repeats the process of "banning". No matter what I would be do or which character is be playing on for that account after this (I have a lvl 167 BM on this account) it would kick.

    This morning the account worked fine and dandy so at night we attempted to play again tho this time I made the Kanna pretty active and I basically was playing two characters at once at this point lol and it not only kicked after 2 hours or so but it kicked my cousin who's been playing regularly this entire time for no reason!

    So now we're stuck with this weird dilemma and I've already sent in a support ticket but you know daddy Nexon and their "support system"

    Just curious what you guys think, sorry for the long post lol

    Tl;dr: My Kishin mule is getting soft banned but can relogin just to get kicked again and again. After switching it up the 2nd day and playing alongside it, it banned the Kanna plus my cousin who's innocent lol

    submitted by /u/Zeroultima
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    Current Best in Slot

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Does any have a link to the current BIS for GMS? I'm just getting back into the game after about 2 years off

    submitted by /u/jdlaird38
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    Stuck at The Afterlands

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Hey, so i have 11/12 keys

    the last key i need , judging by the light blue lock is Crystal key , and i saw that you get it from a mission that i already did !

    i dont have this key , opened all the locks accept this light blue lock .

    i dont have anymore quests , talked to anybody .

    i saw that couple of years ago it bugged but im assuming that they fixed that by now .

    please help !

    submitted by /u/ShaharTur
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    can Gm spawn in lost items

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    my gf plays the chinese version . i'm here to find out if a GM has the power to spawn in an item to give to someone who has lost one ( in her case she was scammed and someone hacked her account)
    in china they are allowed to trade and buy items worth hundreds someone stole a lot from her account. so im wondering two things first is it likely they would spawn in the item for the user they lost due to being scammed and the second thing is if its unlikely does anyone know if they could if they wanted to

    submitted by /u/SneakyCheeky92
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