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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    MapleStory Seasonal players starter pack

    MapleStory Seasonal players starter pack

    Seasonal players starter pack

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    TIL Madman ranmaru is already dropping adele's weapon

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    A Maplestory fanfiction

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    It was the last day of school before graduation for Kishin Shoukan. "Today is the day I will confess to senpai!" she exclaimed. "I have to do it, before it's too late!" With a confident smile on her face, Kishin began to approach her senpai who was standing on the other side of the hallway. She was about to call out her senpai's name when her heart dropped. The most popular girl in the school, Frenzy totem, had beaten her to senpai.

    "Stupid frenzy totem," Kishin muttered. "I hate that rich bully.... there's no way people like her more than me! She's just a spoiled brat. I've worked so hard to get to where I am.... I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!" Kishin angrily stomped toward Frenzy totem. "Hey Frenzy! What do you think you're-"


    A fist slammed into Kishin's belly, interrupting Kishin's airflow. She doubled over in pain. "Ughh, what was that for?" Kishin moaned in pain. She turned to face her attacker. It was Anna, the producer of GMS.

    "Sorry Kishin, but Frenzy paid me to do this. I can't let anybody get in the way of Frenzy." said Anna, waving a wad of notes Frenzy had paid her. Anna began to brutally beat up Kishin. When the beating ended, Kishin could barely move.

    submitted by /u/candyms
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    (JMS) Notes on the new familiar system.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Hi, its me again. I know you guys are having a hard time without familiars, which will come back at V215 in GMS. The new familiar system in JMS work perfectly but with some inconvinience. But I want to give you some information so you can be prepared.

    1. (Unchecked by myself) Lotus will drop legendary familiar cards now. The drop rate may be very low.
    2. (Maybe a bug) You cannot summon familiar in some maps. This problem happened to me at "Black Heaven Entrance", every other maps except the jump quest maps are probably fine.
    3. For legendary familiar cards, NEXON Japan added a lot of trash potentials to make getting BOSS damage/IED % very difficult. In our previous version, despite the second line of legendary familiar is trash, the first line only contains STAT+9%, ATT/MA+9%, drop rate +10%, meso+10%, BOSS +40%/45%/50%, IED + 40%/45%/50%, crit damage + 6% and some other useful options, there were no trash options. But now, it takes me 4 SETS of red familiar cube only to get (IED +50%, Heal group members HP/MP for a lot amount). But if you have enough money, you can get better options. My friend used 30 SETS and get a (BOSS damage+45%, BOSS damage+50%). It's strange that both lines are legendary tiers. However, DO NOT THINK YOU CAN ACHIEVE THAT, A BOSS DAMAGE +50% IS ENOUGH!
    4. About the defense of familiars. The total defense of the familiar you summoned affect how the gauge decrease. 1~19: 15 per minute, 20~39: 14 per minute, 40~59 : 13 per minute, 60~79: 12 per minute, 80~ : 11 per minute. Since I haven't seen any one get total defense of familiar more than 100, so I dont know if gauge decrese will be slower when you get there. Anyway, If you mob less than 2 hours a day, you do not need to worry about the gauge nor the defense. here 's the link https://twitter.com/roclAknn/status/1265532746811740160
    5. About Jr Boogies in GMS. Just give you a heads up. Someone store 600+ epic familiars before the update, and after the update, he used all of them, only to get 2 BOSS +30% and one IED 30%. Both good and bad news though.
    6. Familiars will disappear when you die now. You have to re-summon them after reviving. It's pretty annoying.
    submitted by /u/kaedemina
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    Windia's first Pink Bean Speed Run. They were doing so well they were autobanned for defeating the boss so quickly

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    The REAL Maple Memo

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Would you like a Community-based Guide website?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm a web developer, have been playing for a while a noticed a big oof.

    There are many sources of information but most of them are outdated, also there are many great and relevant guides that get lost in all the chaos.

    I offer to build an intuitive, modern website that will allow the player base to constantly post and update guides.

    This will be the go-to website for all the possible questions and guides, plus since it's community-led, it will always be up-to-date and relevant for seasonal players.

    What do you think? Is it worth the time and effort? Would you like it?

    submitted by /u/moookooo
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    New Kishin and Skills that Proc Nightghost Guide

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    New Kishin and Skills that Proc Nightghost Guide

    Posted this a couple days ago before patch hit, but here is the post refreshed with some additional testing because I still see a lot of people asking questions about how new kanna/kishin works.

    Farming skills that proc NGG (nightghost guide)

    • circle of suppression
    • vanquisher charm
    • shikigami haunting (ONLY WHILE STANDING, NOT WHILE JUMPING***)
    • exorcist charm (but low chance, it doesn't have a chance to proc per line, just 30% chance per monster hit)

    Skills that do not proc

    • tengu
    • boss
    • domain
    • almost every other skill... :(


    • Kishin can have 100% uptime (if you do it right you'll never need to recast), however, you cannot infinitely stack the +5s duration from NGG. The most you can extend and renew the duration for is 5 seconds. This means that after 30 seconds have elapsed, if you go more than 5s without proccing NGG (hitting almost anything with haunting), kishin will end. I need to do further testing /u/Conspiracing has shown to me that he/she afkd for 4 mins before kishin expired. I'll see if I can reproduce that in one shot gear.
    • NGG can proc multiple times in a row. There is no internal CD.
    • Use haunting as your primary attack without jumping
    • Haunting one shotting has no significant effect on NGG procs. Obviously if you don't one shot, you end up hitting more often and thus will proc NGG more, but as far as I can tell, each line of damage from haunting can proc NGG so the overall proc rate is relatively similar
    • Keep circle of suppression on at all times
    • Limit use of summons and domain, but it varies for whatever map you're training on.
    • From my own testing, it appears that vanq charm procs NGG more often than shiki haunting. However, charm is now on a 60s cd so it's not viable for farming.

    Edit about mules: I did see people do some stuff like unequip all gear to hit mobs more (and thereby proccing NGG more), but I'm sure that's more trouble than it's worth. Besides, it will make the kanna likelier to die to an echamp/boss and if you're not full clearing the map to the point where there's still mobs for kanna to hit, then it's kinda pointless to have kishin in the first place.

    Boss does not proc

    Exorcist's Charm procs NGG infrequently

    Tengu does not proc NGG

    submitted by /u/Chillicillin
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    OK MapleTip

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    PERMA BANNED on login?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    PERMA BANNED on login?


    I just downloaed the game after many years away, and I went to log in. I clicked a server, a channel and then the blue message popped up saying I am banned for using hacks.

    What is going on?


    submitted by /u/jack096
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    Buff management for dojo

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    How does everyone here manage buffs in dojo? Do you spam buffs off cooldown at the higher floors or synchronize them for a single burst?

    If you have 1.5, 2 and 3 min buffs and if you wait out for the 3 min ones, the 1.5 and 2 are wasted damage potential because you've effectively decreased their up time.

    Yet if with the way damage is multiplied, you do seem to get more damage in that single moment of all buffs out than having them on separately over a longer period of time. Which is better?

    submitted by /u/redbuffismine
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    tfw u can't even play fashionstory...

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Ho'ws Battle Mage now?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Its been a while since I've played one.

    submitted by /u/Student-Additional
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    (MSEA) My first time in a guild photo , Lovearrow (2008)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    69420 Subs

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I have the honor of being the 69420th sub in this subreddit haha funny meme numbers.


    submitted by /u/ChampDestroyer
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    Beast Tamers Only only HMMM

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Maplestory: How to Get Rise Points While Training

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Are there ways of getting Rise Points other than going afk at the Rise Salon? I've played a bit during the Pixel Event, so I have some concept of a point accumulation mechanic for each mob killed. But when I'm training at mobs around my level (I'm Lv. 203 at the Arcane River), I don't get any points for each mob killed, nor do I see the point accumulation animation/effect. For the pass few days, I've only gotten coins from whenever Arthur shows up to slash at the mob. Is this the only way of getting coins through mob killing, or am I actually suppose to be getting Rise Coins/Points at the same time while getting some from Arthur?

    P.S. I'm new to Reddit, I only created this account to ask this question (haha), so forgive me if my tone seems a little too different or odd on Reddit. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/LimeGreenDoughnut
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    Adele storyline in a nutshell

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Information on the new state of kishin and ideas on how to improve it.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm well aware that things posted in the subreddit have little to no effect on executive decisions at Nexon, but here are some ideas to improve the current situation of kishin.

    What changed?

    • Kishin Shoukan duration got reduced to 30 second and its cooldown got increase to 60 seconds, which effectively put the skill at a 50% uptime.
    • Nightghost Guide (NGG) increases the duration of kishin by 5 seconds, which means that every 7.5 second you need a proc to have 100% uptime on kishin (not considering the time to move and recast kish)
    • NGG being a 30% proc chance means that you need to attack around 1 time every 2 seconds to have the 3 NGG necessary procs to have 100% uptime on kishin.

    The problems

    • NGG is a buggy mess with a relatively low chance to proc.
    • The players base (and probably Nexon America) doesn't really know how the skill works
    • A lot of skills don't proc NGG (again we don't know if this is intended or not) which further messes up our ability to upkeep kishin.

    How to proc NGG and what to avoid

    • As of right now only skills casted by kanna herself proc NGG (Shikigami Haunting, Shikigami Charm, Circle of Suppression and Liberated Circle)
    • NGG is able to proc when one of the aforementioned skills are used and a mob remains alive near kanna on the same platform (y axis). NGG needs a target spawned to be able to proc, since GMS lags like crazy some skills that kill mobs take a while to register and a mob entity still exists even if it already "dead".
    • Jumping is forbidden as of right now since being too high in comparison to mobs will deny any potential procs of NGG
    • Tengu farming is dead as well as using domain and summons to full clear a map since you need to actively kill mobs (by yourself) to proc NGG and upkeep kishin.
    • Killing too fast (?) can also be problematic as fast channel and killing mobs in one line of damage might also stop NGG from proccing at all since there are no targets to attack after using a skill that can proc NGG.
    • Not having circle of suppression activated might be the biggest problem since this skill won't oneshot ever, it has a relatively low internal cooldown to deal damage, nonetheless its important to remember that mobs have to be close to kanna for NGG to proc. Its not confirmed but the difference in y-axis values from the mob and the character might disable NGG from proccing.

    Potential changes to NGG

    • Since most players agree that these nerfs are directed to kishin mules it would be safe to assume that some changes could be implemented to help kanna farmers have an easier time farming.
    • NGG range is abyssal, after some testing getting close to max range shikigami haunting NGG won't trigger at all since the range of the skill is probably way lower than the max range of shikigami haunting.
    • Summons don't proc NGG independent of how far away you are from where the mobs get damage, if this is intended or not is still speculation but having summons proc could fix the 100% uptime problem we are facing right now.
    • Increase the proc chance of NGG. Either by leveling the skill to max level or my making a trinode effect that at lvl 20 and lvl 40 you add a 10% proc chance could also help the current situation a lot.
    • Make NGG able to proc even if you are jumping (or mid air jumping down platforms).
    • Make NGG proc even if you one shot mobs
    • Make NGG duration increase from 5 second to 10 seconds

    Things to consider to improve kishin uptime for the time being

    • Corsair legion block only affect the time kishin is up on the map but the extra time it remains it won't have the spawn enhancing effects.
    • Mercedes legion block will reduce kishin cooldown so consider leveling one to 200 or 210 with the ongoing teraburning
    • CDR potential line on hat has the same effect as mercedes so consider cubing at least -2 second with the ongoing cube sale.
    • Relentless attack node will reduce the cooldown of kishin every 2 or 3 rotations so also consider crafting the node every week if you plan on farming.
    • Considering rerolling lines to meso obtain on your main (If you don't main Kanna) to get meso on the side while leveling since the meso rates on Kanna keep getting worse and bigger maps get better comparatively. So farming on your main and doing rotations at bigger/higher level maps could be as good or even better than farming on kanna as of right now.

    Transparency and rework kishin

    • Nexon is terrible at being transparent and communicating their intentions to the player base. Its clear that the constant spawn rate nerfs followed by kanna nerfs are a way of preventing players from progressing too fast (or faster than KMS) to the point a good portion of the playerbase is progressed enough where they demand new content from Nexon (like pre flame and 15 star, where Hlucid P3 was mathematically impossible).
    • What Nexon fails to comprehend is that the bulk of GMS' player base is one Reboot and there we haven't yet cleared the Black Mage, the end game boss as of right now. While KMS has, without Gollux, Familiars and Kanna. And that the changes to kanna affect Reboot players more than regular server players.
    • In regular server the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer because of the existence of frenzy totem (The addition of this item was even more idiotic than the addition of Kishin Shoukan but that is a discussion for another time).
    • GMS has been injecting the the drug known as Kishin for way too long and removing it now would be game breaking because of starforce costs. Regular servers aren't going to remove frenzy anytime soon as people have spent big chunks of money on frenzy totem.
    • If their intentions are to remove kishin altogether they should (what the fuck am I talking about), the introduction of Fury/Wild Totem means that Nexon wants a way to limit the amount of farming, and therefore progression, a server can do on a given amount of time. 34 hours of farming a month is maybe what the average player farms, but those that have arcana farmers farm twice that much if not more. Revert kishin back to what it was before any nerfs and remove the spawn enhancing effects. Make wild totems 1k rp and increase the limit to 30 a month, this way Nexon has a way to limit the amount of farming players can do in a given time period.
    • bUt OnLy 2 HoUrS oF fArMiNg A daY??? Yes, Nexon isn't going to stop nerfing kishin and kanna until its the biggest bossing monster in the game and the worst farmer, and if you are sweaty enough you can get the RP on your kishin mule and buy the totem there, increasing your hours of farming every day to 4.
    • bUt OnLy 4 HoUrS oF fArMiNg A dAy??? Get a job and buy frenzy.
    • Of course changes like these would affect hardcore players the most since they probably farm more than 4 hours a day, nonetheless changes like these would benefit the average player more than it would hinder hardcore players as the average player doesn't even play 4 hours a day regularly and doesn't have a 2nd PC to kish himself.

    These ideas and suggestions are probably getting nowhere but is some moderator reads these and even just suggests them to management at Nexon just to be rejected I'd be happy.

    submitted by /u/Galoelfalo
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    (Kanna - Reboot) Can anyone explain why the CRA pants on the left lowers my range compared to the one on the right?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    eliminating kishin's respawn rate, and increase amount of monster respawn

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    not meaning eliminating both of them

    Some people keep saying kishin makes all server laggy because of spawn rate. If that is a problem, how about just eliminating spwan rate and increase more mobs, maybe *2.5 will be okay. (*0.6 spawn rate and *1.5 mob means *2.5 more mob)

    submitted by /u/Seelebild
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    Question for Kanna mains

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Hi! I am a Kanna main on reboot and currently working on my meso gear since I just started playing the game again a month or so ago.

    Since the meta for Tengu Stike is dead, what do you guys think is the most effective nodes for me to invest on for my kanna in terms of farming? 🤔

    TIA! 😊

    submitted by /u/Ms_Cray
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    Any updated skill guide site like ayumilove ?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Since wanted to have easier time and not stressing out what to max first i know people been suggesting do 1 attack and rest passives (Since now we can max all) (looking to do 10>150 for Corsair and Kaiser)

    submitted by /u/DrakBAM
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    Big Brain Tera Burn

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    i feel that something is not right

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:22 AM PDT

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