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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    MapleStory guardian angel event: a maplesea player's perspective

    MapleStory guardian angel event: a maplesea player's perspective

    guardian angel event: a maplesea player's perspective

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    before we go into how good or how bad the event was for the game, i'd like to lay out some mathematical facts.

    at 60% success rate, there is a higher probability that a 20* equip jumps to 22 immediately (0.36) than there is for it to go 21 off-event.

    at 60%, it is more likely that a 6 star tyrant belt will go to 12 than 0. the game literally WANTS you to succeed.

    because the boom rate works as a conditional probability on failure (a la the old "50% boom if fail" cursed scrolls), the increased success reduces the boom rate. the reduced boom rate can then be further halved by the other buff.

    you may know me as the guy who made the nice starforce calculator that goes down once in a while due to shitty hosting. even without tweaking this code, i already knew from the start that this event was mathematically too good to be true. i refused to believe it would actually get through, i refused to even investigate the legitimacy of the event.

    but i quietly stockpiled meso regardless, and made the conscious effort to tell no one else just how good the event would be.

    immediate impact of the event

    the event started on 15 july, 12am. i was playing kms and doing my dailies. i logged into maplesea, joined the msea discord voice channel at 12.49am. almost immediately, i was told by my friend that he already 22 starred his bod and outlaw, and the outlaw took only 5 clicks from 17 to 22.

    the event has only been live for 9 hours before the game went down for maintenance at 9am. at 1am i 22 starred my shadower's entire body, including kanna's treasure, dominator pendant, and frontierb pendant which are commonly considered hard to replace. i then went to sleep, and woke up, and 22 starred 8 of my hoyoung's equips. all of that cost about 20b in total.

    as a f2p player, i made 20 22* equips in the span of 2 hours of gameplay, for 20b.

    you can only imagine how people with more resources - real-money resources and game resources - would be churning out 22 star equips like a factory.

    i don't think it would be a stretch to say that more 22* equips were made in the span of these 9 hours than the game's entire history.

    meso market in draco jumped from 2k/100m to 5.5k/100m. in aquila, there are a healthy amount of transactions going at 7k/100m.

    predicted effect over the next few weeks as the event progresses

    there are a lot of people i've talked to who are planning to star equips for no reason other than to sell.

    but who's going to buy?

    the value of meso is sky-high, but the value of equips themselves is in the dumpster. it takes 1b to make a 22* equip. so if someone were to put a 22* equip up on the auction house, what price would he put it at? 800m?

    even taking into consideration "external" methods of trading, there is going to be a huge supply shock to the market. i would be completely unsurprised if the value of 22* equips tumbles down to 1/5 of their current price. people will be funding random mules to hboss level from nothing for less than the price of a single clean bod.

    speaking of that - out of everyone who had the resources to participate in the event, the only losers were the ones who had the misfortune of booming their arcane weapons or bod/outlaws. the price of clean replacements is going to shoot up, and i won't be surprised if people buy legendary unstarred equips just to use them to replace traces, considerin how rare clean ones are on the market in general.

    long-term health of the game

    it's not looking good. suppose you're someone who was unable to partake in the event - whether it be because you didn't have meso, or you just started playing, or whatever. you're going to be faced with the prospect that a single 17* equip is going to cost more to make than what people used to make 22 equips.

    22 equips will go back to costing 10b-20b to make after the event, but the damage is already done. the supply of 22 equips floating in the market is going to stick around for a very long while because they're not going to go away and because they're resellable. a new player may find it more cost efficient to farm meso to buy a 22 star equip for 2b than to waste time with the star force system.

    when the economy actively disencourages engaging with your own in-game systems, this is not a good thing.

    the event will separate players into two strata; those who had meso, those who didn't. there will be a category of players with full 22 body, and players without. there's very little middle ground. it creates an unhealthy division; one community will mostly associate with each other for purposes of bossing and talking about non-starring upgrades, one will be complaining about the pains of upgrading starforce that the other completely didn't experience.

    on game balance

    to balance the game, the different systems - equipment, arcane force, exp-grinding, union-grinding, bossing, meso farming - should be roughly balanced. this is so that if someone feels like they hit a cap on exp-grinding where the monsters are too strong, they can turn to one of the other systems for progress, and more experienced players can upgrade all of these in tandem at a balanced rate.

    if one mode of progression becomes too fast, everything else becomes a chore. no one who plays kms thinks that arcane force is a "dumb time-gate"; they are more worried that a single upgrade of an arcane symbol is going to cost 100m and deny them many core gemstones.

    in the world of frenzy and kishin, however, people shoot up to 235 before their first symbol hits level 7. then everything else becomes a chore; arcane force is a "dumb time gate", union is a chore, and so on.

    if someone gave you a "video game" that just had a single button, and you pressed that button, and it started celebrating "you won!!" with lots of party music and sprinkling confetti, would you consider that a fun video game?

    the entire point of maplestory is progression. progression IS the game. accelerating it this much is just removing what makes the game a game.

    i don't think i'm going to quit. but even though i've gotten what so many others envy, i just feel empty right now.

    people who wish this event would come to other servers - you are the unironic embodiment of "you think you know what you want but you don't".

    submitted by /u/hailcrest
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    Is Nexon the true villain?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    beast tamer doodle

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Meister/Master decay is one of the worst modern features and is horribly outdated

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I can understand multiple reasons why it exists. Idle hands lead to falling out of practice, you don't want the peak to be a one-and-done and it's supposed to be prestigious, or maybe you're expected to do work to maintain the buffs that come with meister.

    The issue is, in this day and age, requiring activity within 17 hours to avoid heavy punishment is as stupid as it is anti-consumer. There's already enough daily content the player has to worry about, with multiple falling in limited timespans like ursus or kritias. There's bosses, capping, maple tour, symbols, monster park, legion, gollux, cpq/voyage, etc. Making crafting mandatory on top of all that shit, and ~16 hours instead of a full day no less, is extremely discouraging for anybody even considering the grind. It's literally "don't train this skill until you have all the resources you need, get it done, then drop it immediately". There's a reason why everybody hates the meister grind and thinks it's toxic, this is it.

    Yes, it's always been like this, but just because it always has been doesn't mean it always has to be. It's a bad mechanic, and no other MMO I've played requires you to do something similar because every other MMO knows it only serves to drag down the player.

    This all being said, this is mostly just a post to rant because I know Nexon will never do anything to change it. I'm just tilted because I'm a new player who looked at crafting and said "ooh, cool, I'm going to try to level this up" and only found out after getting halfway to meister that I need to religiously craft every 16 hours so I gave up and am now watching all my hard spent item/dark/black crystals wash away because I'm not willing to do that shit and I don't have the mats necessary for meister equips yet.

    submitted by /u/mzchen
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    And just like that, I’ve used all of my luck for 2020...

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    For the best chicken delivery man in Bera! KFCDELIVERER~ Thank you for feeding META <3

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Isn't Kanna kind of unhealthy for the game? It seems like so much is balanced around them.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    To be completely honest, I've only played this game for a couple of months, so I may be misunderstanding some parts.

    From what I've read from guides and other players, it seems like the way to progress is via levels and mesos (cubes). It seems like Kanna earns way more mesos and level way faster with Kishin, and apparently afaik there were nerfs/changes to totem that involved Kishin balancing.

    All these strategies involving Kanna (suicide kanna, 2pc, grinding mesos on arkanna) just seem so unhealthy for the game. Is there really a point to make one specific character to make mesos instead of allowing people to farm mesos efficiently on any character they play?

    submitted by /u/Misawamisa
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    Maplesea's 2x starforce event

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Rise Update - Everyday is DMT + Other bonuses event?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Tfw you 22* everything else except your 2 unrestorable items

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    RISE Boss Gloom Pattern Guide~!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    First time logging in since 2008. I actually still like the game. How rare are these items now?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    [Reboot] Money Man Adventures, The CRA Experience

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Cash Shop Update for July 15 | Official News

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Leveling Bishop

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    I gotta say, those of you who leveled a bishop class from level 1 to god knows what level WITHOUT IT BEING A BURN CHARACTER, I just gotta say you are a real fucking trooper. I hate this class already and I'm tera burning the thing.

    I wanted to level one for holy symbol but jesus christ almighty is this mind numbingly boring.

    How did we ever put up with this boring nonsense years ago?

    Not even listening to AC/DC while grinding is making it any better, which is saying something.

    Cudos to whoever has leveled this character from scratch the hard way because...god DAMN.

    I hope fourth job breaks me out of this boredom hellscape I've gotten myself into.

    submitted by /u/darthdarticus
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    MapleSEA starforcing madness

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    So, the guardian angel event 2x.... is for real.

    The mega-spams with all those 22* BoD and outlaw hearts was quite entertaining. My paladin's kanna ring couldn't make it unfortunately but I made about 15 20/22* equips in 20b.

    Normally I wouldn't dare to do this, but after a few tests on some disposable equips I went for it.

    We beat KMS meso rates btw, clocking at a peak of $80/b. Not personally tested but apparently affects tyrants too. That 20b was pretty much all I had but considering I was prepared to sacrifice all for the single arcane to hit 22, I got far more than I had hoped out of the event.

    Downside is, my entire shop of 17* equips is gonna sell for shit now.

    submitted by /u/redbuffismine
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    Revamped Gollux Guide for Phantoms

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Since the rework, hellux got a lot harder to clear especially with the breath reaching past the middle. So here are some tips specifically for phantom, but some tips can work for other thief classes.

    Phase 1 tips:

    Charge up freud's wisdom and enter into the fight with the 30s iframe and burst him at the start. This does a decent chunk of his health while you don't need to worry about mechanics. You can also use sacrosanctity when your burst is back up on phase 1 or 2 depending on which you struggle on most.

    Stay far enough away from the middle so that if the breath blows on the other side, you don't get hit. Then attack facing away from gollux. Once you see his eyes change in any way, use penombre to switch sides. If your reaction time is good enough, you'll never die phase 1 anymore. Also if you're on reboot, do not attempt gollux when the servers are full. Not only do you lag and cannot use penombre sometimes, but you might disconnect when using luck of the draw.

    Phase 2 tips:

    Use mille barely touching gollux so you don't get hit by the fire ring thing. Then when a hand comes, you can either double jump away then back to platform, or double jump away then either rope lift back up or teleport back up with phantom's tp skill. Avoid using the portals as if you die you may not be able to respawn due to bugs.

    You can also use mark of phantom whenever it's up and a hand comes, then use penombre to position back and reduce pdr.

    And of course use ace in the hold to hit the bottom rocks too.

    Unrealistic tip for phase 1:

    You can technically use freud's wisdom for a 30s iframe, burst gollux, then enter the safe map on the side. You can then repeat this over and over to technically have invincibility throughout all of phase 1 very slowly, but you have 30 minutes so it should be enough time. This is only really useful if you don't want to learn any mechanics. You can also use sacrosanctity.


    I've been running revamped hellux since day 1 and the two main takeaways are to use penombre to dodge breath phase 1 and to use double jumps to dodge hand. Hope this helps even 1 person struggling.

    submitted by /u/Elitefuture
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    [MSEA]Guardian Angel Event

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    [MSEA]Guardian Angel Event


    There are 4 seperate quest to receive the effects

    Staying 15 minutes -> reduce destruction rate by 2 times

    Getting Mutikill -> increase scroll success rate by 2 times

    Getting Combo Orb -> increase Potential Tier upgrade rate by 2 times

    Killing 1000 mobs -> increase star force success rate by 2 times

    Those quests can be repeated limitlessly. They will send you a cash equip if completing 100 times.

    However, I haven't received Ocean Siren and Crimson Phoenix effect because of the low chance.

    I have seen so many ppl succeeded 22* even 23*

    When starforcing it doesn't display like "30% 60%", but the effect is actually on.


    submitted by /u/Jancy_49
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    Marksman seeking tip on IED

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    As some of you may know, marksman have a lot of passive IED from skills. What is a good IED range for a marksman to have in the stats window?

    Assuming Snipe's 20% IED + 20% from lvl 40 boost node.

    submitted by /u/accyoast
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    Maplestory lore

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    so I've noticed there is no where I can find which sums up all the lore of Maplestory into one place. I found a few sources like https://maplelore.wordpress.com/ which sums it up a good amount but sadly doesn't have all of the arcane river storyline (only up to lucid) nor friendstory. I always thought it'd be cool if we could have a giant library for all the lore in one place, so people who are interested in it could read, that's why I've been thinking of making one myself. I was wondering if there are people even interested in that being a thing and if so, if anyone would like to help.

    submitted by /u/MapleStoryLore
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    Trying to run the Nexon Launcher as suggested by a user here, and I'm getting this error now. Any idea what's going on? Launcher won't open.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Making a guild for casual maplers

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just got into maplestory again because of tera burning - saw theres alot of people recruiting for hardcore guilds for lvl 220+

    Wondering if theres anyone here who are more casual players that want to start a guild to make some friends, provide some tips, possibly boss/pq with like the old days?

    Lmk, im on GMS reboot :)

    submitted by /u/ZestyBao
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    Having an aneurysm trying to get my MapleStory situation on Steam handled. This process is atrocious. Please send help.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    I had an account on MapleStory on Steam a long time ago, and I want to get back into it. I play everything on Steam, so I want to play this on Steam again as well. But, the problem is, I don't know my PIC, and I don't know which MapleStory account was linked to my Steam account. So, therein lies the issue. I don't know how to figure out which MapleStory account is synced to Steam, I don't know how to unsync my MapleStory account from Steam, and I don't know how to unlock my PIC to create a new one. ANy suggestions? I've tried googline endlessly how to figure out which MapleStory account is synced to Steam, but came up with nothing many times.

    submitted by /u/ChipsAhoiMcCoy
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    Maple Welcome Damage Skin

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    Is there still a way to get the Maple Welcome Damage Skin? Or any old event damage skins? I play on reboot if that matters.

    submitted by /u/tertwin
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