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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    MapleStory Classic login screen in gouache

    MapleStory Classic login screen in gouache

    Classic login screen in gouache

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Free Sage Rings Coupon: AwakenInnerPowerAndAscendToClassMastery

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Back when I went to 7-11 for NX.... so nostalgic ��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    By far my weirdest flex

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:23 AM PST

    Zombie mushmom watercolor v2

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:31 AM PST

    [Solo Progression] First time CQueen without CRA Gear with low everything + some tricks to stay alive as a low range DS

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:10 AM PST

    [Solo Progression] First time CQueen without CRA Gear with low everything + some tricks to stay alive as a low range DS


    Hey hello guys, From the last post, its been like 2 weeks, and now I just finish my 2nd door of CRA with pretty much low stat and everything else. (You can look at my detailed stats + equips From the last post, :))

    The stat I have was pretty much the same ,

    Now everything except stat / range is exactly the same as last post.

    My range just increase a bit from arcane symbols + potential rerolling to get more ATT+6% line: now Im reaching 830k fully buff. (but still sub 1m for sure and with low boss damage + IED)

    Mechanic wise:

    I got some mechanics trick from this old post here which is really helpful :)

    I'd like to share with you guys some other tricks to solo CQueen with low range though, most of these are specific to DS, but I hope it might be able to help other people as well.

    • DOT Phase

    so essentially, you cant do anything much with that, you just need to get the DOT, or iframe against the DOT if you have one and want to use them (I personally recommend this since managing potion spamming is the most annoying thing about this fight for me. And its so annoying to the point that all 4 death count are from me getting the DOT (+swipe) to death)

    But at least, DS can completely avoid getting DOT in the starting phase of the CQueen when you first come into the room (or get only 1 stack of them) with good planning of iframes and bind. This means that I can decrease the chance of me dying by a lot (due to DOT + swipe) until the angry face comes back. so I get roughly 2 minute cycles of DPS with no potion spamming and not having to care about the zombify since I have no DOT on me.

    The way I lay out iframes for DS is to start of with using 30s iframe for the first DOT.

    • she would spend 3 secs animation already at this point
    • Then Queen will breath fires, which gives me roughly another 6 seconds to attack. ( prepare buff for burst as well during this phase )
    • and right before she is about to cast another DOT (when her animation comes up), bind her, so her DOT doesnt hit you and you still get 1-2 second from animation delay and then another 10s from bind
      • At this point Im not sure whether the DOT just doesn't hit me from the fact that bind happens before the DOT occurs or the DS 5th job other worlds' goddess blessing negate the DOT, since I have seen a couple of time when she DOT me during my blessing is on, but the DOT wont stack on me.
    • And now for DS, the second DOT can be avoided using another 90s iframe (Dark metamorph) which she would take roughly 3 second animation again.
    • And Queen will then breath fires again, giving you another 5-6 seconds to attack.
    • And at this point 30s has passed and the 30s CD iframe would have been back, and I can cast that again on the 3rd DOT she is going to cast.
      • The number of seconds is a rough approximate of me, but the fact that the 30s iframe will be back by the time she cast 3rd DOT still holds
      • ( Having Mercedes Legion helps managing this thing by a bit that I dont have to get perfect timing layout, since i got 3% CD reductions. so I can misplaced my iframe a bit)
    • And most likely queen will switch to other face at this point. (So DS can ignore whole DOT for the starting phase using this iframe and bind)
    • With the 5th job skill of DS we can get even more iframes after the bind, (timing the 4th 5th job skill a bit 6 seconds into the bind), so DS can completely ignore the DOT for the first face.

    But this trick doesn't work when the angry face comes back again most of the time, its either I dont have bind / iframe ready or queen just decide to DOT a lot more.

    Some other things to note includes

    • DOT only stacks 3 times max, so iframing to avoid DOT after you already have 3 stacks is useless.
    • If you are melee (with long ranged) class like DS, it is better for you to not stick in the middle of the CQueen as well ( since you will get swiped to death), You can safely reach Cqueen with your skill and dont get swiped. So the only thing you need to care about potioning is the DOT. (provided that you have long enough flash jump + rush to get to the other side of Queen before she spit fires)

    • Black hole phase

    If you guys dont know ( I dont see this quite often in the runs I saw on youtube), but the debuff that CQueen cast on the floor to stick you in and deals DOT, can actually save your from Queen's vacuum cleaner move. So to give more dps specifically for lower damage bosser, you let the CQueen cast the debuff on the floor right in front of her, and then you stay in there and DPS her through the mid of her vacuum (since the floor debuff would likely to disappear at that point). The vacuum cleaner move of the CQueen cannot beat the sticky debuff that she casts on the floor, so you can keep DPSing her until the floor come back to normal (This will work pretty good especially if you already have 3 stacks of DOT on top of your self so you have to spam potion regardless).

    • Damage reflect phase

    There is nothing much to say, just avoid the zombify and thats pretty much all.

    • Mirror and heart phase

    I feel like this is the most annoying phase for low range bosser specifically since bursting mirror within 5 second seems to be a hard DPS check. So I have to devise a mechanics to deal with this phase specifically. If you use 3-4s to kill the mirror, having the CQueen swiping disable on top of you will make you unable to kill the mirror for sure.

    The idea to deal with the mirror was to stand in the middle of the stage as possible right when CQueen is casting mirror (with Cqueen at the edge of the map).

    • I need Cqueen to be at the edge of the map as much as possible. And she will be facing me most of the time. This decreases the chance of having mirror spawning at the back of her. so you can safely DPS the mirror without caring about the swipe that disable your skill
    • If mirror spawn at the back of Cqueen, this means I cant dps it without getting swiped, but that also means that the mirror will also be at the edge of the map. What i am doing here is to force every occurrence of mirror that spawns at the back of Cqueen to be spawn at the edge of the map. So I can just rush to the other side where mirror cant reach . and wait till the burst comes, and go back and burst the mirror out.
    • If mirror spawn on the front of Cqueen, get further away from queen but still in mirror range, and kill the mirror. jumping towards the mirror, you can actually jump and attack at the same time ( to not waste DPS). Having the green potion from monster park also would help, but I just fell like not using it until I really need one.

    If I already know I miss 1 hit, I can also iframe to get 2-3 more seconds to kill the mirror.

    And for the heart, you can just flash jump around the map to pop all the hearts first, and then continue DPSing queen. Also the vertical jump works with the heart. Stand on top of the heart and then vertical jump to avoid the explosion is also fine, and you can keep yourself DPSing CQueen while doing that as well.

    I hope this help other people trying to solo CQueen with less damage, and I want to again affirm that soloing CRA and without access to unique / legendary pot / gollux accessory (especially since Im in MSEA) or buying things from auction house. :)

    submitted by /u/boomza654
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    My first CRA as a F2P in Bera :D

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Here's a maple burn. Ahem, anguished spirit looking-@ss.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Apparently, if you clear Hellux too fast (in our case < 10s), there's a chance for the heart to not appear lmao

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:13 AM PST

    How exactly does this work, do they counter or stack? and what is the % of small/normal/large amounts.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:42 AM PST

    Stuck in a quest map. Has anyone experienced something similar?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:26 PM PST

    I want to get into drawing peoples maplestory characters.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:27 PM PST

    I don't know if im allowed to post things like this like its r/ICanDrawThat but I want to start drawing maple characters for practice and maplestory has alot of cool customization options and alot of characters just look really cool. I'm not the best at drawing but i'll take my time if you give me your character to draw. Just DM me some deets of what you want and your character and i'll do my best. It's all free of course.

    submitted by /u/Obility
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    Why do the maple hero outfits make you float?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:29 AM PST

    And are there are things that make you float as well?

    submitted by /u/Aeribella
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    Nightlord dojo

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Am i the only one who's stuck at a low dojo floor despite having the same stats as someone of a higher floor? For reference im at floor 51 and 39k stat with ror4/critdmg4

    Is the ceiling due to our cool down being too long? Or am i just doing something wrong?

    Also, if anyone has a general seed ring usage guide for dojo, it would be much appreciated. I currently own: WJR L lvl4 ROR lvl4 Overdrive ring lvl4 Crit dmg ring lvl4

    (I'm just looking for assurance that i'm not fucking up.)

    (Ps, im acttually from maplesea. Posting here to look for more opinion for reference!)

    submitted by /u/tangyuaninc
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    Classes with a double flash jump?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Please help! thank you :)

    submitted by /u/--Repetitive--
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    Reboot LF> Cvell and CPB Trade

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:33 AM PST

    I have a secondary char that I need 4 pieces for CRA weapon.

    Would like to trade Cvel, CPB, and maybe some other weaker bosses as well.

    Please let me know, thank you :).

    submitted by /u/Tsukiayumi
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    Now I known what next character will be my main. Thank you wheel.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Tera Burning Event for a Permanent Beginner?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Hi! So I'm someone who really enjoys playing beginner characters, but who has a hard time leveling up with them on Reboot because...well, it's Reboot, and your weapon and armor options for beginners are few and far between. I've seen other Permanent Beginners say in the past though that the level 100 Burning Event Box (the frozen equips or whatever?) are some of the best you can get till higher levels. Seeing that, I made a new permanent beginner character and started smacking every golem I could with my axe.

    I just tried to open the level 30 box that was provided with this tera burning event, and was told that I couldn't open it because I would need to make my first job advancement to do so. Now I'm aware that the level 30 box they're providing is supposed to give you stuff suitable to your class, and I don't have one. So not being able to open that makes sense. But does this also mean that I won't be able to open the Legendary Cryptic Chest that has the Frozen set?

    Even reading the MS website, the difference in description for the level 30 and level 100 box/chests is quite obvious. One says open to get suitable equips for your class, the other simply states it's a chest that only characters that have reached level 100 can open, and to open to get a set. So keeping that in mind....can a permanent beginner that reaches level 100 during this event open that box? I'm not even sure if anyone would have this answer to this or know for sure, but I felt like I should ask :( Thank you for reading!

    TLDR; Can a Permanent Beginner open the level 100 Legendary Cryptic Chest provided during this Burning event?

    submitted by /u/fafinette
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    How to change from DB to NL? (Open Job Advancement)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:15 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'd like to change my 103 Dual Blade to a Night Lord.

    I have idea how to do this.

    Can anybody give me a step-by-step on how to do it?

    Thank you so much! :)

    submitted by /u/fuckyouyaslut
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    Wtf Man

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Kanna farm benchmarks

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:50 PM PST

    New to reboot about 2 months ago. Just got legion up and prepped kanna farmer is almost ready. AF is at 260 and level 219. Without wealth potion and legion coupon im getting about 240m an hour at yum yum. I have 80% meso on acc and 60% drop from acc. I have the meso line on IA. 3 set abso on rn. I guess im wondering what to prioritize next. Get to 225 Raise AF to 540 Last meso line acc 5 set abso

    Lmk what I should prioritize and what rates you think I should see at lach and arcana.

    What are some good rates you guys get at lach and arcana that I can shoot for?

    submitted by /u/Jordsterking
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