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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    MapleStory Maple Legion Chart POST AWAKE

    MapleStory Maple Legion Chart POST AWAKE

    Maple Legion Chart POST AWAKE

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Maple Legion Chart POST AWAKE

    I don't know if someone already posted an updated legion chart for GMS recently but I was looking at some on google and saw an outdated one so I just updated it for the heck.


    EDIT: adding a link for anyone wanting a checklist.


    CREDITS: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/9fsf84/legion_bonuses_classes_by_stats/

    submitted by /u/mlhuynh
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    Welp, at least I got 30%

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Some people call me lucky

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST


    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:47 PM PST


    Hi! I recently learned that there was a pop up MS shop in Seoul, and I'm bummed I missed out on it! I'm even more bummed because the snow globes would be perfect gifts for my special someone. I'm located in the US, so it's super hard to find any MS merch anywhere. Pictures aren't mine - they're to show what I'm looking for. If anyone can send me any of them, PLEASE DM ME!




    submitted by /u/not-sus-OwO
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    [SPOILERS] Angler Company going forward?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    For those who haven't completed the Detective Rave and Reverse City theme dungeons and don't want spoilers don't read ahead!

    So in the Detective Rave theme dungeon we first hear about the Angler Company, which Senya is a part of, when the Mapler works together with Detective Rave to defuse a cleansing device that would otherwise destroy Savage Terminal.

    Then later on in the Arcane River, it is revealed that T-Boy, the antagonist in the Reverse City theme dungeon, is actually brother to Senya Angler, making him probably a part of the Angler Company as well.

    And apparently, according to Maplestory Fandom, Senya is also referred to in Ho Young's storyline, specifically in one of the stories told by Willow in Cheong-woon Valley.

    Initially I thought that the Angler Company would make a return in the new Sellas expansion, but I guess not.

    What do you think? Will Angler Company be referenced in future Maplestory updates and expansions, or is this as far as they go?

    submitted by /u/OldProtectionism
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    4.8T, 50F dojo, 38.4k AB no Kanna farming progression - Progress the way you want to

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST

    4.8T, 50F dojo, 38.4k AB no Kanna farming progression - Progress the way you want to

    I've been lurking this subreddit for about 1.5 years and I don't think I've seen progression without Kanna farming being shared. I'd see players talk about how they didn't want to play Kanna with a few responses saying they could do that, they'd just hit a brick wall.

    Maybe some of the progression posts are without farming on a Kanna but most progression posts to me are less about how strong they became but more of their mastery of mechanics by using a huge chunk of the boss timer. I'm not saying that their achievements are worth any less though. Those are definitely still big milestones to hit and people should really be proud of it.

    That being said, I'm also not saying that I have the raw strength of those in the endgame or even lategame. I just want to provide another flavour of progression: how strong I've become without farming on a Kanna. Hopefully this post helps those that don't want to play Kanna the same way that other progression posts inspire those taking the same route. Play the game your way and enjoy your progression.

    Clean thumbnail for video below


    So as the title says, my BA is 4.8T (low def, no familiars or guild skills), I've cleared 50F dojo and am a lvl 245 AB with 38.4k stat (clean) on Reboot NA. The video above shows my stat window, equips, V matrix, links and legion. While this is without farming on a Kanna, I do use totems but having another Kanna kish for me is a thing of the past. I did it for a short period of time before totems came out but that's about it.

    Below are some questions I've thought of over the months and from talking to others about this route. You can still ask me something that I didn't cover in the comments of course.

    1. Why? Do you hate yourself?

    I actually decided not to farm on a Kanna because I don't hate myself. I find enjoyment in progressing on my main due to it's own effort. I'm okay with links and legion as I just have to play them for a day or two (accumulatively) and then I can forget about them. If I farmed on a Kanna, I would have more playtime on it than my main which is something I personally do not enjoy.

    1. So you don't have a Kanna at all?

    I have one at 200 for the link and legion. It does not have meso gear and has never done byebye (old meso farming map that was nerfed/removed).

    3a) I don't know how strong you are from the title, could you measure it with bosses?

    I kill nlotus in about 3 minutes. I don't have an updated ndam timing as I've been doing hdam in a party. I also do hlucid in a party.

    b) How about doing practice mode ndam and elucid solo?

    Maybe if I was really bored. I usually find something to do outside of maple then though.

    4a) How long have you been playing?

    I started this account fresh in Feb 2019. I did play pre-bb (lvl 13x) and came back for a bit over the years (lvl 20x) but I decided to play with a completely fresh account in Feb.

    b) How long do you play each week?

    About 2 hours for dailies each day, 2 hours for weekly solo bosses (on AB and Hero) and recently, another few hours for party weekly bosses. If I feel up to it then I train with a totem once a week. I only really ramped up the hours now as I have some downtime between graduating and starting my full time job. So I'd say the average over the whole ~22 months is 18 hours a week.

    1. What do you do to progress?

    3x Ursus! 2x maple tour! Boss crystal rush! Then the marathon of arcane river dailies! Every single day! And of course, make sure you take advantage of events. Just saving for the big ones like cube and sf sales is fine. But the most important thing is to read the guides and discussions others post (e.g. on discord or reddit) so that you can strengthen the mind.

    In the beginning, you'll feel powerless when trying to do weekly bosses for mesos. You might think that you should spend whatever you have off event for a chance at getting lucky. But for me, in order to maximise efficiency, no matter how long I had to wait, even if I made no progress for months, I always saved for events.

    9 months later, I started to notice a difference. My gear turned green (leg pot, 2L stat) and had stars on them (17*)... I had become stronger!

    Okok despite the format, it is all true. Other than the weekly bosses now, I usually cap out the 60 crystals per week on AB with higher priced daily bosses like nark, hranmaru and npap.

    In the beginning I did spend a lot of time reading guides to understand the game and plan out my progression. I'd say I spent more time reading than actually playing then. Even now I still read discussions and still learn from them.

    1. Isn't AB kinda broken though?

    Maybe. I don't follow the dps charts and I didn't check how fast ABs clear bosses when selecting my main. I saw magical badass idol girl with dragon mascot and instantly knew who I'd enjoy maining.

    Maybe I did get lucky and picked a class that is broken enough to progress this far despite not playing optimally. However, I've never compared against other classes with the thought of changing mains. Even when I wanted to try Hero I knew it would always be relegated to 2nd main.

    I play AB because I enjoy the class's theme and aesthetics. How it squares up against other classes is not a concern for me.

    1. Now that you're approaching arcanes surely you'll give up and farm on a Kanna soon?

    No u.

    Honestly though, I can't say for sure. Maybe in the future I won't find any fun playing like this and do decide to farm on a Kanna. I don't know how I'll change in the future. All I can say is that as of now, I don't plan on stopping the no Kanna farming train.

    1. Can you help me with my damage?

    Short answer: No. Not here at least.

    If you ask me directly, the least I'll do is ignore you and at most I'll tell you to ask in the proper place. If you say that you don't know how to progress, look up guides and narrow down what it is exactly that you don't know. Formulate a concise question and ask it in the megathread, discord, your guild, etc.

    If you can't kill the thing and need carries, join a guild. Contribute to them (cap, gpq, flag race, etc) and they'll carry you as long as you don't annoy them.

    If you have a question specific to this progression I'll be happy to answer but not if it's too general. If you use the appropriate mediums and methods to ask for help, I might just be the one helping you there.

    1. Are you saying to follow this progression style?

    Definitely not. Too many players focus on the rate of progression that they forget that Progression = Rate * Time, resulting in burnout and quitting in a few months.

    You're more likely to put in more time into something if you have fun doing it. I enjoy playing like this so I accepted the lower rates for a longer time of playing. Find whatever makes you happy and don't let the naysayers pull you down.

    Discord message my best friend posted in the server after clearing hlucid with him. Made me grin like an idiot for hours.

    I'll finish this post by saying that I definitely did not make it this far by myself. A huge shoutout goes to my guildmates which many have turned into friends. Some carried me when I was starting out. We kept each other company in voice call to take our minds off the grind. When something good happened to one of us, people in the call lost their shit cheering.

    Although some have moved onto other guilds, our friendship still persists and I still make more memories with them. Even for those that have quit the game, I can't thank them enough for all the good times we had.

    submitted by /u/Auxilism
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    Recently fell in love with I/L

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

    Just fell in love with the general play style of I/L mage and invested a lot into the class. Now I'm thinking about some general things and late game of I/L mage. I got like 3k union should I go with buff duration tiles?

    My main concern would be late game bossing - is it okay to stick with I/L until forever? Or it's better to swap job now considering I/L is kinda lacking in bossing?

    submitted by /u/wpmybaobeii
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    Demon Slayer's Dark Metamorphosis I-frame?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Is it worth keeping it at level 1 to keep the cooldown at 30 seconds for the I-frame, or is the extra damage/duration for the damage reflect ignore effect better?

    submitted by /u/Mediphysical
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    Question about kanna farming

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:42 AM PST

    So I am new to maple and a lot of people have told me to farm with kanna I would have to telefarm and when I looked up this stuff it seems outdated, so my question is , is there still a way to telefarm? Is that still how you farm with kanna ? Or am I missing something ?

    submitted by /u/cervantelee
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    So how does one obtain this skill?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:16 AM PST

    How hard is it to get a 2 Line of 10% LUK & 10% ATK? 3rd line can be whatever (hopefully damage)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Do you still do Commerci runs/PQ after getting the face and eye accessories

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:39 PM PST

    [Reboot] Title

    submitted by /u/12590838
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    Kanna ring vs Meister ring

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:48 PM PST

    They both seem to have the exact same stats, does it necessarily matter which one to use for the 4th BiS?

    submitted by /u/KjSchoen33
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    can someone show me a better flame than this for a book?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Can I get some advice on my IA?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Dawn Warrior in NA Reboot.

    My IA is legendary with 10% damage to normal monsters first line, 10% mesos obtained second line, and 420k honor exp. What should my strategy be and what should I be aiming for with this 50% off event?

    submitted by /u/MapleN00b
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    About inner abilities

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Hi maplestory community I'm currently working on my second and third line of inner ability for my Kaiser and have some questions, I currently have 18 attack second line and 7% buff duration third line, if I were to use a Chaos circ from the current event shop my chances to get higher numbres are from 10 to 20 for the attack line and 0 to 10 for the buff duration? In that case should I reroll those two lines? And what is the best set of inner ability lines that my character can have?

    submitted by /u/ShadicMikeXx
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    (Reboot) What gear should I use and what gear should I aim for? appreciate all the help i can get.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Buff duration and Combo Training II?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:32 PM PST

    My blaster has 42% buff duration from IA and Mechanic's legion bonus, but Combo Training II (4th job passive) stacks only last their base 10 seconds. I thought only 5th job and hyper skills ignored buff duration.

    Is this a bug?

    Edit: sounds like other combo classes behave the same so it's probably intended.

    submitted by /u/Nitrospira
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    Looking for UK Guild

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a UK Guild to join and play with. I am currently in Scania but apparently they aren't many UK Guilds in Scania. I am willing to start in another world to be able to join one :)


    submitted by /u/Initial-Distinct
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    KBR For Luminous?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Simple Yes or No would be appreciated! I just wanna know if I NEED KBR for Luminous bossing as there's a tera burning event and I can just ez train a mihile but I wanna know if that -link slot is worth it for the kbr

    submitted by /u/SnooTangerines9755
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