• Breaking News

    Monday, January 11, 2021

    MapleStory Reboot NA Bishop First Lotus solo clear (20k INT)

    MapleStory Reboot NA Bishop First Lotus solo clear (20k INT)

    Reboot NA Bishop First Lotus solo clear (20k INT)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    Hair coupon didn't preview what hair it was, and google results sucked. So I made this, they're in order. Hope it helps, and hope maplesim was accurate :P Last female one is same as male odessy hair.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST

    drew my maplestory chara... i love her very much ; _ ;

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:40 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    first lucid kill :D

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    Kaiser Discord Group Pic 2021

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:24 PM PST

    Since nobody mention it so I share it. Meso obtained + 3% from Thread Of Fate ( a feature from Wing of fate). Tested it myself and I'm sure it work and stack with other meso obtained stuff.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:33 AM PST

    kao is pretty pathetic

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:56 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:57 PM PST

    Seriously. 118 black cube from epic to leg. On emblem.

    120 black cube for event ring, still on unique, and one master cube from event got it to legendary.

    NOW freaking Kanna ring, 84 black cubes, still on unique.


    submitted by /u/AintEazyMe
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    (REBOOT) Wavelength Guild Picture

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:18 PM PST

    how to DOUBLE your meso farming rates INSTANTLY

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Question: What Are You Favorite Aspect of Maplestory?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:03 PM PST

    What is your favorite gameplay factors and game mechanics that make maplestory memorable to you or enjoy the game? What did you like and didn't like?

    submitted by /u/fyapowa
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    Just burned a hero to 200 and I wanted to make a video about it

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:36 PM PST

    Squad Event was more fun than Legion Arena

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Like Fighting the gorgon bosses and optimizing how much damage you can deal to them over the course of 5 characters was SIGNIFICANTLY more fun than whatever shitty simulated auto-fight we get when paired up against someone else. So many of the Legion Arena fights you'd win would feel undeserved when youre consecutively paired up with the same exact person you just beat, or when they're a Kanna main that could easily lose to most level 200 characters. In the Gorgon Squad event, however, it doesn't punish the player by making certain classes weaker than others because you can still utilize the class to effectively deal damage and get more points up.

    I don't know, it's not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be Like I'm staying at 7% on the rankings so I'm making the most of it anyway, but it just feels like Legion Arena should've been more engaging and more rewarding and not throwing other players under the bus just because they chose to main or play as the quote on quote "wrong classes".

    submitted by /u/Sunch3r
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    Fuck Gollux.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:30 AM PST

    That's it.

    submitted by /u/Tetraides
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    Buy arcane weapon with droplets or wait for boss drop

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:20 AM PST

    Hi guys

    I have enough droplets to buy arcane weapon and was thinking of getting it before 5 10 15. Would you buy it or is it a waste as weapon drops are more common now from hlucid?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/PotGaming
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    jerome is cute

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:22 PM PST

    versus hillia , how many practice runs did you guys do before you get comfortable with her mechanics ?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    Looking for an old friend

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    Hey guys, I know this is a long shot but I went on a nostalgia trip and I'm looking for an old buddy of mine. We played on Windia, this was back in 2010-2013, he was a crossbowman (I forget what their 4th job is called). If anybody knows this IGN and whether he still plays or has any connections, that'd be greatly appreciated.

    IGN: PotionPopper

    submitted by /u/HurryforCurry
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    Cracked / Solid Gollux ring drop change?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:40 PM PST

    I usually run 1 normal and 1 easy Gollux run a day and try to get a cracked or solid gollux ring. I used to get like 1 to 2 rings a week, but ever since awake a single ring hasn't dropped. Did they stop rings from dropping on Gollux?

    submitted by /u/AlarmingCoast5772
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    Familiars question

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:19 PM PST


    So what is the best way to tier up familiars? I think I read some post on Reddit before, and someone said it's best to extract all the common fam and buy the familiars booster pack. But now I recognize that you can use common familiars to fuse with rare familiar to tier up from rare to epic. (It cost 1000 point to tier up so it's 100 common fam, but fam pack cost 2000, then why don't I just use them to tier up for a guarantee epic fam?)

    submitted by /u/henrysze1995
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    how to sufficiently use mega burning and tera

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:02 PM PST

    In regards to burning world, do you mega burn to get link skills to 150 and legion for tera?

    submitted by /u/sexzenas
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    Same Gender Marriage?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:51 PM PST

    Out of curiosity why don't we have same gender marriage in Maple yet?
    As someone who is Bi herself, I would love to see this be added into Maple and I know a lot of other people would too.

    submitted by /u/Xanie11e
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    How's Kanna in Legion Arena now?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    According to the tier list, Kanna was the sole F tier character, which was backed by this infamous post where a Lv275 Kanna lost to a Lv210 Thunder Breaker.

    But the last maintenance apparently fixed Kanna's bugs in Legion Arena, so how does she fare now? Is she B tier at least?

    submitted by /u/mccrystal654
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