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    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    MapleStory This

    MapleStory This


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    For the third time this week :)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    KMS DPM chart Q&A thread

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:39 AM PST

    KMS DPM chart Q&A thread

    Hello. I am icepeng, a major contributor to maplestory_dpm_calc.

    The maplestory_dpm_calc project is developed as open source (https://github.com/oleneyl/maplestory_dpm_calc)

    DPM chart at https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/l7jljg/kms_12343_dpm_chart/ is calculated from maplestory_dpm_calc module.

    We are calculating dpm with simulation, and we are continuing to improve it to make more useful data from simulation.

    Mechanic, cdr0 damage flow

    For example, we can provide damage flow graph, not just dpm.

    If you have any questions about the dpm chart, please leave it in the comments.

    Development is slow due to the lack of team members at this time. We ask for a lot of participation from those who are interested in this project.

    PS: The skill delay is hard-coded based on the KMS maximum speed, so GMS support is currently in a difficult state.

    submitted by /u/rr2404
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    Can anyone tell me which equips these are?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    Finally bought a tablet and drew my character c:

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:08 AM PST

    (re-upload) Cadena Discord group picture!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    11.5k Stat Reboot Cadena Lotus Solo

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST

    [REUPLOAD] Bowlords of Maple... I mean Bowmasters!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:04 PM PST

    What Arcane Symbols to spend Awake coins on?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    I've got some leftover Awake coins after getting everything I want, and I'm planning on spending them on Arcane Symbols. Is it most efficient to spend them on:

    VJ/Chu Chu: 30 coins each

    Lachelein/Arcana: 50 coins each

    Morass (I haven't unlocked Esfera yet): 70 coins each

    At first I thought spending them on the VJ/Chu Chu would be more efficient since they cost less per symbol. Those two are also of course my most upgraded levels and it'd be kinda nice to just get them to Lv20 and stop doing those dailies.

    But then you also get a lot more symbols for the earlier regions per day (esp. Chu Chu) compared to Morass, so I'm kind of tied. Also, my Morass symbol is of course at a lower level, so the same number of symbols would have a larger impact on my damage.

    I can get 7 symbols from Dream Defender a day, and can consistently get 10 symbols from Spirit Savior, if that matters.

    Thoughts? And thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/serendae
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    [Reboot] Just another DB (mostly) solo progression post at 21k stat

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:19 AM PST

    After some upgrades and a lot of cheesing, first Damien ever! Jett 18k clean stats, 16 minute run

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Regarding Publicly Posted Bossing Videos

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Hi, from the title you probably started to think "is this idiot trying to anti-diversify Maplestory contents and discourage community activity" but if you would, please hear me out on how have I arrived at the point of making this post.

    Not so long ago, I had a chance to see some videos about Genesis Weapon Liberation from GMS Reboot. It didn't feel so long since when it was a common sentiment that clearing Black Mage in GMS Reboot is mathematically not possible, and now I have already seen a Bishop and a Wild Hunter players having cleared Verus Hilla Liberation quest. With the addition of guild noblesse skills and familiars, on top of NEO update KMS (somewhat) encouraging players to level past 25X or possibly aim for 275, I believe there are enough reasons to say that Black Mage itself will be a lot more accessible than it is currently thought to be (though I am 26X myself with being so far away from dmg req and thus my take on this can be completely wrong).

    This will mean that more people will share their endgame bossing experiences as top players who are capable of taking on the most difficult boss in the game. Contents for relevant gameplay should solely have a positive influence on the community by serving as entertainment or even a source of motivation for some. I had this naive thought as someone who is relatively new (installed the game at the end of 2019) until I had a chance to browse some Reddit pages and see some KMS players who were impacted because of their bossing contents in Youtube has possibly given Nexon ideas to nerf certain classes.

    A KMS player I will mention here to express my concern is going to be "난별향". Those of you with excellent memory should have noticed that this Blaster player has been mentioned in the Reddit post called "The rise and fall of the best KMS Blaster on youtube" (https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/kvr59t/the_rise_and_fall_of_the_best_kms_blaster_on/). This Blaster player once had a Youtube channel where they posted some impressive bossing mechanics and pulling off some crazy solos (39k stat Hard Darknell solo to name one) but decided to take down every video in the channel as there were enough obvious reasons to assume that their bossing contents gave Nexon an idea to nerf them.

    In their community post, they have mentioned that "You may be wondering how would a single player have such impact on the game balancing and I could be excessively thinking about myself but Maplestory team has been balancing classes basing off performance and gameplay of one user for years and applying those ridiculous changes to live servers". This has already been a case for many players, and probably a more commonly known example would be "진격캐넌" a KMS Cannon Master player who was in the party that achieved the first Black Mage clear and the first Genesis Weapon Liberation in KMS. As they continued to post contents of the crazy bossing showcase like killing old Gloom under 30 seconds or attempting Black Mage solo (note that this is before some crucial game balancing and damage cap increase), Nexon apparently decided that butchering # of lines on CMD is a good idea. I initially found this understandable because of the ridiculous # of lines CM does on bosses with a large hitbox, but the second nerf and lack of compensation patch after damage cap increase made me consider this patch more questionable.

    What we have to worry about as GMS players, I believe, is the exposure of GMS-exclusive resources that include but are not limited to, attack speed cap, familiars, Sengoku classes, Mushroom Shrine perks, Bod, and Lucid Earrings. There are divided opinions about whether if some of these should stay, go, or be changed but I do not want these to be touched by Nexon simply because more people post their bossing contents after NEO power creep and Nexon gets ideas from player gameplay instead of having sufficient gameplay knowledge and confidence to apply changes that will fulfill player satisfaction that they state as their so-called-endgame. Our smaller population does not secure us from any fluffs that will make Nexon apply patches that will impact our convenient resources.

    As someone who recently tried to solo Hard Lucid with very little damage (for those who may wonder how low my damage is for me to consider Hard Lucid solo to be quite of a hot take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCvfhYmhx6Q) I have been interacting with experienced KMS and GMS players alike to plan out cooldowns, hone solo mechanics, and some other tips. Even when I post my punny gameplays on Youtube solely for my self-satisfaction and leave traces that I played this game legitimately, a lot of people have warned me to hide my attempt videos (strong emphasis on word attempt here, not clear) from public view because reaching 1-1.5 bars left with Hard Lucid's full timer as someone who has 18* gears should be sufficient for Nexon to see and nerf my class that is already mediocre at best in KMS.

    By no means I discourage anyone out there to hide their videos or stop posting their gameplay. I appreciate their dedication to the game that is publicly shared and I cannot and thus will not pretend that my insight towards this game is great enough to start a movement or peer pressure a large player population to commit to a certain action. But I think it is entirely worth pausing from NEO power creep hype and remind ourselves that how even an unpopular player's gameplay that is shared with the public solely for entertainment purposes can induce Nexon to apply undesirable patches that will lead to terrible collateral damage to content creators and class population alike.

    As much as I hate to say this, we are here for fun and we should let ourselves have it, but the game is currently run by a company that apparently will not acquire sufficient gameplay knowledge themselves and rely on small sample sizes to "balance" classes. I will keep appreciating bossing videos that are publicly shared, but if I have the slightest bit of concern that my petty video even grabs some players' attention that will leak to Nexon, I will similarly act to that KMS Blaster player.

    submitted by /u/LLV8155
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    Where to train 250+ blaze wizard

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Hello as the title said Im looking for some training spots past 250 as a blaze wizard where you can also get decent mesos. Right now I've been at plunging depts 2 and the exp is great but the meso is only 300m/hr whilst at arcana I make 500 to 600

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/aapjestan2
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    if you somehow dropped your level 100 explorer emblem, is there any way to get another one?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:21 AM PST

    Thank you Spiegelmann!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:37 AM PST

    Maple story rpg offline comic

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:48 PM PST

    Does anyone know where i can purchase or freely read the full series? I can read korean so it doesnt have to be scanlated- I just wanted to reread it and hhh nostalgia of the gang kicked in 👉👈

    submitted by /u/ppomma
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    Does anyone remember who the blue haired girl’s name was? The one who was chained and kidnapped by demon slayer!! I read this comic in my childhood days so i cant remember much,,,

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Login Theme 2010(Overture) - Synthesia Piano Cover

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Tiering up Lidium Heart

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    I have used near 300 occult cubes and a few mastercraft cubes out of rage and my perm lidium heart is still rare potential. Is this just ultra unlucky or is there something I'm missing

    submitted by /u/Kid_Polygon
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    Thoughts on adding a new difficulty for older bosses

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    What are your thoughts on older bosses getting a new difficulty with better rewards? This new difficulty could challenge veteran players by adding restrictions such as a damage cap and no 5th jobs skills. The rewards would also be a lot better with higher meso crystals and maybe guaranteed boss drops.

    submitted by /u/Kapoownug
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    EU reboot

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:12 PM PST

    Hello guys,

    I want to ask if eu reboot is a good idea, since there is less players than na reboot and therefore it will be easier to achieve mu lung dojo and find spots to farm in arcane river.

    Also, there is anyone in eu reboot that can carry me in near future ? (Cra, hellux and Hmag)?

    Thanks guys, sorry about my rusted english

    submitted by /u/iDarkArts
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    Is there any point in making a farming Kanna now?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:51 AM PST

    I started playing this game again after many years off . Made an account reboot a month ago and I started the account by making a Kanna since that was what people were suggesting to make progression faster. Now that the new patch is summer will not make you lose exp when dying, is there any point in making a kanna anymore to farm mesos? I don't really enjoy this class, should I just make new chars to levelup legion instead? What would be the strategy in making mesos after the patch? Thanks

    submitted by /u/zasco9
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    Jett Inner Ability?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:36 PM PST

    Just got back into Maple and I finally rolled to legendary rank for my Jett's IA! Salvo has become the best skill for bossing since the boost node changes in Awake, so is +1 AS still the optimal inner ability to have?

    submitted by /u/ColorMeMagenta
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