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    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] Buying, Selling, and Trading

    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] Buying, Selling, and Trading

    [Weekly Megathread] Buying, Selling, and Trading

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Welcome to our weekly Buying, Selling, and Trading thread.

    Do you have something you need to price? Or are you just looking to buy or sell? This is the thread for you.

    Be sure to include what server you play on so others can help you out. Ex: [Bera]

    PLEASE REMEMBER We do NOT allow real money transactions.

    This example list includes (but is not exhaustive):

    • NX -> Meso
    • Riot Points -> NX
    • Meso -> Amazon Gift Cards

    Please refer to the rules if you have any questions. Worst case, ping mod staff on Discord

    submitted by /u/rMapleStory
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    Greeting New Years with a Lucid Fan Art!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:39 PM PST

    Finally cleared moonbridge to meet myself

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    This flame ... I guess this is a Happy New Year from Nexon :)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Reboot NA is officially unplayable at reset.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I know I'm not alone here. If I play early in the morning, I'm good. As soon as reset rolls around, I can't do anything for the next 3 hours. Dailys take 5x as long cuz you can't loot, can't do pqs, boss d/c wastes my runs, I'm done.

    Problem is that's when the guild is active, it's shortly after I get off work, that's my time to play man. Nexon is a 13 billion dollar company. For the love of God, fix this.

    OH, but 1 thing is for sure. Even when I'm d/cing, I can totally see what everyone got from gacha and wonder pet boxes. Glad to see where the priorities are at.

    Tldr, fix this shit please. End rant.

    submitted by /u/Morning_Woood
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    HAPPY NEW YEAR ~boba edition~

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:49 PM PST

    Teraburned Marksman - 10 days to 3 doors, solo progression!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:30 PM PST

    Last day of adobe flash player :(

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:46 AM PST

    What MapleStory needs to fix

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Hello! Just to get it out of the way, this post isn't about major issues that I think MapleStory needs to address in order to revolutionize the game. Instead, it is about the more "QOL" issues that I believe would be relatively simple to fix and the healthy changes that would help streamline the game. I would like to hear what other people think about these changes and hopefully, a Nexon employee will see this post and recommend some of the changes that are mentioned!

    Turn 100% Uptime Buffs Into Passives

    With each year, more and more skills are added to the game, but our keyboards are not getting any bigger. Thus, players are running out of room to comfortably use their skills. Thus, it would be a good idea to make 100% uptime buffs (that arent party buffs) passives. There are way too many buffs in this game, and you shouldn't have to remind yourself to press 15 separate buttons every 2 minutes to optimize damage. I understand that Nexon wants money from pet auto buffs, but you can only have 3 auto buffs at a time anyway so to compromise, instead of making all 100% uptime buffs passive, leave 3 buffs that can be used as pet buffs.

    Toggle UI Transparency

    Toggle the option for UI transparency for when you're in combat. You often use the skill window while leveling, and when leveling is fast early on, it gets very annoying to have to squint to level up your abilities. One could make the argument that you could just stand on a platform but it gets annoying having to stop mobbing for 10 seconds to put a few points into your skills every other minute.

    Toggle PIC for storage

    PIC for storage is an excellent option for shared computers; however, most people use a personal computer to play MapleStory. Thus, PIC for storage just becomes a major inconvenience. Adding an option to toggle PIC would be a great QOL change.

    Make Wild Totems More Accessible

    2pc/3pc meta is very harmful in reboot and wild totems are the perfect solution to the issue. The problem is they are extremely expensive and have a limit of 2 consecutive hours. Either lowering the price of wild totems and/or making the time limit of the wild totem not consecutive so that people could use the 2 hours of totem across multiple days would be a very healthy change.

    Party System

    For a large portion of the game, I am trying to create or leave parties to do dailies. Nexon should remove not being allowed to be in a party for stuff like dream defender, mapletour, ursus, etc as long as a player is the only person in the party

    Reward Points from Bossing

    Reward points should be automatically claimed after a boss. Nexon should remove the need to complete a quest in order to obtain them. (recommended by u/SamCarter_SGC)

    Keybind Presets

    Playing MapleStory requires you to make over 40 characters for links/legion; however, keybinds reset each time you make a character. Thus, if you have specific preferences such as putting jump on space, you have to edit that for each new character you make. Making a default account-wide keybind preset so you don't have to adjust basic keybinds for each new character (not for skills but for things like jump, interact, guild, etc) would be a very nice QOL change.

    Persisting Buffs through DCs

    Buffs should not be removed when you DC since Maplestory tends to crash very often. Their effect should be based on the time since they were applied. (recommended by u/DystopiaCS)

    Improve Party Play (especially at lower levels)

    The main source of new players in MapleStory is the friends of veteran maplers. Making party play more beneficial so that new players can level with their friends without being penalized (at least until level 100) would help more people get into the game.

    Changing Channels

    Improve ccing. Changing channels always takes 2 or 3 tries which becomes very inconvenient when you're in a map like CLP where you have to cc at least 20 times to find an open channel. I've heard that this is actually a countermeasure to botters, so I understand if this change cannot come into place

    Bad Runes

    It shouldn't feel bad to use a buff, so it would be nice to remove bad runes such as the rune of recovery. Also, lowering the number of mobs that need to be killed for the rune of purification would allow for lower-level characters to use the rune as currently (unless you're playing a class like beast tamer with insane pre 4th job mobbing) low-level characters cannot utilize the rune at all.

    Knockback While Harvesting

    Add 100% knockback resistance for when you're doing the arrow captcha/harvesting veins and flowers. It is very annoying to get knocked too far away when doing a captcha to harvest materials and to have to redo the captcha just to get knocked back again when you're actually harvesting the materials.

    That is all, thank you for reading!

    Edit: Formatting

    Edit 2: Removed suggestion about tping to boss maps and the abundance of lightbulb quests as these changes are already being/have been implemented

    Edit 3: Added some suggestions from other users

    submitted by /u/monkeysarecools
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    The lag lasts a good 50sec - 1min on a Kinesis. I gave up dailies

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:18 PM PST

    HAPPY NEW YEARS MAPLERS!!! Remember, Albies still eats da booty!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:13 AM PST

    Can we have a gambling addiction hotline on this subreddit?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:31 PM PST

    After reading this post, it shocked me on how easily people fall prey to spending microtransactions. Maplestory is also a predatory online casino and to the people that fall victim to spending because of addiction, I hope we can provide a way for them to get help.

    submitted by /u/ApatheticDoll
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    Cute slime sticker by @mookartpearl!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Permabanned for "3rd Party Tools" - Need Advice

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Hi All and Happy New Years!

    I have to bring this to the attention of fellow maplers and redditors, I'm in a bit of a bind right now and I could use some advice how to get this ban appeal to see anyone else rather than receiving unending automatic replies from Nexon's support system.

    We can start at the time of issue of the ban, it was 12/30/2020 around 1:20am EST, I had logged on to my account via steam after being offline all day and immediately was greeted with the permaban notification for using "third-party tools" , which at first I thought was a glitch or something since I've received weird notifications like that before as well in the past due to lag / connection to the client, etc. Tried again and again and still the same thing. Once I realized it was for real I started to check my email account for recent activity and the like and stumbled across a few older emails from Nexon and steam that I received codes for verification. This was odd because I never had to change my password once or my PIC ID. I tried contacting Nexon support about it on several occasions since then with screenshots and proof that I believe my account had been compromised or that I've somehow been mistargeted by the ban. Every time I made a new request, twice now, and I've been responded to with the same automatic response.

    Some background on myself, I'm a longtime, active Jr. Master of a popular guild in one of the biggest non-reboot servers in GMS. I've been very involved in the community since I started playing again in March 2020 and never once used any third-party tools or hacks during my time playing Maplestory. I'm MVP Red for three months now and I've invested thousands of dollars and hours on my character and account thus far. I would never want to risk being banned over something petty like that.

    Given this about my experience so far, I feel extremely disappointed and let down by the current Nexon support system completely disregarding my claims and dismissing my tickets considering this is a one-time occurrence and I've shown consistent support of their game thus far. I feel that I have pretty viable proof that I wasn't always the one logged onto my own account the past couple days and I have reason to believe there was some foul play here, see the images provided and different IP addresses logging into my account. I've since then changed all my passwords and set up extra security on my accounts.

    That being said my question to everyone is how do I get in contact with a Senior GM or how can I have my ticket escalated so that I don't get the same automatic response each time. I'd like for someone look into the issue with account that exists, I've clearly had my account compromised by someone and I don't know why this issue is being completely ignored by the support team.

    Not sure how to go about this or get someone to talk to, so if anyone has any of their own experiences and would like to share how they got about getting the proper attention to their case please feel free to share. Any tips or advice are welcome, I appreciate any given. In the meantime I'll keep making more support tickets.

    Thanks again and Happy New Year to all!

    submitted by /u/9kittens
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    KMST ver. 1.2.114 – Toolen City

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Another noob needs help..

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:24 AM PST

    Hey all!

    Since 2 days I got back into the game after a really long time of not playing and I'm kinda lost!

    I'm level 60 atm and did my job advancement, done riena strait quest and some other various ones. What would be my goals from here and how do I get there? Anything to farm or train on etc.

    I'm on reboot(don't know if that matters for training)

    Stay safe and happy new year!

    submitted by /u/Hpacheater
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    New to Maplestory

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:23 PM PST

    Hey there guys, I've recently started playing on Bera around 2 weeks ago. Normally I wouldn't be making posts and just lurk reddit and youtube for guides and tips but I have finally hit a hump and not sure what to do on progression. A lot of guides out there say to just get carried in boss runs, but I find it hard to find even a guild that would be willing to do that, as well as take in me and a couple of friends that have started playing (all unfunded and trying to reach the goal of killing lucid together). Is there any way I can continue progressing in gear? (Absolab is around 400m-500m a piece on the Auction House which is nuts).

    submitted by /u/prettyasianswag
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    KMS test server update

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    1. BGM chairs (250, 275, etc) will be only heard by the chair user. bgm wont change for other users. this will stop lag due to bgm change for other users.

    2. tower of oz rings now have short cast animation.

    3. will's poison final damage buff gets a nerf 100% -> 40%

    4. characters lv 200+ will see 3 decimal points in exp bar.

    5. tower of oz floor 24 bug with low bgm sound is fixed.

    submitted by /u/justbeho
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    Adele hyper skill guide

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:35 PM PST

    I want to know which hyper skill is recommended for Adele. I have been looking around. And A build is to select all three trigger skills.

    submitted by /u/CesarEXE
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    Hello 2021! Early happy new year everyone!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:14 AM PST

    [Bera] DC-ing during bossing due to unstable servers

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:04 PM PST

    Wondering if there was anything I could do to re-run bosses if I DC'd (Unable to connect to Login Server, Please try again later) in the middle of the run. I know RA has the 30 min limit if you failed the run that lets you re-run. But I was in Horntail and DC'd

    I'm on a mule that does NHorntail, NZakum. NVL. NHilla. EMag. NRanmaru on a daily basis and I wanted to know if it's worth attempting the rest. Just afraid I'll dc every time and get locked out of my bosses for the day.

    submitted by /u/Beneficial_Ad_9327
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    Is maplestory playable on laptops?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    CMS AWAKE Update Preview showcased in offline exhibition

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:33 PM PST

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