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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread.

    MapleStory [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread.

    [Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to our weekly megathread for new players and players who just have general questions about the game.

    Some sample topics for you to consider would be:

    • Selecting your main character.
    • You're new to the game and don't know where to start.
    • You're a returning player who is trying to get back into the game and need help.
    • What class should you make for your next link skill/legion mule?

    As a recommendation, please mention your world and/or server inside a bracket Example: [Bera] at the start of your question.

    submitted by /u/rMapleStory
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    I trained a lot yesterday

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

    I tried to finish the Maple Globe event. Here's how that went.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:28 PM PST

    To preface this: I think that conceptually, the Maple Globe Event is one of the most interesting and exciting I've seen. Having the ability to customize a aesthetically pleasing, fully customizable chair including the choice to add BGM to your chair (a Maple first as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong) is really neat. Having a medal and additional customization in the way of the spinning Maple Leaves that recognize and reward the diligent is wonderful. The grind, drop rate, and unreasonable demands of the event? I cannot fathom how it made it through to live servers and past NEXON testing teams.


    I got my lv 11 Globe Chair. But I did not complete the event to its intended fullest (3 Gold Maple Stars + Maple Globe Collector Medal) despite:

    53 hours farmed cumulatively in Heroes of Maple and Black Heaven blockbusters for S Rank figures Lil Phantom and Lil Orchid, respectively.

    13.5 hours farmed cumulatively in Grand Athenaeum for S Rank BGMs Way Back Home and Primrose.

    ~$140 spent on Gachapon for the 3 S rank materials.

    10.5 billion mesos spent cumulatively to get the 50 chair displays for the Gold Right Maple Leaf.

    7 days of capping out 15 chair interacts for the Gold Left Maple Leaf.

    Multiple days' worth of Pollo/Fritto runs across multiple characters including buying out coupons from the AWAKE bamboo shoot shop to acquire enough globe chairs for the level up.

    Days' worth of Flag Race to obtain the S Rank Swing Chair.

    Hours of runs cumulatively in Dimensional Invasion / Ghost Park / Evolution Lab for Catch Breath / Ghost / Fly poses, respectively.

    Maxing out harvesting condensed crystal energies across 8+ characters for days to get the associated S Rank materials (Elodin/Elluel in particular gave me the hardest trouble).

    Days of completing VJ/Arcana/Esfera dailies on multiple characters to get the S Rank BGMs for the 3 areas.

    So why didn't I finish the event? What S ranks am I missing?

    Capping out 7 runs of Monster Park since the start of the event to today, the final reset before the event's end, only to get two of the three S rank expression. I ended up missing the Zzz expression.

    I fell short of completing the S rank materials and ultimately getting the Maple Globe Collector Medal + the Gold Center Maple star because of a factor that I did perfectly, but I pulled the short end of the stick on RNG. And now I get the pleasure of being reminded every time I sit on my Globe Chair (https://imgur.com/a/kXGZQnD) that I did not complete the event and get all the chair customizations I desired + don't have a medal that represents all the efforts I went through, listed above, because I did everything right, but it was out of my control. To be locked out of not only the Gold Center Maple Leaf, but also SILVER because expressions are lv 8. And to stare at the Red Center Maple Leaf that inaccurately represents the grind I was put through to obtain 30/31 S Rank materials when the Red Leaf represents only 16/31 of them as per the event criteria.

    I think as Maplers, myself included, there are probably moments we look back on and say "I could have done things differently." It could be in the pondering moments after a failed boss run, staring at mesos/droplets farmed and saying to ourselves that we could have farmed more, looking at a missed opportunity and saying I could have participated more/been present more, etc. In the case of the Globe Event, if I were to fall short of completing it, I expected the reason to be that I wasn't able to get the S rank farmable items or did not invest enough IRL money into Gachapon. In which case, I would find myself ruminating "I could have farmed more…I could have spent more money." That ultimately was not the case, and the reason instead to be I did everything correctly by way of Monster Park and still failed…The last reason I expected to fail this event.

    The Maple Globe Event is undoubtedly the most time intensive, greatest sink in multiple areas, cosmetic event, and dare I say event in general, I have every participated in in MapleStory.

    Imagine creating a cosmetic event where the designated criteria for full completion rides on unreasonable drop rate items, pay to win methods, and to still have a chance despite it all to fail even after doing everything correct. And not to mention, with the NEXON team having all this in mind, still allowing the event to make it through to live servers in its current state, and to limit it to less than 3 weeks.

    Having a game that rewards persistence and patience eventually, even if you run unlucky, is one thing. But to even imagine up an event scenario where failure is possible even after persistence and patience, and having it go through to live servers knowing it lacks consideration of the players' time?

    I don't even use any of the 3 S rank materials obtained from Gachapon because I don't like how they look aesthetically. I obtained them for the sake of the event completion. Because the completionist I am combined with the chair collector in me motivated me to pursue it. Despite the grinds I listed above, the only S rank materials I actually use are Sparkling Transparent Glass, Lil Phantom/Orchid, Swing Chair, Primrose BGM. And I would have used Lil Alicia instead of Lil Phantom if I actually had the time to invest into learning Tower of Oz floor 48 and clearing the tower for the first time, but instead had that spent farming the S rank materials needed for completion.

    The sheer hours grinded, the 10.5 billion meso sink, the ~$140 sunk in Gachapon. And to lose it all, to have the S material grind and overall designated event completion criteria to go down the drain. Because I was diligent with monster park and did everything I could to not get the final Zzz expression I needed. Because of a drool expression I wasn't even going to use. Reboot is inherently at a greater disadvantage than Regular Server players because of the inability to trade. Full completion of the event is reliant on personal grind and RNG without any other option.

    I'm just 1 story. I'm just 1 Mapler. I'm 1 voice. I want this post to not just represent me as a very discouraged and frustrated Mapler, but the others who were unable to complete the event because of their circumstances and bad rng (not everyone has the time to farm UNREASONABLY rare items / spend hundreds on gachapon / farm enough to invest 10.5b into a cosmetic event), the others who gave up or were discouraged from completing what, otherwise, was a lovely event conceptually.

    The playerbase has a right to speak up, and the company in charge has the responsibility and obligation to acknowledge when they are at fault.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to want and expect compensation. I think I can speak for many Maplers when I say an event extension is fitting to say the least.

    Personally, given the circumstances, I believe it's justified to ask that I am given the Gold Center Maple Leaf + Maple Globe Collector metal. I genuinely believe it's deserved because the limiting factor was RNG despite maxing out on Monster Park from start-finish of the event.

    For those that read this to the end, thank you for listening and giving me a platform where I can vent and express my thoughts and be heard. I hope the CMs and others at NEXON see this post as well. I would love to hear others' experiences with this event as well.

    submitted by /u/Khorpion
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    pls extend TT.TT

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:51 PM PST

    64-bit testing. *take off your earbuds*

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:35 PM PST

    17K stat mech soloed Lotus and Damien

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

    17K stat mech soloed Lotus and Damien

    Soloed both lotus and damien today! Kind of cheated using guild skills, advance boss potions and a risk taker ring. I also understand its practice mode. Mech's are actually super dope. Full metal barrage, mobile missle battery, resistance infantry, doomsday device and mecha carrier go brrrrrr. Also using the teleporters are such cheese in certain parts of these boss fights



    submitted by /u/ivanaimufua41
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    Stop sleeping on Von Leon gear

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:36 AM PST

    Solo progressers, stop suffering from RNG drops from Hilla and join the Von Leon gang.

    Whether you are even a solo progresser or not you should do the Von Leon prequests for the 7m boss crystal. The spawn rate of the prequests was buffed in Awake so they're much less painful now. 15 minutes maybe.

    The gear is nearly identical to Necromancer. Von Leon has slightly higher base stats and it's set effect kicks in at four items. Necromancer set effect kicks in at three items but you'll be using 4-5 items anyway so that doesn't even matter.

    It's so much more accessible then Necromancer. It takes 2-3 normal kills to get all the coins and then you can keep farming them to buy and fuse extra items for free flame rolls.

    Once you finish flaming then you can move on to doing hard daily. You get the boss crystal and save up accessories for the Noble Ifia's Ring at the same time. You can do Rose Garden dailies if you want to to speech it up by a few days but that's not necessary. The Noble Ifia's Ring is 15 stars, pottable, and part of the Boss accessory set. Even after you have your end game rings Noble Ifia's is perfectly fine drop gear.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyGoat
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    Full Legion Arena Attacker Power Formula

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

    Legion Arena Attacker Power = Attacker Level Power + Attacker Star Force Power + Attacker Arcane Force Power + 18,899

    Attacker Level Power:

    Level Range Formula Attacker Power
    60 - 99 0.5 * Level3 + 12,500 120,500 - 497,650
    100 - 139 0.6 * Level3 + 12,500 612,500 - 1,623,871
    140 - 179 0.7 * Level3 + 12,500 1,933,300 - 4,027,237
    180 - 199 0.8 * Level3 + 12,500 4,678,100 - 6,316,979
    200 - 209 1.0 * Level3 + 12,500 8,012,500 - 9,141,829
    210 - 219 1.10 * Level3 + 12,500 10,199,600 - 11,566,305
    220 - 229 1.15 * Level3 + 12,500 12,257,700 - 13,822,837
    230 - 239 1.20 * Level3 + 12,500 14,612,900 - 16,394,803
    240 + 1.25 * Level3 + 12,500 17,292,500 +

    Attacker Star Force Power:

    Star Force Range Formula Attacker Power
    0 - 59 0.10 * SF3 + 15.0 * SF2 + 750 * SF + 0 0 - 117,003
    60 - 119 0.11 * SF3 + 16.5 * SF2 + 825 * SF + 1,250 133,910 - 518,449
    120 - 179 0.12 * SF3 + 18.0 * SF2 + 900 * SF + 2,500 577,060 - 1,428,579
    180 - 229 0.13 * SF3 + 19.5 * SF2 + 975 * SF + 3,750 1,549,210 - 2,810,793
    230 - 259 0.14 * SF3 + 21.0 * SF2 + 1050 * SF + 5,000 3,060,780 - 4,118,008
    260 - 289 0.15 * SF3 + 22.5 * SF2 + 1125 * SF + 6,250 4,456,150 - 5,831,233
    290 - 319 0.16 * SF3 + 24.0 * SF2 + 1200 * SF + 7,500 6,276,140 - 8,026,445
    320 - 349 0.17 * SF3 + 25.5 * SF2 + 1275 * SF + 8,750 8,598,510 - 10,786,104
    350 + 0.18 * SF3 + 27.0 * SF2 + 1350 * SF + 10,000 11,507,500 +

    Attacker Arcane Force Power:

    Arcane Force Range Formula Attacker Power
    0 - 190 0.0007 * AF3 + 0.63 * AF2 + 189 * AF + 0 0 - 63, 455
    200 - 390 0.0008 * AF3 + 0.72 * AF2 + 216 * AF + 2,700 81,100 - 243,907
    400 - 540 0.0009 * AF3 + 0.81 * AF2 + 243 * AF + 5,400 289,800 - 514,534
    550 - 690 0.0010 * AF3 + 0.90 * AF2 + 270 * AF + 8,100 595,225 - 951,399
    700 - 840 0.0011 * AF3 + 0.99 * AF2 + 297 * AF + 10,800 1,081,100 - 1,610800
    850 - 990 0.0012 * AF3 + 1.08 * AF2 + 324 * AF + 13,500 1,806,150 - 2,557,130
    1,000 - 1,140 0.0013 * AF3 + 1.17 * AF2 + 351 * AF + 16,200 2,837,200 - 3,862,880
    1,150 - 1,290 0.0014 * AF3 + 1.26 * AF2 + 378 * AF + 18,900 4,249,175 - 5,608,650
    1,300 - 1,320 0.0015 * AF3 + 1.35 * AF2 + 405 * AF + 21,600 6,125,100 - 6,358,392

    * Values may be off by one due to rounding error.

    Thanks to everyone for helping with the formula yesterday! I've just tidied up and reposted it just in case anyone wanted the final formula.

    Notes / My Takeaways:

    The maximum realistic value is 56,532,577 (Level 275, 462 SF, 1320 AF)

    [Theoretically, 25* equips can technically exist, but it's impractical]

    Percentage Breakdown of this maximum is Level - 46%, Star Force - 43%, Arcane Force - 11%

    For the average (Level 200, 180 SF, 0 AF) mule, the breakdown is 84%/16%/0%. [210 is 87%/13%/0%]

    Final Thoughts (on Legion Arena):

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Personally, it looks like if they ever revamp the Legion system, they'll end up including Arcane Force in the equation, which does make sense to me. I love the idea of the Legion Arena, but it could definitely be better. Matchmaking is a little off sometimes, which is understandable with the low population of GMS compared to KMS. Unfortunately, there are no real incentives to play after 100 wins and after you've secured a decent ranking through sheer luck (usually through a win streak against a poor low elo player), unless you specifically need 2x coupons. I'd like to see decay as well as small daily rewards for being at the top, or just more useful daily rewards. Also I'd like to see classes rebalanced for next Legion Arena, so that certain classes aren't an instant lock. There could even be a RPS element where certain classes are inherently strong against others, but weak against others. Anyway, rambling aside, feel free to use the tables for your own purposes. Hopefully this helps someone out.

    Credits to: LunarBlessings, Bready/Chibread, Ascheric for [SipdPy6z - Paste/Bin link] and [2], 1000Dragon, and TwilightHime, (and also AyumiLove and StrategyWiki)

    submitted by /u/maplethrowaway2
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    RainSong 2020 Guild Photo - EU guild on NA Reboot

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:07 AM PST

    [Reboot HoYoung solo progression] Lotus clear - 12.7k LUK

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    Progression - where does the post-Sengoku War Ranmaru set stand?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Daily of a dark knight

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:14 AM PST

    6k to 8k Advice

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:19 PM PST

    This is on reboot.
    Just made a post few weeks ago about reaching 6k and wondering what your advice is taking all characters from 140-200. What mobs at what lvl do you use for your route and what gear do you aim for? What extra steps do you do for mules you want to take to 210??? Gimme the advice :)

    submitted by /u/Jordsterking
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    The most optimal way to set up your pic?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:49 PM PST

    I've seen streamers that get passed their pic within like two seconds. Does anyone know how they set it up like that?

    submitted by /u/l3eats
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    Am I completely screwed? (Familiars)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:38 AM PST

    So I stopped playing December 2019 and cam back this December now that school calmed down. I see the familiar system has changed. I'm a 213 lumi with a single big spider familiar, where do I get more familiar drops?

    I opened the booster pack thing on my tera burned character not knowing what was what. So...am I screwed? How do I get familiars now?

    submitted by /u/Wood_That_Rusts
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    Buy > Ignis Cosmetic Item

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:44 PM PST

    Hi, Im looking for Ignis weapon cosmetic item. I do not see it on Auction House, so I am looking to find someone selling it.

    submitted by /u/chyoondav
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    Yu Garden Blackmarket

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:32 PM PST

    Guys I can't find the Yu Garden black market NPC, I'm pretty sure I checked between the right timeframe,

    I just started reboot and need epic pot scrolls desperately lol

    EDIT: I found this https://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/30054/yu-garden-npcs-have-disappeared-as-of-december-29

    submitted by /u/karanc666
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    Why do Kannas use Spirit's Domain before bossing?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Hello, sorry if this is a dumb question.

    I've noticed Kannas using Spirit's Domain (along with Vanquisher's Charm to charge it up) before entering bosses like Lotus. My question is... Why?

    Wouldn't it be more effective to use it during the boss battle itself? Is there a buff that it gives after they use it?

    I can't figure it out and maybe I'm misreading the skill description... But a simple explanation would be nice! :-)

    submitted by /u/Wrongdoer-Fresh
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    Getting Black Screen every time I go into AH or CS

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:34 PM PST

    Any1 else having this problem? I have tried everything from running as admin to adjusting screen resolution. Its really annoying.

    submitted by /u/tclate
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    How long did it take you to get full set Arcane Umbra?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST

    I've been playing this game since June 2020 and I barely have enough for an Arcane Umbra weapon. I'm debating whether it's worth it to keep farming more droplets or just settle for 5 set abso + Arcane weapon. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/princesstaiga
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    Can't reset PIC

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:28 PM PST

    So I got back to Maple after 6 months or so... Don't remember my PIC and it requires letters so I go to reset my PIC, go to the website to reset it, reset it from my email, get back to the website with confirmation that PIC has been reset (all with MS closed after the reset PIC click)... Reopen Maple, open reboot and channel... No "set new PIC" window so I click on a character and input a new PIC though unprompted, as soon as I click enter i get kicked out.

    Tried 10 times, uninstalled and installed the app, disabled 3rd party overlays, EVERYTHING AND NOTHING WORKS PLEASE HEELLPPPP

    submitted by /u/RocketEarth
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    (Non-reboot) Solo progression(ish): Closest I've gotten to killing Damien. Any tips for bishop in Phase 2?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Cubing Awake ring (burning world)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    So after a few rolls on legendary I got 12% str on line one. I've got about 4k coins total and was wondering if I should just invest the coins into something else and black cube the ring from here on out? What do y'all suggest. (Trying to get most out of coins)

    submitted by /u/eput
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    Small youtuber I follow made a lovely arrangement of El Nath

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    Any Demon Avengers in chat?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:39 PM PST

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