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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    MapleStory [Reboot] Solo progression - normal Lotus

    MapleStory [Reboot] Solo progression - normal Lotus

    [Reboot] Solo progression - normal Lotus

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Couldn't make it as yesterday's sketch, but second time's the charm! :3

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Just ranmaru things

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Thoughts on the GMS's new Familiar System

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Thoughts on the GMS's new Familiar System

    Greetings from JMS

    I'm not used to writing in English yet, so if you have any difficulty understanding me, please let me know.

    I have never played GMS so im not familiar with your Familiar system. When the news came out, I thought your old system would be like what we had several years ago, but it turns out I was wrong. Your olds familiars could not be cubed like ours and you could only summon 1 familiar.

    In JMS, most players can summon 2 familiars at the same time, but those who got their Tamer Profession ( JMS exclusive , now removed) to max level can summon three. After a big change 4~5 years ago, we got our current familiar system. It is similar to your new familiar system, but with some difference.

    • You can unlock the second slot for 50k mesos
    • There is familiar gauge too, but the gauge only decrease when familiar attack monsters.
    • Familiar with higher level attack less frequently.
    • Except some rare familiar, higher level familiar have lower drop rate.
    • Legendary familiars could only be acquired through CASH items ( except SAO familiars ), and the second line of the ability of the Legendary familiar is TRASH.
    • Familiars of the Arcane River can only be acquired through CASH items.
    • Number of the common familiar cards needed for one essense is 50, while in the new system its 100.
    • Only those who got their Tamer Profession ( JMS exclusive , now removed) to max level can unlock the third slot.
    • YOU CANNOT HAVE MULTIPLE FAMILIARS OF THE SAME MONSTER. If you use familiar which you have owned already, the specific familiar is AUTOMATICALLY fused. Familiars do not have EXP.
    • (NOT SURE GMS HAVE IT) If you adjust the transparency of your skill, the transparency of the familiar you summoned will also be adjusted.
    • (NOT SURE GMS HAVE IT) Less remaining gauge makes your familiar more transparent.
    • You can ONLY equip 1 badge (set). But JMS's badges have more powerful options. E.g. The badge of TOKYO have ATT/MA +3%.

    JMS familiar UI

    Unique Familiar, cubed to BOSS damage +40% and a little HP recovery

    unique familiars

    The badge system is EXACTLY the copy of our SET system, and GMS seems never considered the availability of some familiars.

    GMS's new familiar system is like the fuse of both JMS and TMS/CMS's familiar system. But they messed it up by not considering the situation of GMS. And it cannot be solved by not changing the system. I dont think they have communicated with JMS producer thoroughtly when they are making the new system. And there really should be a test server (say GMST) before the update.

    We were told that we would finally have our third slot to be unlocked last year, but after wating for so many months, we finally find the silverlining. JMS tend to nerf most GMS contens, so Im afraid I may be more dissapointed than I expected.

    I hope GMS can fix all the mess as soon as possible because many JMS players have already started to prepare for the comming revamp, and Im sorry that you guys have to go through all the mess.

    submitted by /u/kaedemina
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    Danika's an underrated elf girl. Have a drawing of her.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Possible Temporary Healing Familiar Alternative

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:50 AM PDT


    Mutant Snail healed 15% HP & MP / 10 seconds.

    Fairy Tears heal 1,000 flat hp per second, which is 10,000 hp / 10 seconds.

    Fairy Tear Details/Notes: Monster Life Shop Item. (You can ignore this post if you aren't familiar with Monster Life) You can only buy 30 a day. Fairy tears last for 150 seconds. You can stack them up to 5 times, but they all take on the cool-down of the first fairy tear used, before it runs out. Each fairy tear has a cool-down of 30 seconds.


    Since fairy tears heal a flat hp amount rather than a percentage, it is better for low health players (as bosses do % hp attacks).

    Let's see at what hp threshold using fairy tears might be similarly equivalent to Mutant Snails.

    Assumptions: We're not going to use the stacking feature of fairy tears, but rather just use one, and then another after the first one runs out. That is - 10,000 hp / 10 seconds.

    A whole bunch of math later - It's equivalent to having a Mutant Snail Familiar at 66,666 hp. It has a better healing rate than a mutant snail at even less hp.

    Downsides: Potion cool-downs in bosses means you will be prioritizing other potions over this one. You can use it before entering the boss to get healing for the first 2 and a half minutes. It doesn't apply to the entire party, so you can't heal up insanely quickly as if you had 6 snail familiars. (The notable exceptions being if you are under 11,111 hp, it will be same if not better) It is mainly good when solo bossing.

    Potential Use Cases: Use right before Lomien and during the fight because I don't think they have potion cool-downs, and any other bosses that don't have potion cool-downs. Helps with debris/ flying objects/ etc... Also helpful for bosses you can kill in under 2 minutes but need extra healing to survive a little bit longer (Magnus). Since you can also stack the tears, the best use-case can provide 30 seconds (towards the end of the fairy tear cool-down) of 5,000 hp per second healing.

    How to Get: Unfortunately, these are only obtainable through the Monster Life shop. I wouldn't worry about this post if you're not familiar with Monster Life, but these are purchasable for decently cheap, assuming you have a decent Waru production setup with your farm.

    Final Thoughts: Is this worth starting Monster Life for? Absolutely not. But for those with existing farms, this could be an easy and cheap way to add extra survivability in bossing, and cover this familiar-less period in which we miss our snails and golems.

    TL;DR: Fairy Tear is a decent (but slightly annoying) alternative to Mutant Snails, for characters under 100k health, who enjoy solo bossing.

    Let me know your thoughts! I might have miscalculated something, or misunderstood how it works, and I've never seen the item mentioned in the sub before, so hopefully this advice can help at least one person!

    submitted by /u/stowaway___throwaway
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    Bossing at the moment

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    It's not liquid talent..

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Maple Memo: v213 Update – May 1 | Official News

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    KMS Black Mage Duo (Cannon Master & Evan)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Revamp gollux coin shared within party?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    Hey guys, after the revamp, does everyone in a party receive gollux coins after completing hard/hell gollux (Everyone in the party used to get the same amount before the revamp)? I've done it with a friend today and only one of us received the coin. Just wanted to know whether its intentional or a bug.

    submitted by /u/bking1212
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    its very late where i am but i though and made a dumb meme

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Best Inslot Totem?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    What are the best totems that I can get?(preferably permanent)

    submitted by /u/HydraFang207
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    Interesting read between the lines

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    nexon ran into a wall with this one

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    ladies and gentleman and variations thereupon thankyou for taking a peek at this post in between your busy mapling - I'm a fairly long time player, not that I ever had a high levelled character it's just that i've had many accounts for over a decade

    After having abandoned the game for a couple years or so, and returning to once again find that I can't remember my login details I've created a new account and fucked off the burning character as any self respecting player should do. This isn't a feature I remember being in place but there's that whole trade security thing where after a week of first creating your account you can't drop or trade items.

    It is both infuriating and also rewarding that my equip tab is littered with medals that I can't destroy, but I am nonetheless reminded of previous dungeon exploits, which is my only positive spin for this post - BUT BOI AM I IN FOR A TASTY SURPRISE NOW, I'm level 88 in The Afterlands and one of the quests requires me to drop which I happen to have an abundance of to grow a tree, well guess what b u c k o? Its. Not. Happening. Now I might leave an edit, but hopefully it doesn't hinder me from progressing, but I haven't done this dungeon before so no spoilers here. The thing is tho, reaching level 88 has been the product of a very intensive 2 day grind, so to set a week before you reach the afterlands and you can drop for the quest is understandable for players that don't spend 12 hours playing video games on a non working day.

    I can't even face zakum (my first boss ever, shows what a pro gamer I am to finally reach that point after approx. 15 years) because I'm sure it requires you to drop an item, and as soon as a party is formed in the waiting list whoever I'm with just seems to leave the party straight away

    I think the point I'm trying to make is, surely you should still be able to drop and discard, but just have it not appear to other players? That sounds like an easy fix

    tl;dr can't drop items for quest, disorganised ramble

    submitted by /u/_canoupy
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    How do you get storm growth potions?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Do they still exist? If so how do I get them? Thanks

    submitted by /u/MahMahMIA
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    elysium xbowmaster lvl 200 looking for social guild

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    so i use to be a broa player, and was looking for a guild to join that is more about socializing than grinding. Or at least less pressure to do boss runs and have godly damage kinda deal, as i too like going all out grinding for exp, but most times i just chill around. Ideally one where the guild is already populated becaus ei hated having to guild hop due to leader disbanding or no one really logs because over half the guild are mules lol

    i'm 35 m hawaii, so yeah, just to be clear i am kinda old, and i started recently after quitting multiple times in the past.

    i'm not sure how active i'll be after quarantine, but i'll probably try to log in now and then and not just be dead space in the guild lol. Once the fall comes around if the quarantine is lifted, a lot of my time will be with work and an afterschool program i volunteer for, as i work with grades 6-8 quite regularly and 9-12+ now and then for my other job.

    submitted by /u/minesweeper808
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    I found a 2007 Maplestory blog. (MSEA)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Which One?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Finally got all these classes to level 200. Which one in the long road would be more beneficial to main? Which one you think would be the best?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ItsPronouncedNom
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    Marksman V-Matrix Quesions (Reboot)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    just return back to maple, notice that a lot has change. Tried searching around and only seeing snipe/ piercing arrow / High speed shot being the only trio nodes that are needed, my question is wouldn't Final attack damage and frost prey be essential to have? I can't find another marksman in reboot for at all

    submitted by /u/ILosttopixels
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    [Reboot] Where to farm meso's now? Been a while.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    As the title says, i'm looking for some information on where to go about farming mesos now on Reboot. Last I played it was ByeBye farming, but i've heard thats gotten nerfed or something or other? Wheres the optimal place to farm mesos on Kanna now? Mine still about 145 from ByeBYe farming.

    submitted by /u/NeonTofu
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    fellow i/l mages, can you share your keybindings?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    fellow i/l mages, can you share your keybindings?


    pls send help my hands aren't doing to well lol

    also i feel like i should add that i don't have easy access to those 6 buttons that are supposed to be above my arrow keys !

    submitted by /u/cyruscorneja
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    Blaster late game?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Currently 210 on blaster and learned combos but before I commit further I'm just curious what his late game is and how easy he is at bossing

    submitted by /u/visitjsp
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