• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    MapleStory So..... This happened today.

    MapleStory So..... This happened today.

    So..... This happened today.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    MS power levelers used to be like "I know a spot" and bring you here

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:09 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    "imagine not being mvp diamond"

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:12 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    15th 250 down in the grind for 10k legion, here's how I did it : Phantom

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    thanks arthur, very cool

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Just Realized How Good of an Anime, Shade's Story Could Be

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Story would need to be tweaked a bit but:

    Shade is innately a good kind person at heart but just never really got along with people or had somewhere to belong to. Upon facing the Black Mage with the rest of the Heroes. The Black Mage tells the heroes not to stop him and it is inevitable. The Maplestory timeline has already been set and destiny has already been decided even before they were born. The Black Mage proclaims that he will be able to break this destined line, all he has to do is to just destroy the Maple World and then rebuild it. The heroes refused however, it was apparent the Black Mage was too much for them, and will have to make a sacrifice. Knowing that he has nothing to really live for, Shade volunteered as everyone else had something to live for, the rest of the Heroes reluctantly agreed with heavy hearts. The Black Mage was defeated and the heroes were cursed to be frozen as the Black Mage would be sealed. Shade however was cursed differently, because he did not value his own existence, then his existence will forever be wiped.

    Act I.
    Shade is reborn into furry new world, and befriends a Tsundere Fox Girl. Moonbeam too never really got along with others, but was naturally kind as well. The two bonded and lived rather happily for a while and for once Shade finally finds himself happy and found somewhere to belong to. However Shade soon realizes that the Black Mage is coming back and knows he musts go to server and to protect his longed for home. Moonbeam is sad, but Shade promises her that he will return when his duty is done. The two say their farewells with hopes to be reunited again one day.

    Act II.
    Shade travels to Maple World and soon realizes that everyone in the Maple World has forgotten him. He meets with all his former Heroes in bitter sweet reunion as he is happy they are doing well but have also forgotten him. He soon then worries about Moonbeam and the rest of the village of Vulpes. Once there he is devastated as no one remembers him, even Moonbeam.

    Act III.
    After Grieving for some time, Shade acknowledges that the Black Mage is still an upcoming threat, and although she has forgotten him, he would not want anything to happen to Moonbeam. Shade decides to start training. Upon training Aran notices him and recognizes his strength, she asks for a spar and through combat she senses something familiar. Although she cannot remember Shade is happy that Aran is still the same as he remember and the two become close friends again.

    Act IV.
    One day upon training, they run into... (*Insert Maple Hero Blockbuster, honestly the story line here is pretty good). Now that the heroes are once again united along with all of maple world, they are ready to face the Black Mage once and for all. This time hoping to have the strength to not have to make a sacrifice like that of before. Shade cries as his friends all give him the same look as they did before his existence was wiped. One night however Shade has a dream of happily being with Moonbeam, but it is ruined when the Black Mage taunts him, that in the future they will fail to defeat him again, and this time, would he do the same again. The fight begins and it seems like this time the Heroes will be able to do it. However they find out that the Black Mage had this all planned and ultimately history would have to be repeated once more again. The Black Mage told them he has told them this before, destiny would just repeat itself, until he destroys the world. He reviews to the Heroes this has happened not only before but timelines ago as well. The Heroes refused to sacrifice Shade and declare they will instead fight to the end for him, what happened to him was unfair and they will forever feel guilty if they let this happen to their friend again. Shade however told them he had a dream this would happen one day, and told them he was already prepared and for them not to feel guilty, he said he has nothing to regret as he genuinely felt happy for once in his life. Shade prepares to sacrifice himself once again but stops when he hears a voice. It was Moonbeam jumping through the battlefield with a rekindled spirit of the Fox God. She reaches Shade and the Heroes.

    Act V.

    Although Moonbeam did not remember Shade, something about him felt familiar. So she starts to reminisce about the past, and remember when she once was alone, but then also remember there was a time she didn't feel that way. There was a time where she did felt like she had a friend or maybe someone more. Although there was no memories, there were feelings she knew that existed. She confronts Shade and confesses her feelings for him and told him he would forever hate him if he did this. Shade laughs and tells her he honestly wouldn't want her to forget him again ever again. This breaks Shade's curse, which blesses everyone around him and fills them with determination. All the Heroes inner spirits awakens and encourages everyone. Now full of determination, ambitions, and the will to live, their spirits astonishes the Black Mage and a brief moment he remembers a time he long has forgetten when he was a White Mage. The Black Mage smiles and realizes that destiny will finally change as no sacrifice will be made today and only one side will stand after this. And with that the final fight begins.

    Sorry for the long post, but I just thought the story has a lot of potential after playing through the class. Thanks for reading if you got to here, just thought it would be a great series to watch.

    submitted by /u/dollar50hotdogs
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    Maple SEA going CRAZY

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    How to deal with KSers?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    I recently noticed a lot of KSers in the Arcane River. As a Bishop with high ping, there isn't much I can do about them outside of asking them nicely to CC. Of course most ignore me so I end up having to find another map. Honestly I don't even mind sharing maps so long as they ask since I can't clear maps even if I can one-shot the mobs. But it just feels frustrating when they come in and start killing mobs without saying anything.

    How do you guys deal with these assholes?

    submitted by /u/clovisN
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    Cash Shop Update for July 1

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Any tips for first time DMT?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Kinda sucks that discounted cubes are limited tho

    submitted by /u/jeremyklien996
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    It's HERE!!!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:07 AM PDT



    Edit: tl;dr 3 discounted 30-cube packs available per account (big sad) for each of red, black and green cubes. DMT itself looks like it is 3 separate hours on Saturday, 7/4.

    submitted by /u/brobiwan2e
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    MapleSEA v196 (Yum Yum Island) patch and event notes

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Shade's story in a nutshell

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    (JMS) There will be JMS exclusive contents in RISE update

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    (JMS) There will be JMS exclusive contents in RISE update


    Also, as usual, there is Free Web Gachapon (3 times per day) . From today to July 22nd. You can get many great items through the Web Gachapon. Some of the greatest are as follows, the red-framed items are those that I got today.


    Please be Neo Tokyo!

    submitted by /u/kaedemina
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    my friends call this my "maple shrine"... idk how i feel about that

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Saw someone's guild post and it inspired me to share this hideous "rap" I made 10 years ago.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Hi, artist here, does anyone want their character/etc drawn (free)? I'm in a Maple-fanart-drawing mood �� (Art below by me)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Gear progression between CRA and Lomien?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    Im currently doing a solo progression as a Bishop. Currently at level 225 I have 3m clean range with max Angel Ray boost node, 164% boss and 91% IED. Most of my gear is above 20% main stat already with the exceptions being my reinforced gollux gear (All except ring at 12%) and gloves (8% crit dmg). Im working on completing my superior gollux set rn, which will take me another month or so but not sure what to focus on after that. I feel like I'm still a LONG way from being able to solo lomien. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/clovisN
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    Reboot: Need someone with spare alt..

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I want to move out of my guild but no one is online to pass leader onto..

    if anyone has the time please let me know!

    submitted by /u/l3ladeX710
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    Is it worth restarting for the lvl 30 reboot level up box?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    So i started playing this game today (having a blast) and got 3 characters to lvl 40ish. I stupidly opened up my reboot level up box, and only after read on a guide that the scrolls I got were very important. I also opened up the box on a character I know I will probing never play again. Is it worth going on a completely new account? By the way I have plenty of time to play during this quarantine so I dont mind level adele back to lvl 30, just wondering if the scrolls are actually that important.

    Side question: How would I go about restarting my account?(I play through steam)

    Side note: If the scrolls are important I hope the devs step on a lego for implementing this beginners trap..(Tis a joke no mad plz)

    submitted by /u/SonoBurd
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    Returning to a game that has long since outpaced you and burnout - some questions

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Hey, this is going to come out of left field and I'm sure it will be downvoted into the ground, but I wanted to ask some questions that have been gnawing at me for a while, but especially since the launch of Adele:

    -How do you stop yourself from getting those feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out) when you see people far and above your current state?

    -How do you prioritize what to work on next when everything feels so unbelievably far away from your current position?

    -How do you detach yourself from the idea of "falling behind" when you once held a position of status that has long since been forgotten?

    For personal context, I was someone who started the very moment Reboot began and played the game religiously from the very start. From there, I managed to maintain a status as one of the top players for my class (Dark Knight) and, while I wasn't the strongest, my attention shifted towards "racing" towards 250. The decision to do so was specifically due to a major event in my life - my dad's immediate, abrupt passing. In hindsight, I simply used MapleStory as a crutch to get myself through those times by telling myself I was going to be doing something incredibly monumental. There was drama, there was backstabbing, and the funny part is that even after reaching 250 pre-5th job training 0.5% an hour at Black Heaven as a Dark Knight, I was still made fun of for not being "front page" for Reboot despite putting 15 hours a day every single day for 6 months of absolutely GRUELING Nexon server crap. But through it all, I was still at the top of the game and was ahead of the curve, but it cost me an unbelievable burn out that lead me to despise the game for years on end.

    Fast forward 3 or so years and here we are, pandemic and all, and I come back. I'm enjoying myself, but I can't separate myself from comparing myself to the top players all the time. The more I dig and the more I plan, the more lofty the goals become and the more I find myself growing overwhelmed with the amount of catch up I still need to do. I even considered dropping my Dark Knight because I feel it's impossible I'll ever be able to get a decent foothold in the game anymore at this point, so my focus turned towards Adele. Three days layer, people are once again so far beyond reach and yet I can't help but compare myself to them, as if I'm falling behind too much to ever catch up again.

    At the current moment, just my daily routine is becoming so overbloated that I can't possible sustain it in any healthy capacity that will also let me enjoy the game. 3 sets of Arcane River dailies (DrK, Kanna, Adele), 1-3 sets of daily bosses, 3 sets of weekly bosses, Legion dailies, Maple Tour, 3 sets of coin capping, Monster Park, 2 sets of Commerci, Ursus... and yet if I want to effectively grind any character further at a decent pace without relying on totems, I'd also need to work on a Kishin mule, bringing Arcane River dailies to 4, Ursus to 2, Maple Tour to 2, Commerci to 3, coin capping to 4... it's become far too much.

    All of that before I can even start working on leveling Legion, or meso farming or leveling Adele, which I was considering to be my DrK's "replacement", if I can even find it in myself to separate myself entirely from something I poured so much of my being into in such a vulnerable time in my life.

    The problem isn't just the amount of dailies, but my own mentality towards the game, yet coming from a position where I was sitting on top of the world and returning when everyone and everything has moved on without me, it's so hard to separate myself from comparing towards the upper echelon. I don't want to burn out and quit because of this, so I guess I find myself asking the questions I raised at the start.

    I know this has been incredibly rambly, but if you read through the entire thing, then I thank you immensely and could really use insight at the moment.

    submitted by /u/Eikahe
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