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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    MapleStory Just let me forfeit this globe event quest

    MapleStory Just let me forfeit this globe event quest

    Just let me forfeit this globe event quest

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    This event had such a great potential to be a fun event but nexon just had to lock it behind grinding and rng AND "punish" you for not doing it.

    I'm working the entire day, I just want to come back home and train my character peacefully for the few spare hours I have but I'm stuck with these energy crystals dropping non stop from every mob and it spams my chat (or if I block it on my pet it fills the entire map) so I'm forced to do random stuff that are not fun and pointless and has really bad RNG if I want to get rid of these energy crystals.

    who the hell thought this would be a good mechanic for this event.

    edit : forgot to thank to all the people who are helping out with finding sources of globes and filling the sheet, you guys are the best

    submitted by /u/SuperStrangeName
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    Maple Globe Event has to be one of the worst RNG Events

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    Hi, I just want to Vent.
    I expected this event to be cute and fun, where you create your own snow globe especially during the holidays when a lot of players are rejoining for the Christmas season. Instead we are dealing with pets deciding to vomit crystals due to the Mandatory Three-Item-Per Rank up, Bugs for certain players globes not being able to rank up despite meeting the requirements, and above all.. the Abysmal RNG to acquire the globes.

    S-Rank Globes is already trouble enough, yet players are LEGIT struggling to get the common ranked items just to meet the requirements to Rank up. I, myself have been struggling and FUSTRATRATED as I spent 8 hours in Chapters 1, 4, 5 of Grand Athenauem just to get Primrose, which a lot of players apparently have been struggling to do as well. Players running DiPQ, Evo Lab, Ghost Park not being able to obtain the required globe so they can advance their rank. Meaning they are stuck for who knows how long until RNG allows them to not be time-gated.

    Whoever created this event, did not have players in mind. This is a disaster..

    submitted by /u/MrSoun
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    Spawn Enhancers and 2 PC Meta Discussion

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    This is probably a very controversial topic, but I think it's very important to talk about with the new Level 300 cap coming to GMS soon.

    Spawn enhancers are something that I think need to be discussed because of how they sway one whole aspect of the game (mobbing/training). While this thread may end up being pointless because it's just another thread talking about a substantial flaw in this game, it's still important for us to raise our voice and try to make a change.

    This thread will be in the perspective of both Regular servers and Reboot.

    With the Level 300 cap, I am noticing that people (particularly in Reboot, but there are also probably a couple of Regular server players with this goal) are beginning to level their Kanna mules (on a second PC) to Level 270. This is absolutely ridiculous that players feel the need to level a character they may not even enjoy to Level 270 on a second account. While spawn enhancers aren't absolutely required and you can train without them, the difference in EXP rates by having Kishin Shoukan/Wild Totem vs. not having it is very substantial to the point where you're severely limiting yourself by not having these. This gap is even larger with Frenzy Totems.

    It is very clear that Kanna is completely over-centralizing in this game with just Kishin Shoukan. Even without Kishin Shoukan, Kanna is in a very overpowered state currently (Spirit's Domain lasting 70 seconds and not scaling with INT, 15s bind with a 120s cooldown, Vanquisher's Charm being literally stronger than most 5th job burst skills and being affected by cooldown reset, Shikigami Haunting having a 5% FD Boost Node for some reason, etc), but this thread is only considering Kishin Shoukan's spawn increasing effect as well as other spawn enhancers like Wild Totem and Frenzy Totem.

    Kanna and Kishin Shoukan is the main reason that 2 PC meta is still a thing. Even after countless nerfs to Kishin Shoukan's spawn increasing effect, the difference between having spawn increase versus not having it is still too large.

    I know that KMS to GMS comparisons aren't always appreciated, but I think it's warranted for this discussion. KMS clearly doesn't like the idea of players feeling the need to play MapleStory on 2 (or more) PCs at the same time. This is why Bishop's Holy Symbol was adjusted to have its effect halved if the player moves too far away from the Bishop mule or moves to a different map. This also explains why the Decent Holy Symbol node was released, so players wouldn't feel the need of having a Bishop at Easy Empress on a second account to cast HS for them. Beast Tamer's Cat Mode is the only other case I want to mention in terms of 2 PC, but this is substantially less centralizing than Kishin Shoukan. It's not uncommon for people to have a Beast Tamer in Cat Mode on a second PC when training characters below Level 200. The reason that Beast Tamer Cat 2 PC isn't nearly as over-centralizing is because it's only needed for Level 200 and below. You will never need to have a 255+ Cat BT because at that point the player has access to Decent HS. Also, the BT will leech EXP and reduce meso gain since you have to be partied with the BT to gain the buffs. I guess in terms of consistency, Beast Tamer's Cat buffs (including Meow Card) should work like HS in that the effects of the buffs get halved or completely removed if you move too far away from the BT mule. Once again, BT Cat mules on a second PC are way less centralizing than Kanna 2 PC because BT mules are only viable for characters that are below Level 200 and they become a liability above Level 200 because they reduce your meso gain and EXP gain because you have to party with them.

    This part is probably very controversial because it's another GMS-KMS comparison, but I think it's important to mention because our service ultimately originates from the Korean service. Aside from feeling the need of having a Level 255+ Kanna on a second PC (in Reboot), all spawn enhancers create some problems in terms of the map designs our service gets from KMS along with increasing the mobbing gap between classes:

    • KMS creates all of their map layouts with their spawn timers in mind. Spawn enhancers in Overseas services are never considered when creating map designs. What this means is that there are generally more larger maps in the game than smaller maps. Especially in Arcane River, the maps are generally designed so that they are large enough so the player can rotate around the map and not have the wait for monsters to respawn. There are still some small maps created in KMS if the player would prefer to have an easier time training at the cost of having less EXP gain. The general rule of thumb is that training in large maps requires the player to be more actively engaged in their training, while the player doesn't need that much active engagement when training in small maps. in KMS, training more actively in large maps rewards the player with more EXP than training in small maps. This makes sense to me. If you put in more effort to your training by training in a large map then you should be rewarded with more EXP. This logic is completely reversed in GMS because of spawn enhancers. In GMS, putting less effort into your training by training in a smaller map with Kishin Shoukan/Wild Totem and especially Frenzy Totem rewards you with more EXP than training in larger maps and putting in more active effort to your training. This makes a lot of maps in GMS very bad because you have to put more effort by moving around only to make less EXP gain than training in a smaller map and not moving around that much. In other words, spawn enhancers decrease map variety, especially since KMS designs most of their maps to be large.
    • The gap in mobbing capability between classes is way larger in GMS because of spawn enhancers. Some classes just cannot keep up with the decreased spawn time (especially with Frenzy spawn) and as a result get very left behind in terms of EXP rates compared to other classes. One good example is Dark Knight. In KMS, Dark Knight is actually not that bad of a mobber because he can rotate maps pretty well. Another class to consider is Mechanic who is also pretty good at mobbing in KMS because she has a lot of map control with her robots and summons. in GMS though, Dark Knight becomes a lot worse at mobbing because he has a harder time keeping up with the decreased spawn time while Mechanic becomes excellent with both Kishin Shoukan spawn and Frenzy spawn. In other words, the gap between Dark Knight and Mechanic's mobbing is way larger in GMS than KMS. This is just one example but it applies to all classes.

    While the above reasons apply to both Kishin Shoukan spawn and Frenzy spawn, those reasons apply even more to Regular Servers where Frenzy Spawn makes the EXP/hour gap even larger between classes and also makes even less maps viable.

    I am personally on the boat that spawn enhancers should be removed from the game due to the above reasons (with the Starforce cost being reduced as well right away or shortly after to compensate), but it's still important to consider the state of the game if we do keep spawn enhancers. If we do keep spawn ehancers, Kishin Shoukan should have its spawn increasing effect removed and Wild Totems should become more accessible. Even with the existence of Wild Totems, the 1800RP cost combined with the monthly limit and forced 2 hour commitment explains why players in Reboot are starting to level their Kanna mules to Level 270. I don't know what to say except that GMS having players feel the need to level a Kanna to 270 due to the effect of one 3rd job skill is ridiculous and that something should be done before we get these new high level areas. The fact that the alternative to Kishin Shoukan (aside from owning a Frenzy Totem) is the Wild Totem is bad design. Wild Totem's must be used for 2 hours at a time, cost a lot of RP and are limited per month. The bad alternative to Kishin Shoukan is why players in Reboot are starting to level Kanna mules to 270.

    The 2PC meta mainly applies for Reboot because having a Kanna on a second PC in Regular Server is nowhere near as common, mainly due to the existence of Frenzy Totem. One of the reasons that removing all spawn enhancers is difficult is because of Frenzy Totem. This totem has an extremely high value and simply removing it's spawn increasing skill would result in an enormous uproar. This is probably one reason that Nexon is hesitating on removing spawn enhancers from the game. The owners of Frenzy Totems are usually the players who spend a lot of money on the game and removing Frenzy Totems with no proper compensation would create large problems. Even I'm not sure what compensation would match the removal of Frenzy Totem.

    Even with the current meso:maple point rates in Regular server and Frenzy Service essentially paying for itself, Frenzy Totem (along with Kishin Shoukan on Kanna) is still a very unhealthy item in this game for the same KMS to GMS comparisons mentioned above.

    But the big question in the end is whether this game will survive if all spawn enhancers are suddenly removed. Assuming that Frenzy Totems owners are somehow compensated appropriately, will this game survive? I say yes, but in a lot of uncertainty. I think players will adjust and the removal of the 2PC meta from this game would make this game a lot healthier than it is now simply because everyone will be placed on the same spawn timer and a second PC will no longer be required (aside from BT Cat Mode Pre-Level 200, which can be fixed by just applying the Holy Symbol rules to Cat buffs and Meow Card).

    I guess to conclude, Kishin Shoukan as a skill is incredibly unhealthy for this game even after all of its nerfs, especially since the alternative is a 1800RP, limited Wild Totem. Feeling the need to level a character you might not even like to an incredibly high level on a second account should not exist in any game even if it inflates player numbers. Spawn enhancers as a whole seem to go against the map designs of KMS and just widens the gap between classes in terms of mobbing capability. While MapleStory isn't a PVP game and as a result some people don't like comparing classes in this game, I think comparing classes is warranted in this case. Either remove Kishin Shoukan's spawn increasing effect and make Wild Totems more accessible or commit to the complete removal of all spawn enhancers in this game (Frenzy Totem's high value makes this second option very challenging).

    I'm sorry for this long thread, but it's important to discuss the state of spawn enhancers and 2 PC meta in this game and I hope there can be discussion on this and a potential response from the Community Managers (and hopefully Nexon) on their plans with this Kanna 2 PC meta and spawn enhancers as a whole. I think something should done about this before Level 300 and before the new Level 260, Level 265, and Level 270 areas are released, but I'm not very hopeful at all.

    Thank you.

    TLDR: Remove Kishin Shoukan's spawn increasing effect, either make Wild Totems more accessible or completely get rid all types of spawn enhancers in this game (Frenzy Totem included, but Frenzy Totem's value means that even I'm not sure how to compensate players that own Frenzy Totems, especially since players that own Frenzy Totems are usually players that spend a lot of money on this game).

    EDIT: For the most part there is very good discussion going on so thank you for that. I am sorry for bringing up such a controversial topic in this game. I am going to tag u/Infiniteus and u/CM_Ghiblee so that we could possibly have the view of the Community Managers. I am also going to request for this thread to be sticked if that's alright u/Zelkova. The topic on spawn enhancers in general is very important and there is pretty good discussion going on. Thank you.

    EDIT 2: I see that there are a lot of mixed opinions on spawn enhancers in this game, so I'd just like say that I hope everyone can still be nice to each other when discussing what they think.

    submitted by /u/RisingBeryl
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    Christmas background Commissions <3

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Ereve: Queens Garden Guitar Cover

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I created a website to calculate the best valuable boss intense crystal per week

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:21 AM PST

    My friend and I lazy about calculate boss income, so I create this to help ourselves, but even I've done with it, I still rather being a slacker. So, just enjoy it.

    Just pick the boss avatar which you can beat, and enter beat time you already consume, the result will show on the bottom! And I not sure Advance mode is helpful or not 🤔, it just helps user to record boss is beaten or not, open advance mode and clicks the whole boss line can trigger record and auto add beat time

    Maplestory Boss Crystal Calculator

    Source Code(Github)

    If you find any bug or spell mistakes, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/LeoLinYicun
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    Maple Globes can't be customized after the event ends

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:29 AM PST

    According to patch notes we can't customize them after January 8

    • You will have until January 8 at 11:59 PM UTC to finalize your globe customization using the UI even after the event ends.

    Please let us customize our globes permanently :(

    I want the legacy of me doing Ellinia jump quest to live on through my globe :(((

    Probably not gonna happen but worth a shot: https://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/29944/maple-globe-remove-customization-time-limit

    submitted by /u/energywolf
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    You know the droplet drop rate buff is actually good when

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    you're actually upset getting only 2 droplets in two hours

    submitted by /u/Jewnunu
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    Hi GMS , What are those????????

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Missing You (slime tree song) with lyrics!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:53 AM PST

    First solo cpap!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:14 PM PST

    First solo cpap!

    Honestly one of my least favorite bosses I've tried so far to solo. I will admit I stalled it for 2 minutes until 30 second of free dmg -> 10 second bind to clear most of its hp and I still managed 3 deaths before I took it down.


    19.8k main stat (so way stronger than needed)

    232% boss dmg

    95% ied


    submitted by /u/AnotherSheeple
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    Above the Treetops - Lith Harbor - Piano Tutorial

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:33 PM PST

    How do I level up my globe? I gathered 3 trees but I'm not sure what to do next

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    he is so pretty

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Not surprised just disappointed

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:30 AM PST

    I don't like having locked quests that I can't forfeit. I'd rather a clear window.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/Aurallius
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    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Every channel is full on that server making my hard work level 170 on Bera feel useless even though I hardly trade with other players. I mean how fun can it be and is it crowded like the old days?

    submitted by /u/Terrock56
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    Leaving a guild with a lot of contribution, should I be kicked instead?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Just wondering, is it better (for the guild) if someone leaves or if they are kicked by a guild (jr) master instead.

    submitted by /u/cudntfigureaname
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    For people who did DIPQ for poses

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Where does the pose come from exactly? Does it come from either of the boxes? Or does it automatically come inside your inventory? I have done several runs on my chars and haven't gotten any

    submitted by /u/Luvkingdom
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    Nexon is to giving.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Nexon is to giving.

    I only had a 5% chance to only gain two levels and lucky me I did it! grats to all those who only gained one level!


    submitted by /u/MapleGuy33
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:26 AM PST

    is it alright to apply a flame to an item before I've finished scrolling all its scroll slots?

    i think flaming affects icogs?
    so it's best to flame an item before you apply icog?

    submitted by /u/Kitchen-Quote7840
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    need help Kanna? what do a do?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Hey Mapleplayers I have been intruded to this game thru one of my friends and I really like it

    I pick Kanna for my first character and now I am stuck on a job advancement? after I hit lv 30 I cant see to figure out what to do? can u help me

    submitted by /u/Shade1321
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    Weapon Flames - Arcane Dagger

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:09 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out what is a decent weapon flame to settle at.

    From what I understand, people typically settle for T6 ATK flames + Boss damage. I rolled a 133ATK + 102Luk +36Str, +30dex flame on my Arcane Dagger. According to the flame calculator, this would be a Tier 6 ATK flame.

    Is there ever a scenario where I settle for the stats instead of the boss damage or should I continue rolling for a Tier 6+ ATK / Boss flame?.

    submitted by /u/TroIIedQQ
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    Petition not to have Ursus E Rank count as a clear.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:52 AM PST

    I'm so tired of losing out on Ursus gold because of the server lag causing me to either die upon spawn or having the other party members kill him too quickly. I know that it isn't on my end, because I have no issues handling other applications on my laptop. It would be really great if we didn't get punished by something we can't really control.

    submitted by /u/Tonails2
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