• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    MapleStory Nexon 2020 MapleStory Community Survey

    MapleStory Nexon 2020 MapleStory Community Survey

    Nexon 2020 MapleStory Community Survey

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Hi y'all!

    2020 is coming to an end soon. I've only been around for a few months, but Ghiblee and I are looking for feedback on the game community itself (not the game for this particular survey). We've also posted this survey on our official Discord/forum/Steam platforms.

    This survey isn't about in-game stuff, or customer support, but rather how your interactions have been with the rest of the MapleStory community members as well as Nexon's community team (Ghiblee, myself, to some extent the social team, and the VFMs) on places such as here and other community channels.

    There have been ups and downs on that front, and really we'd like to improve as your liaisons to the rest of the MapleStory team. While the subreddit isn't owned or ran by us, it's still an important source of discussions and feedback on topical matters whether good, bad, or meme that we check on daily. So we hope you guys can find a little bit of time to participate in the survey too to help us know what direction to move towards in 2021.

    As a reminder, this survey is not about game updates, game contents, game events, or customer support.

    Totally optional survey as well. We'll review form submissions (already over 600 at the time of this post) after we've returned from holiday recess a few days into the new year on January 4th. The form will also close at that time.

    Check out the survey here.

    Thank you Maplers, and have a safe and happy holidays. ( ´ ▽ ` )

    submitted by /u/Infiniteus
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    Merry Mapledays Event Hidden Mission

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Found this blog article on how to obtain the Plush Winter Hoodie Coupon for the Christmas event. Apparently this was for the Christmas event last year in KMS. But things could change still.

    Original Article

    Basically you need the Maple World's Santa Mount to travel around Maple World to talk to 20 different NPCs in order to complete the hidden mission:

    1. Henesys: Pia
    2. Ellinia: Anne
    3. Perion: Ayan
    4. Kerning City: Icarus
    5. Lith Harbor: Puro
    6. Sleepy Wood: Mike
    7. Sleepy Wood - Silent Swamp: Ronnie
    8. Orbis: Moppie
    9. Orbis - Orbis Park: Elma the Housekeeper
    10. El Nath: Alcaster
    11. Ludibrium - Eos Tower 100th Floor: Olson the Toy Solider
    12. Korean Folk Town: Seolie
    13. Korean Folk Town - Small Well: God of Mountains
    14. Aquarium: Kenta
    15. Leafre: Pam
    16. Mu Lung: Mr. Do
    17. Ariant: Ardin
    18. Ariant: Jiyur
    19. Magatia: Humanoid A
    20. Edelstein: Ulrika

    glhf :)

    Clarification 1: You need to be on the mount while talking to the NPCs

    Clarification 2: You need to talk to Jiyur and Ardin in Ariant: The Town of Ariant

    Update 1: I got the hoodie myself too! It's exactly the same NPCs in the list you need to talk to. Happy mapling guys!

    Update 2: You can always refer to the screenshots in the article when you're not sure. :)

    submitted by /u/luterzj
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    Something for the lore enthusiasts (maybe)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:51 PM PST

    I haven’t logged on GMS in over half a decade. Today, I came back and Frederick notified me to retrieve my mesos. The fee? 100% :(

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:37 AM PST

    Just made my blaster. This is the way.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:53 AM PST

    she doesn't know what a candycane is (merry xmas)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    This new Legion Arena looking dope!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST

    Von Potion in minigames never ceases to amuse

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:55 PM PST

    Merry Christmas everyone !! xD

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:13 AM PST

    The "Who should I tera burn" megathread ---- Mech, Mihile, Phantom, Mercedes, or your new main.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    TL;DR tera burn a mech, mihile, phantom, mercedes, or your new main.

    My personal ranked suggestion for noobs, unrelated to the opinions of the OG guide author.

    1) Mechanic - 20% buff duration legion passive will end up doing a lot of heavy lifting for you, especially in the end game. This class is a real pain in the ass to level to 200.
    2) The class you want to Main - Fun takes precedent to everything else, and you can delete your tera burn character to select a different one. Deleting a character takes 24 hours though.
    3) Mihile - if your main does not have 100% stance, then you will want a 210 Mihile for the stance link skill. Also annoying to level.
    4) Mercedes - Link skill gives bonus exp and legion gives cooldown reduction. Both will be forever useful. Leveling this class is either fun or frustrating to a given player with no middle ground.
    5) Phantom - Legion gives %meso which will be very useful for endgame farming, Link gives a big chunk of crit which is a huge dps boost for newer players who don't have enough legion to fill out to 100% crit.

    Aran and Evan are also OK choices as their links help with leveling new characters, although they don't help as much as Mercedes does. People tend to opt to use regular burns on these as the benefit isn't worth the opportunity cost.

    This entire guide is shamelessly stolen from u/shrimpstation and then slightly modified by myself for the current patch.


    Hi guys, I notice that whenever there is a burning event there is a huge influx of people asking who to burn. So here is a guide on what class to level for tera burning, not how to power level/where to train. Suggestions of additions or edits especially in the legion area and top 5 picks are welcome!

    What makes a character good to burn?

    Generally burns are considered best for characters you find annoying or difficult to level. Since a tera burn goes to 200 as opposed to 150 for regular burning, it's a good time to get a character to 210 for the 3rd level link skill. There are also characters with good legion bonuses at 200 that are an alternative especially if you already have your main link characters. You may also be interested in making your main or 2nd main. There may be extra bonuses for getting past level 200 so getting a 210 link skill character is recommended. You cannot burn the newest characters or Zero.

    If you want a main, second main, etc: Burn whatever you want.

    I don't care about bonuses I just want the biggest pains to level:

    Blaster (if you are concerned about your hands due to tendonitis etc), Buccaneer, Dual Blade, Hero, Marksman, Mechanic, Mercedes

    Classes in italics are difficult to level but they are explorers and you can use other explorers (example: dark knight) and get a job change coin to change into the class you want (hero). Job change coins are easy to get in events. Mechanic has significantly better mobility now as of the AWAKE patch, but is still clunky to handle

    All classes with 210 link skills (and the 210 effect), and the level 200 legion bonus if it's good:

    Angelic Buster - 60% damage for 10 seconds, 90s cooldown

    Aran - Combo Kill Orb 900%, Bonus good legion - chance to recover 8% HP with each attack

    Arc - up to 16% damage for attacking continuously

    Beast Tamer - Crit 10%, boss 10%, HP/MP 5%, Bonus good legion - 5% IED*

    Demon Avenger - 15% damage, Bonus good legion - 5% boss

    Demon Slayer - 20% boss

    Evan - Rune EXP Duration 70%*, Bonus decent legion - chance to recover 8% MP with each attack*

    Kaiser - 20% HP

    Luminous - 20% IED

    Mercedes - 20% EXP, Bonus good legion - skill cooldown 5%

    Mihile - 100% stance 130 seconds, 3 minute cooldown, Bonus decent legion - +2000 HP

    Phantom - 20% crit rate, Bonus good legion - Meso obtained 4%

    Top 5 Tera Burns for link skill:

    Beast Tamer, Evan, Mercedes, Mihile, Phantom

    Although Beast Tamer is not too hard to level, it is only available for creation occasionally, and its good link skill and legion still make it a good choice.

    Classes with good legion bonuses that can be hard to level, their legion bonus at 200, and the level 2 link skill if it's good/decent:

    Blaster - 5% IED*, bonus good link - invincibility after death (2/8 levels)

    Corsair - 10% summon duration*

    Hayato - 5% crit damage, bonus decent link - +15 all stat, +15 Wep/magic attack

    Jett - 5% crit damage, bonus good link - random stat bonuses

    Marksman - 4% crit rate

    Mechanic - 20% buff duration, bonus good link - invincibility after death (2/8 levels)

    Night Lord - 4% crit rate, bonus good link - increased damage when an abnormal status is inflicted (2/6 levels)*

    Shade - 5% crit damage

    Zero - you can't burn zero so don't worry about it.

    Top 5 Tera Burns for Legion:

    Corsair, Hayato, Mechanic, Shade, Blaster (if you are worried about your wrists)

    Corsair is an explorer pirate so you can grind Cannoneer to 200 and then use a job advancement coin instead.


    * IED is calculated oddly; you basically want a few big singular sources as opposed to lots of small ones. With the crusader codex gone and familiars disabled in GMS however, the usual large chunks of IED are missing. You can get a maximum of 12% IED from attacker bonuses but 40% IED from the actual board, basically for beginners lumi IED > Legion IED.

    *Evan's link skill currently buffs both the EXP effect and the specific effect, but this was changed in the RISE patch to just the EXP effect.

    * Hayato's link and Evan's legion are not considered good for endgame but can be useful for training mules. Evan especially as familiars are currently disabled and healing familiars may be harder to get from now on.

    * Corsair legion is sometimes not considered useful as many summons have 100% uptime but with kishin cooldown added this may become more useful. It also applies to soul weapon summons such as Lucid. I main Kanna and putting down Yaksha every 30 seconds is annoying.

    * Explorer thief link may not seem good at first but synergizes with explorer mage (applies a debuff to enemies including bosses.)

    submitted by /u/Aether_Storm
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    Snowglobe event in a nutshell

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:11 PM PST

    omg guys I’m f2p and tdy I finally soloed lotus :’)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Never noticed the lion's cape

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:27 PM PST

    Codebreaker minigame guide

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:33 PM PST

    I usually get it within 6, 4 or 5 if I'm lucky, 7 if super unlucky, so I thought I'd write up a guide.

    d=delta, x=x, o=o

    Generally speaking, if you get a d or o, you want to assume the first number is correct and try it out, and use process of elimination. It's hard to explain verbally, so I felt that picking some random numbers with a rng and working through each one would be most useful


    1. Start with, 123: 1d

    2. Assume 1 is d and check 4 and 5, move 1 to check place, 415: 1d

    3. Assume 1 is d, check 6 and 7, move 1, 671: x. 1 eliminated

    4. Assume 2 and 4 are d, check 8, move 2 and 4, 248: 2d. At this point, 2 and 4 cannot both be in the 3rd slot, so one is incorrect. Our choices are 2, 5, 8 or 3, 4, 8.

    5. 2 is 3rd, 5 and 8 are 1st and 2nd, unknown order. 582 OOO

    6. Now, a lot of assumptions were made, and I'm sure you're wondering, what if it were 852 instead? Everything up 582 would be the same but 582 would be 1o2d instead. 852 OOO

    But what if we were unlucky and it was 3 all along?


    1. 123 1o

    2. 145 1d. we know it's not 1

    3. Assume 2 and 4, move 4, check 6, 426 x. Now we know it's 3 and 5

    4. I would guess 583 here, moving 5, checking 8, keeping 3.


    1. 123 1d

    2. 415 1d

    3. 671 x. 1 eliminated

    4. 248 1o

    5. 259 1d. 2 is eliminated, options are 3, 4, 9 or 3, 5, 8. However, it cannot be 3, 4, 9 because 4 has to be in the middle and 3 and 9 cannot both be in the 3rd slot.

    6. 538 OOO

    As you can see, the early 1o made a big difference

    Let's try some more examples


    1. 123 1d

    2. Assume 1 is d, check 45, 415 1o1d

    3. Assume 614 2d

    4. 471 2o

    5. 481 2o

    6. 491 OOO


    1. 123 1o

    2. 145 1o1d

    3. 164 2o

    4. 174 OOO


    1. 123 x

    2. 456 1o

    3. 478 1d

    4. 759 2o. There is no way considering the past results for 7 to be the first number. 75? and nothing can fill the 3rd slot. 7?9 and nothing can fill the 2nd slot.

    5. 859 OOO


    1. 123 1d

    2. 415 1o

    3. 617 2o

    4. 618 OOO


    1. 123 2o

    2. 124 1o

    3. 153 1o. We know it's ?23

    4. Check 67 by using a wrong one, 617 (if 1d, we know it's 7. If 1o we know it's 6) x

    5. Check 8, 823 OOO

    6. If it were 923, we would have an extra step here.


    1. 123 1d

    2. 415 1o

    3. 617 x

    4. 482 x

    5. I would guess 395 here

    6. If it were 935, this would be the extra step

    I know it's not the best guide, but hopefully the code minigame makes more sense if you've been following along and understand the logic I am using.

    If you're still confused, or have other what if questions, I'll try to respond.

    submitted by /u/werq34ac
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    Dominator v. Reinforced?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I was wondering why Dominator is BiS over Reinforced. Reinforced seems to have slightly better stats, and if you have a 2 set effect from the ring it seems Reinforced definitely edges out Dominator. Is it literally just because Dominator gets way better flames?

    submitted by /u/breannachtnaheirann
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    Ancient Astra on Pathfinder?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:31 AM PST

    I can only use ancient astra burst and not torrent or deluge for some reason. I was able to use torrent once on accident doing the same thing as burst but I wasn't sure how that happened.

    submitted by /u/Terrock56
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    Can someone explain how Lumi's Liberation Orb V skill works

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:40 PM PST

    I just hit 5th job on my Luminous but this is a confusing skill. Idk how it works. I pop it and use random light and dark skills and sometimes a ring of blue/purple balls shoot towards enemies once.

    Is that really it?

    submitted by /u/priscilla_halfbreed
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    so i heard people thought hoyoung was a difficult class

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Megaburnt Merc and now I'm regreting

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Lvling her to 210 is really a pain in ass.. I'm considering to delete her and teraburn one instead, but I'm afraid its not worth it :(

    submitted by /u/Yvon_H
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    I haven’t logged on GMS in 10 years...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    I'm downloading right now and I'm extremely anxious! I used to merchant a lot back before pre-bb! Are rare items and collectibles still a thing?

    Looking forward to meeting everyone again! (Scania)

    submitted by /u/NetworkBlogging
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    LF Friends

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:47 PM PST

    Just got back into maplestory the past couple of weeks and wanted some friends to party with! I'm on the reboot server and have a DB, but recently am trying out Zero for the first time.

    I also have discord! c:

    submitted by /u/SENDN00DZZ
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    mage flame stat equivalent

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:58 AM PST

    for flames on gollux equipment, I know there's certain equivalences
    like 1%all stat = 8 INT

    how much INT is 1 mattk equivalent to ?

    submitted by /u/Kitchen-Quote7840
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    Inner Ability Rolling Question

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:54 AM PST

    I main a cannoneer and read everywhere how important the +1 attack speed inner is. I rolled to legendary and got 38 buff duration on line two. This seems pretty beneficial so i rolled a few more times with that locked but didn't get anything else worth mentioning. My question is, should I keep rolling with honor with the buff duration locked? Or should I just abandon it and use circulators? Pretty new to the game so I apologize if this is an easy answer, thanks for your time.

    Reboot btw

    submitted by /u/Kid_Polygon
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    Any tips for Arcana kanna ?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    So I recently started off with Adele (Parked at 210 doing dailies)

    And my 2nd Terra Burn with Kanna (Aiming for Arcana Kanna)

    and I have 141 aran for Link and Legion

    So Here are the ways I think it would help me to get my kanna to KO Arcana Mobs.

    1. Doing dailies for both Kanna and Main both at 210

    2. after dailies are done, work on legion and Link ( aiming for all Link that I need)

    3. now.. whats next??

    I just wanna have arcana kanna asap..

    Are there any tips for new players like me ?

    Please give me any knowhows or tips that you have to help me to get faster on reaching arkanna

    Thank you so much !

    submitted by /u/AintEazyMe
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    Arcana Farmer Hyper Stat

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:30 AM PST

    Which hyper stats should I put my points into for an arkanna? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Chikacrets
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