• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    MapleStory I saw an orange shroom and a slime, so I raise you a coolie zombie. The tattoo is over 10 years old. Lol

    MapleStory I saw an orange shroom and a slime, so I raise you a coolie zombie. The tattoo is over 10 years old. Lol

    I saw an orange shroom and a slime, so I raise you a coolie zombie. The tattoo is over 10 years old. Lol

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:49 PM PST

    [GMS Bera] 1 year of F2P solo progression

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:46 PM PST

    [GMS Bera] 1 year of F2P solo progression


    Ringing in the new year, I thought I'd take the time to share some of the progress I've made over the 12 months as a F2P Bowmaster in GMS Bera. This post isn't intended as a step-by-step guide, nor is it intended to be a perfectly optimized template on how to progress as a F2P player. I'm not here to justify or overanalyze my gains – rather I hope to add a little more detail to the already wide collection of F2P guides out there. I encourage anyone reading this to have patience with yourself and slowly learn how to navigate all the newer systems in this game so that you don't burn out. The beauty (and curse) of this complexity lies in the freedom to choose how you want to play it.

    Since this might warrant repeating, this is non-reboot GMS.

    A little background info:

    Came back for a couple months in 2016, got to level 200 with a fafnir, quit, then came back again for round two in late 2019. There is no denying that the current state of the game can be somewhat overwhelming. So, I opened up a spreadsheet and started charting my dailies, gear progression, meso earnings, and cubing for the past year. Once I set it up, it wasn't particularly difficult to fire up the sheet to jot down a few sales or cubing results while I played the game.

    Though I play pretty consistently, I was also a full-time student, and now I work full time. Most weekdays I'd play for 3-4 hours, weekends more, some days not at all. During Astral Blessings I grinded on Celestial Surge for 4 hours per day. Now I play around 2-3 hours per day to complete dailies and run bosses with my friends.

    Within that period, I took a 3-month break and missed the entirety of the Pixel Anniversary event. My definition of F2P is not using real money as a way to advance my character. I obtained, cubed, scrolled, and starforced all of my equips, with no carries. With the exception of 2 clean absolab equips which I asked a guildmate to exchange their S cores for me. I consider the mid-game to be normal Lotus, Damien, and Lucid.

    For those that may be just returning to the game, are a casual lurker, or are just curious about what it takes to break into the mid-game in GMS Bera, I hope that my journey is helpful in some shape or form. Cheers to all those keeping up the grind in the new year.

    Stats at start of year (January 1, 2020) Current stats (January 2, 2021)
    Level 2xx Level 250
    DEX 7807, did not jot down other stats Unbuffed: DEX 26051 (26K), IED 92, DMG 62, BOSS 162, CRIT DMG 38
    AF 200 AF: 1160
    Window Range (with Reckless Hunt) 844694-993756 (845K-994K) Window Range (with Reckless Hunt): 6718542-7904167 (6.7M to 7.9M)
    Dojo ?? Dojo F45-46
    Legion: Less than 1K Legion: 3059

    Normal Damien Solo

    January 1, 2021 Normal Damien Solo

    Making Mesos

    I only started tracking my meso earnings in July 2020, so in the 6 months between then and now, I earned a little over 51 billion mesos. The table (linked below) is pretty self-explanatory. I managed to obtain a steady stream of mesos from a variety of common sources, though a significant chunk of my earnings came from tiering and selling unique or legendary gollux, sweetwater, and absolab equips. Wonderberries I purchased via meso market maple points, and the (disappointing) results I resold in the AH.

    I did not do Maple Tour and Ursus everyday, though these are great dailies to earn a steady income. I purchased one Maple Tour piggy bank and am currently collecting from a second. I was surprised by the amount that I earned just selling boss crystals.

    I don't claim to be a market expert: I don't think I've done anything special or completely optimized all the sources that I could possibly earn mesos from. But everything adds up, and everyone will have their own ideas on how to corner a small niche of the market. I know some people have found value in selling harvested herbs and ores. Some consistently craft and sell flames. There is a lucrative market in selling Mu Lung Honor EXP. Familiar merching is also an underrated but niche source of funds. For those that are just starting, the auction house opens up many opportunities - some obvious and some not – for earning mesos.

    I have not touched meso farming gear as of yet, but the current economy now makes meso farming viable in non-reboot servers.

    Upgrading Gear

    I started the year with a Relay Absolab and a few unique equips that I had tiered before using event unique scrolls or regular MCC / meisters. My emblem and secondary I tiered to legendary in the December 2019 DMT. The biggest tier-up gains came from the July 4, 2020 DMT – though I tiered up some other items in the recent months via event meister packs and monthly black cubes.

    I don't believe my equips at the start of the year are out of the realm for what a new player can achieve. It's not impossible to break 400-500k range at level 200 with 70% traced gear, a few 30% thrown in, and a couple of lucky uniques. Tyrants are still acceptable but there are other options, and dimension gloves are now outdated. With plenty of ways to get occult cubes and epic potential scrolls, new players should aim for all epic gear, cubed to 6%-9% main stat to at least hit some respectable numbers.

    The arcane weapon was my most expensive purchase and the biggest gain of the year once I 15% traced and cubed it to legendary. Thankfully, the price of arcanes have drastically dropped in the latter half of 2020 – so it's easier than ever to purchase a weapon. Starforcing it to a respectable level is another issue altogether.

    Progression and State of the Game

    Window-range is a helpful, but incomplete measure of progression. With legion, link skills, arcane symbols, boost nodes, and familiars, the best way to think about progression now is in layers – each system is overlaid over the next and must not be ignored in order to get stronger. Some people work on one thing at a time, some people develop them all at once. This is the time-gated nature of Maple today, and there are no easy ways around it.

    That being said, it is unquestionably easier now than it was before to progress to mid-game in non-reboot GMS servers. I won't sugar coat the length of time that it may take any given player to get there. Both non-reboot and reboot servers reward consistency, and the game also, in my opinion, unfairly punishes newer players compared to those that have played over the years (see pottable badges, dark totems, epic familiars, hellux).

    Fritto and Inferno Wolf portals are a relatively "newer" source of MCCs / Meisters that did not exist before. Similarly, daily boss cubes, elite boss treasure boxes, and monthly RP cubes are relatively easy to access for those looking to tier up and improve their gear. Finally, the meso market is now a legitimate way of accessing the Maple Points necessary to purchase additional packs of CS red, black, and bpot cubes.

    Many people, myself included, will tell you that taking advantage of events and event shops will help you more than anything. This is true, though the current coin-capping meta means that capping on at least two characters (1 main, 1 mule) is seemingly necessary and encouraged to get the most out of each event.

    With the v.213 revamp, hellux – a significant source of my funding – is now out of reach for many newer players. I can't comment on the current viability of solo-progressing to hard gollux (where coins start to drop), so I sympathize with anyone seeking hellux carries to obtain the coins necessary to purchase and scroll superior gollux equips. You will unlock the mid-game faster than I did if you can find a consistent gollux carry.

    What's Next

    30K and 35K stat thresholds are possible. Currently working my way up the boss list. And casually prepping for the 255 grind so that I can say that I'm at least superficially prepared for a BM run in the far future. At the moment, trying to finish off my symbols, saving up for the next cubing event, and doing weekly bosses with the guildies.

    I am planning on using a large chunk of my funds to complete meso % gear so that I can add some consistent meso farming to the mix.

    The main barriers to the rest of my progression are bpots, starforcing past 17*, and prime scrolling gear. The starforce issue has already been talked about at length so I won't add to that other than to agree with the sentiment that most average players will be unable to go beyond 17* without some changes to the economy or to the system itself.

    And finally on a philosophical note - with the nDamien solo and boss parties with my guild I'm pretty satisfied with where I am now. The constant goal shifting and grind to 300 does not appeal to me, and neither does the new authentic symbol system (really, that's all the creativity they can muster? more symbols?) - though I know that there is solace to be found in the grind. Who knows, I never envisioned that I would make it to 250, yet here we are.

    Hopefully I'm around in the next 12 months to see what's next!

    Meso Table and Gear Comparison


    Thanks for the read, and all the best to you in your adventures.

    submitted by /u/mstat103
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    My Orange Mushroom Tattoo by @arielisgood

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    My Weapon is a Red-Head

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:49 PM PST

    buff buff freezers lel

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:06 PM PST

    A nice beginning to 2021, it was a long journey

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Cake guild pic ���� (GMS Aurora)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:23 PM PST

    Let's talk the financial state of GMS for (the most of) 2020

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:51 AM PST

    There has been a lot of talk about how GMS is doing financially for Nexon and how the game is either dead or dying. I've also seen a lot of things being thrown around with no real sources or with a vague explanation of information.

    /u/DingusMcButtFace's comment and /u/gummby8's comment in particular got me interesting in this subject so I did some digging through Nexon's financial reports and presentations.

    Warning: Huge wall of text.

    All of the documents I reference and more can be found at https://ir.nexon.co.jp/en/library/result.html.

    DISCLAIMER: I do not have a business or finance background. All of this information was found either in the previous link, by using various search engines, or some vague things I learned in low level economics classes. I may have misinterpreted some information or just plain got things wrong so please feel free to correct me.

    Let's start with some surface level information, Nexon's stock prices (source) have been steadily increasing and are currently at the highest it's ever been since 2011 by a pretty significant margin. However this is Nexon as a whole and doesn't say much about NexonNA/EU or GMS.

    Worth noting before we get to the meat of the information: Nexon owns and operates Maplestory Japan, Maplestory Global, and Maplestory Korea. Maplestory China, Maplestory Taiwan, and MaplestorySEA are owned and operated by other companies.

    Q1 2020 [Presentation] [Report]
    Maplestory sees a 132% year-over-year growth on PC. Unclear whether this is referring to KMS, GMS, JMS, or all regions combined. In NA/EU Maplestory sees an increase in revenue year-over-year but that gain was offset by decreases in revenue in Choices: Stories You Play, Darkness Rises, and AxE, all mobile titles.
    In the region "Rest of World" ("Rest of World" includes other Asian countries as well as central and south American countries) Maplestory's revenue also sees an increase in year-over-year revenue.

    Q2 2020 [Presentation] [Report]
    Maplestory sees a 173% year-over-year revenue growth in NA/EU and a 217% increase in "Rest of World". Again, revenue from Maplestory (and Choices: Stories You Play) has increased but was more than offset by losses in other IPs that NexonNA/EU publish, resulting in a total revenue decrease year-over-year for this period.
    In the forecasts for NA/EU in the next fiscal quarter Nexon expects year-over-year growth with the main reason given being Maplestory's growth and momentum. Mobile games KartRider Rush+ and V4 are also mentioned.

    Q3 2020 [Presentation] [Report]
    Maplestory sees a 178% year-over-year revenue growth in NA/EU and 165% revenue growth in "Rest of World". NA/EU saw a total revenue increase year-over-year primarily driven by Maplestory. In "Rest of World", revenue also saw a year-over-year growth but was driven primarily by the mobile releases of KartRider Rush+ and V4, Maplestory contributing less than the other two titles.
    Revenue in NA from 1 January, 2020 to 30 September, 2020 went up 1.4% year-over-year with a segment loss of ¥1,009 million compared to ¥4,231 million for the months of January 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019.
    Again, forecasts for NA/EU in the next fiscal quarter expect Maplestory's year-over-year growth to continue. The mobile title V4 is the only other title mentioned in the forecast.

    Now let's take a look at the actual revenue numbers in the Q3 Consolidated Financial Results report.

    Note: If someone more knowledgeable could take a look at section 9 and let me know the difference between the charts in 9.b and 9.c, that would be great.

    The following numbers are in units of Millions of Yen(¥).

    The not-as-important parts:
    January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020:
    Revenue in NA totaled 3,858. PC revenue is 25.5% (984) of the total while 70.7% (2,728) is from mobile. NA reported a segment loss of 461.
    Comparing these with the numbers from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020, PC revenue increased by 4.127% (945 to 984) and the segment loss decreased by 200.4% (1,385 to 461).

    April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020:
    Revenue in NA totaled 4,703. PC revenue is 27.02% (1,271) of the total while 69.45% (3,266) is from mobile. NA reported a segment loss of 102.
    Comparing these with the numbers from April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019, PC revenue increased by 28.8% (987 to 1,271) and the segment loss decreased by 1,481.4% (1,613 to 102).

    July 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020:
    Revenue in NA totaled 4,220. PC revenue is 37.2% (1,570) of the total while 61.54% (2,597) is from mobile. NA reported a segment loss of 446.
    Comparing these with the numbers from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019, PC revenue increased by 59.1 (987 to 1,570) and the segment loss decreased by 176.5% (1,233 to 446).

    The important part:
    January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020:
    Revenue in NA totaled 12,979. PC revenue is 29.5% (3,825) of the total while 66.2% (8,591) is from mobile. NA reported a segment loss of 1,009.
    Comparing these with the numbers from January 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019, PC revenue increased by 31.0% (2,919 to 3,825) and the segment loss decreased by 319.3% (4,231 to 1,009).

    The reason why I made the previous note about the different charts:
    If we follow the chart in 9.b, NA made up 2.46% of total PC revenue and is the 2nd largest PC market for Nexon following Korea. If we follow the chart in 9.c, NA/EU made up 2.20% of total PC revenue and is the 2nd smallest PC market for Nexon ahead of Japan.

    Why is there no data for the rest of 2020?

    Nexon hasn't released the reports for Q4 2020 as of writing this post. Going off of previous years, it should be released sometime around mid-February 2021. I may update this post or create a new one using the new data if I remember.

    So what can we take away from this data?

    Compared to Korea, the revenue from the PC market in NA/EU is indeed small (93.8% in KR compared to 2.46% in NA). However this amount isn't insignificant for a company as big as Nexon, GMS even less so. Seeing as GMS seems like the biggest moneymaker for NexonNA/EU's PC market by a significant margin, I highly doubt they would be so quick to "pull the plug" as so many redditors put it. GMS has seen growth for pretty much all of 2020, whether that will last we will have to see.

    That being said the PC market for NA/EU is considerably smaller than the mobile market, so those comments about GMS being low on the ladder of things that are important to Nexon aren't unsubstantiated.

    This post isn't meant to talk about how well or poorly Nexon is managing GMS. I wrote this post because I wanted more people to get accurate information in a way that's (hopefully) easier to digest than a lengthy report filled with finance jargon.

    We live in the Era of Information, which unfortunately includes misleading and false information. Let's try to curb that habit of echoing some random statement you read on the internet, that's just as bad as that one uncle/aunt/cousin/friend on Facebook you blocked years ago because they kept sharing some weird stuff.

    Thanks for reading this entire thing, or at least taking the time to at least read the last blurbs of this post. Again, I might have gotten things wrong so please correct me or ask for clarifications.


    Year-over-year increase/decrease: How much revenue has grown or declined compared to the same period of the previous year, i.e. January 1, 2020 - March 30, 2020 vs. January 1, 2019 - March 30, 2019.
    Segment loss/profit: Total loss or profit from revenue by one component of a company
    Revenue: Income generated before expenses are taken out

    Edit: Some formatting
    added a missing line(s) from my draft
    added index
    reformatted some information to hopefully make it easier to read

    submitted by /u/throwingmapleaway
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    I noticed someone post their orange mushroom tattoo, I raise you this meme!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:24 PM PST

    KMS Black Mage 6 min speedrun

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:16 PM PST

    Reboot Servers Aren't Very Mihile Friendly

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:33 AM PST

    Globe event ends on Jan 5th? No more crystal drop after that?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:42 AM PST

    I just realized I still need 500 crystals to lvl up my globe chair to lv11 to unlock music. And there is only 2 days left!!! Means I will be short on 100 crystals by Jan 5th. I was stuck on poses for many days because ghost park and eco lab refused to drop a pose for me. The drop rate was so bad I think if I used the time to farm I would get at least 5 droplets instead....so I only unlocked the next lvl when nexon gave the "sit" pose for logging in for 10 days. I got that pose the first day it was available and now I think I'm not gonna unlock "music" for my globe after All that hard work I put it into. I feel so sad. Why did nexon release a poop event like this? Not to mention nexon still owns me a gift because maplexmas was bugged on the last day...

    submitted by /u/Fiesteh
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    Yo shout out to me for not realising you had to hit Gollux's heart to get drops

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:32 AM PST

    As title suggested, just wanted to give a big shout out to myself for not realising you had to hit Gollux's heart at the end to get the drops, for an embarrassingly long time.

    submitted by /u/sparkey67890
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    took me 8 month from 200 legion levels to 6k

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:34 AM PST

    Snowy Village - El Nath - Piano Arrangement

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Aran 5th job skills

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:32 PM PST

    I have some node shards that I want to use to craft 5th job skills for Aran. Any ideas on the ordering of what skills I should max out first? I think I should max out Fenrir Crash first but not sure if it is the best since Maha's Fury gives % attack power.

    submitted by /u/luminuance
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    Need help deciding between BattleMage and Illium

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:59 AM PST

    I know this is a tired question on this subreddit but I need some help. I've been thinking of making a mage side character and have boiled my choices down to two characters Illium and Battlemage.

    Just to be clear, I find both to be fun to play

    But my experience for these classes only go up to their 4th job and to go further into 5th job and higher (levels) would require a significant investment.

    I would be happy to play both of them but I rather have 1 good characters than 2 half baked ones, plus money and nodestone reserve isn't infinite.

    My question is how do each of them contrast with each other in terms of just general gameplay? Mobbing? Bossing/damage? Bossing/Support? Carpal tunnel city or paper weight gameplay? High funding class? etc

    If anyone has some experience with these two classes at a mid-high level please let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/groundonrage
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    Do you buy Arcane Weapon with Lucid or Will coins?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:55 AM PST

    What coins do I should I use to purchase a Arcane Weapon? From what I understood its much more efficient to buy the weapon with will coins, but currently I have 3 Lucid Droplets and 59 Arcane Droplets, and only 1 origin sea droplet since I am only lvl 235 I can't do Will yet So should I just aim for an Arcane Weapon fron the Lucid coin shop?

    submitted by /u/HeroPlane
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    what the hell is wrong with this game

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:33 AM PST

    Anyother training spots than chu chu island for 210

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:54 PM PST

    I hate chu chu island with a passion and i'd love to train somewhere else, so anyone know anyother good spots?

    submitted by /u/ripsa_pauli
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    Yu Garden Epic Pots

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    I know the NPC spawns at random times during the day, Has anyone seen him lately or is it bugged?

    submitted by /u/jrra19
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    Maple Fix.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    If you were to fix something in MapleStory... what would you touch at? Can be anything!

    submitted by /u/DerpHunter1
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    Shade or Kinesis?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:47 PM PST

    having a hard time picking between Shade and Kinesis >< i feel like Shade is my class but I don't like how they farm.

    is there a way to lower the cooldown on "spirit flow"? I feel like with that up more often farming is better

    I feel like the kinesis's damage is greater and better in mobbing and bossing (damage wise) I think the Shade is better for not dying also I like not having to worry about buffing

    submitted by /u/Stabby_n1
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    Stuck on Information Dealer's Request 2

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:12 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I've been stuck on this quest and tried asking people in the game but no one has responded to me ): Does anyone know where I can get or how to get Red Moon Glove??

    I would appreciate any help

    submitted by /u/moniicakez
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